X-Ray diffraction analysis for DNA helix patterns
Paper instructions:
The paper will discuss the topic in detail as it pertains to the criminal justice profession and its integration
with the forensic sciences. Since forensic science evaluations are rooted in honesty and integrity, your
paper will integrate how the topic relates to the Saint Leo core value of Integrity.
In addition, students are to provide one case example (criminal or civil) supporting or debating the validity
of the topic. The paper must reference two scholarly journal sources (i.e., peer-reviewed scholarly journal
articles) as well as one textbook, of which the course text is allowed. All sources must be properly cited
both in the body of the paper and on a separate “References” page per APA requirements.
Papers will include a header (i.e., the shortened title of paper and page number) and be double-spaced
using 12-point Times New Roman font with one-inch margins.
It is expected that the student will devote a great deal of initiative toward producing a quality product
worthy of the high academic standards established at Saint Leo University. This research paper will
represent 15% of the final course grade.
The paper will be evaluated based on the following criteria:
a. Thoroughness: How extensively does the paper develop the issue? Does the student show depth
and understanding of the subject, or is the analysis superficial? Does the paper clearly identify its
focus and logically analyze and discuss the topic?
b. Scholarly quality: Does the assignment meet acceptable college level standards with respect to
form and substance (APA)? Are the ideas presented in a clear, concise manner with a logical
progression? Are resources properly cited in the body of the paper and then listed on the
“reference†page? Are there numerous typographical, spelling, or grammatical errors? (Each such
error deducts points off the grade).
X-Ray diffraction analysis for DNA helix patterns