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Writer’s Choice

Topic: Writer’s Choice

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Jane Vuong is a 24-year-old single Vietnamese woman living in the United States on an academic visa. She has been attending the local university for two years, studying cellular biology as an undergraduate. She comes from an affluent Vietnamese family. Her parents are paying for her education. They want her to return to Vietnam with her doctorate and take over the research lab owned by her uncle. Jane is a straight-A student who spends much of her time studying. She makes extra money by working part-time in the molecular biology laboratory in the university campus research center. She takes the subway or rides her bicycle to get around.

Jane enjoys working out by doing Quan Khi Dao at the local martial arts school. One day while there, she feels a severe tightness in her chest and says she is having difficulty breathing. Susan, a regular attendee in the class, brings Jane to the emergency department where you work. You note that Jane is having trouble speaking, appears anxious, and her lips are dusky. You are able to hear a wheezing sound when she breathes. She denies a history of asthma but says that she has some allergies which she generally treats with herbs. Susan takes you aside and tells you that she has noticed over the past month that Jane has seemed out of breath after taking the stairs up to the martial arts studio, and that she no longer rides her bike to the studio.

Because of the severity of Jane’s symptoms, the doctor decides to admit Jane for evaluation and observation. The physician orders supplemental oxygen, a chest X-ray, blood tests, and a regular diet. Jane’s anticipated stay is two days.

Once on supplemental oxygen, she is better able to communicate, and you begin to do a general assessment and take a history. Here are some of your findings:
• Diet: Jane states that she is proud that she only eats a traditional Vietnamese diet of fresh vegetables, chicken, rice, and noodles. Much of the food she eats is prepared with nuoc mam (fish sauce), soy sauce, sour lemons, bean sprouts, and scallions. She prefers to eat banh khuc (rice ball), banh cuon (rolled rice pancake), and pho bo (beef and noodle soup). You note that she is very slender, verging on being underweight.

• Religion: Jane states she is a Mahayana Buddhist. She goes to the Buddhist temple early each morning for meditation and communion with her dead ancestors. She says her meditation brings blessings from her ancestors, and they watch over her and help her succeed and stay healthy.

• Health history: Jane admits she has had a dry cough for several months, which she attributes to allergies. She says her allergies have kept her from riding her bike to work. She continues to smoke one pack of cigarettes daily and says smoking does not bother her. She laughs during your assessment and says she could never quit because her roommate smokes too.

Six months earlier she tested positive for hepatitis B. The diagnosis surprised her because she did not show any symptoms. She denies drug use but admits to being sexually active. She reports having five sexual partners in the past six months. She states, “I meet guys at the college bar and we have weekend flings. I like it this way, so I don’t have to be involved in any type of long-term relationship, which can make life really complicated.” When asked if she uses protection, she shrugs and says, “Sometimes.” She claims that no one told her that hepatitis B was sexually transmitted, but she is not worried because she says she is over it now.

During her examination, red circular burns were found on Jane’s chest. On Jane’s back, there are reddened abrasions. When asked about these strange marks, Jane explains that she was having difficulty breathing earlier in the week, and went to a Vietnamese medicine man who treated her with “coining” on her back and “cupping” on her chest to remove the bad air. He also gave her an herbal mixture and told her to boil it and breathe the steam from the mixture three times daily. She says it really helped her.

Jane’s primary nursing diagnosis is “impaired gas exchange.”

A. Write an analysis paper (suggested length of 2 pages) in which you do the following:

1. Summarize (suggested length of 1 paragraph) Jane’s medical history.

2. Assess which stage of each of the following theories Jane characterizes when she is admitted to the hospital, using her history and behavior:

• Erikson’s adult growth and development theory

• Freud’s adult growth and development theory

• Maslow’s needs theory

3. Discuss how you could adapt care to meet Jane’s cultural needs.

a. Explain the rationale behind the adaptions.

