DescriptionPlease write about the photograph attached below. Order instructions is also in attachment. Please read through the instruction carefully and answer each questions that included in the paper descriptions. Some of the questions are as follows: Describe the process used to make the print and the negative: Is there is a negativeor it is a direct positive? Was there a latent image? Did the same person make the print and the negative? Did the same person invent the process? What is interesting about knowing the process of making this photograph? What might this tell you about the history of this image or its place in the history of photography? Lenses or no lenses: Is the photo made with a camera, or is it a cameraless photograph (a photogram)? How do you know? Keep in mind that a lens can distort an image, especially in the foreground and around the edges.. Unresolved questions: What dont you know about the way in which the image was made? What would you like to know about the process behind the image?Frame/Cropping What is the format of the image? What is the size of the image? What is the size of the negative, if applicable? What material is it on, and how is it framed or presented? What might lie outside the frame of the image? What is not shown in the photograph, and how might that be significant? How do you know if it is not pictured? Is there a subject, and if so how closely is the photograph cropped to the subject? Is the subject centered? Context: Do the photographs exist in a series or as part of a group of photographs? If the photo is part of a series, how is it like and unlike the other works in that series? If the photo is stages or manipulated, how was this done? Was it a composite photo? Was it falsified in some other way? Are there other works in the history of photography (or history of art) with which you think this work is in dialogue? What makes you speculate this if it is not stated anywhere? What might this work be saying to that work? Who do you think the intended audience was for this image? In what context might it have appeared? What does the image say to the audience? Was the work intended as a work of art (unlikely in this time period!) or as something else? Light Values: Can you tell what time of day or season the image was taken? Why or why not? How long do you think it took to expose this photograph (or cant you tell)? What clues suggest this? What is light and what is dark in the photograph? What does the light and dark make legible and what does it obscure? How was the emulsion applied? How does the surface of the photograph interact with lightis it reflective? Is it matte? Does it seem to have a color? If so, where does this come from? Does it appear to have faded with time? Keep in mind the difference between color and tone. Focus What is sharply in focus? What is blurry or out of focus? Why? What details are emphasized or obscured by these techniques? What might this tell you about the conditions under which the photo was taken?Detail What do you see (literally) in the photograph? Are there people, places, or things? Describe what Roland Barthes would call the studium of the photo. Are people shown? Describe them (in terms of race, class, gender, occupation, etc). What are they doing? What might be their relationship to the photographer? What is their attitude to the photographer? What type of space does the photograph show? Is it urban or rural? Inside or outside (or, in early photo, outside pretending to be outside)? In a home, work, or leisure environment? Can you tell the specific location (town, state, region or country)? Is it an everyday scene or something unusual?Gaze Where are people in the photograph looking? What is significant about where they are looking or what they are looking at, if anything? Is there anything significant about what they are not looking at?
writing about photographs Academic Essay