4. Explain how the nursing process could assist you in planning Jane’s care, including one specific example.

5. Discuss which therapeutic communication techniques you would use in order to carry out Jane’s plan of care, including one specific example.

a. Explain a potential barrier to therapeutic communication with Jane, based on her history and background.
1.Freud’s genital stage is accurately applied to Jane’s history and behavior. Application of Erikson’s stage is not evident and Maslow’s theory is incorrectly identified as love and belonging. Please reassess.
2. The need to adapt the plan of care to the patient’s cultural and spiritual needs is discussed. A discussion of how to adapt Jane’s plan of care to meet her specific needs isn’t evident.
3. A rationale for adapting the plan of care could not be found. Once the care plan has been adapted to meet Jane’s needs, please provide a rationale behind the adaptations.
4. The therapeutic communication technique identified is “encouraging evaluation.” The discussion of the identified technique is too limited in detail to assess for competency. Please explain how this will be applied.

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: writers choice

Topic: writers choice

Paper details:
Assignment (* Comparison/Contrast Essay*) Length: 750-1000 words Compare Thoreau’s view of the importance of nature to Chief Seattle’s. What are the similarities in what nature meant to each of these men? In what ways does nature fulfill a different role for each? This essay will involve a comparison using the Thoreau and Seattle’s 2 readings supplied to you. For all quotations or paraphrases from these texts, MLA documentation style should be used. Instructions are given below. Please read how directions for the essay. Further instructions for writing this essay: Note that you should avoid writing a very general thesis like: “The views of nature expressed by Seattle and Thoreau are both similar and different.” Instead, write a thesis that gives an overview of the exact similarities or differences that you will focus on in your essay. Bring the authors into a close comparison on topics that they each examined. For example, if you’re focusing on Seattle’s view of the spiritual significance of nature, look to see how Thoreau’s and/or Muir’s ideas about the spiritual significance of nature can be compared to Seattle’s view. Some other themes that appear across these texts and which you may want to compare are: –the role of human beings in protecting nature from exploitation –the impact of industrial development on nature –the value of nature for individual introspection –what human beings can learn from nature –“ownership” of nature and land There are many other possibilities, too, so feel free to take your own approach. Make sure to add a thesis All quotations must be identified in two ways: (a) The author’s words must appear inside quotation marks, even if you’ve borrowed just a few words; (b) The author’s name Works Cited page with the texts you’ve used listed in MLA documentation style. At the top of the list, center these words: Works Cited. To list an essay from the Norton Anthology, use the MLA format for a text collected in an anthology. Note that all texts are listed in alphabetical order: These are the only cite sources you need to use the Norton reader shorter 13th edition make sure mla format is done 1. Chief Seattle. “Letter to President Pierce, 1855.” The Norton Reader, Shorter 13th Edition. Ed. Linda Peterson, John Brereton, Joseph Bizup, Anne Fernald, Melissa Goldthwaite. New York: W.W. Norton & Company, 2012. 299. Print. 2. Thoreau, Henry David. “Where I Lived, and What I Lived For.” The Norton Reader, Shorter 13th Edition. Ed. Linda Peterson, John Brereton, Joseph Bizup, Anne Fernald, Melissa Goldthwaite. New York: W.W. Norton & Company, 2012. 635-643. Print. How Do I Write About an Essay? On several occasions in this course you will be asked to write about an essay from the Norton Reader. These assignments (Essay #2, the midterm, and the final) require you to organize and develop your ideas much as you did in Essay #1, except that instead of asking only for your own observations of your surroundings, the question asks you to “observe” an essay—to critically examine the author’s concepts or to link these concepts with your own ideas. Here are 4 important points to remember when writing this type of assignment: 1.The assignment is not asking you to summarize the text. Instead, you are trying to analyze it, to give your own insights about why this text might be linked to a certain issue, or about the techniques the author used to write this piece. Give only as much summary as your reader needs in order to identify which part of the text you’re discussing. Avoid entire paragraphs that are just summary. 2.Make sure that you are answering the exact question that is asked. Your thesis should be a direct answer to the question/assignment, so make sure you’ve read it carefully and have a good understanding of what it’s asking. 3.Since the essay is about the text itself, it isn’t sufficient just to mention the text in your first paragraph and then wander away from it to discuss associated issues. You must return to the text again and again throughout your essay, making sure to link your own ideas with the piece of writing you’re discussing. 4.Including a direct reference to a specific idea or detail in the text for each of your main points is a good idea. This reference can be a paraphrase (giving the author’s idea in your own words) or a quotation. Always be sure to indicate when you are quoting from the author, even if it’s just a few words, by placing the author’s words in quotation marks. Be sure to copy quotations precisely. If you are paraphrasing, make sure the sentences are really your own.

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: writers choice

Topic: writers choice

Paper details:
Assignment (* Comparison/Contrast Essay*) Length: 750-1000 words Compare Thoreau’s view of the importance of nature to Chief Seattle’s. What are the similarities in what nature meant to each of these men? In what ways does nature fulfill a different role for each? This essay will involve a comparison using the Thoreau and Seattle’s 2 readings supplied to you. For all quotations or paraphrases from these texts, MLA documentation style should be used. Instructions are given below. Please read how directions for the essay. Further instructions for writing this essay: Note that you should avoid writing a very general thesis like: “The views of nature expressed by Seattle and Thoreau are both similar and different.” Instead, write a thesis that gives an overview of the exact similarities or differences that you will focus on in your essay. Bring the authors into a close comparison on topics that they each examined. For example, if you’re focusing on Seattle’s view of the spiritual significance of nature, look to see how Thoreau’s and/or Muir’s ideas about the spiritual significance of nature can be compared to Seattle’s view. Some other themes that appear across these texts and which you may want to compare are: –the role of human beings in protecting nature from exploitation –the impact of industrial development on nature –the value of nature for individual introspection –what human beings can learn from nature –“ownership” of nature and land There are many other possibilities, too, so feel free to take your own approach. Make sure to add a thesis All quotations must be identified in two ways: (a) The author’s words must appear inside quotation marks, even if you’ve borrowed just a few words; (b) The author’s name Works Cited page with the texts you’ve used listed in MLA documentation style. At the top of the list, center these words: Works Cited. To list an essay from the Norton Anthology, use the MLA format for a text collected in an anthology. Note that all texts are listed in alphabetical order: These are the only cite sources you need to use the Norton reader shorter 13th edition make sure mla format is done 1. Chief Seattle. “Letter to President Pierce, 1855.” The Norton Reader, Shorter 13th Edition. Ed. Linda Peterson, John Brereton, Joseph Bizup, Anne Fernald, Melissa Goldthwaite. New York: W.W. Norton & Company, 2012. 299. Print. 2. Thoreau, Henry David. “Where I Lived, and What I Lived For.” The Norton Reader, Shorter 13th Edition. Ed. Linda Peterson, John Brereton, Joseph Bizup, Anne Fernald, Melissa Goldthwaite. New York: W.W. Norton & Company, 2012. 635-643. Print. How Do I Write About an Essay? On several occasions in this course you will be asked to write about an essay from the Norton Reader. These assignments (Essay #2, the midterm, and the final) require you to organize and develop your ideas much as you did in Essay #1, except that instead of asking only for your own observations of your surroundings, the question asks you to “observe” an essay—to critically examine the author’s concepts or to link these concepts with your own ideas. Here are 4 important points to remember when writing this type of assignment: 1.The assignment is not asking you to summarize the text. Instead, you are trying to analyze it, to give your own insights about why this text might be linked to a certain issue, or about the techniques the author used to write this piece. Give only as much summary as your reader needs in order to identify which part of the text you’re discussing. Avoid entire paragraphs that are just summary. 2.Make sure that you are answering the exact question that is asked. Your thesis should be a direct answer to the question/assignment, so make sure you’ve read it carefully and have a good understanding of what it’s asking. 3.Since the essay is about the text itself, it isn’t sufficient just to mention the text in your first paragraph and then wander away from it to discuss associated issues. You must return to the text again and again throughout your essay, making sure to link your own ideas with the piece of writing you’re discussing. 4.Including a direct reference to a specific idea or detail in the text for each of your main points is a good idea. This reference can be a paraphrase (giving the author’s idea in your own words) or a quotation. Always be sure to indicate when you are quoting from the author, even if it’s just a few words, by placing the author’s words in quotation marks. Be sure to copy quotations precisely. If you are paraphrasing, make sure the sentences are really your own.

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