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write my essay

Assignment Task
You are a policy officer working for a housing organisation and you are presenting, to
the senior management team, an overview of the impact that a key piece of housing
policy has had upon your organisation in the last five years and what the implications
might be for future practice .Take Home ownership as the policy
Give a general overview of the development of national housing policy and
how this has diverged in the UK.
Moving onto your specific policy area to illustrate this; trace the historical
development of policy and legislation in the area you have chosen to examine.
What were the drivers for these changes? (LOs 1 and 3)
Consider how housing organisations were encouraged to implement the
policy? Do this by referring to key policy documents, legislation, government
guidance or incentive mechanisms. (LO 1 and 3)
7 Outline who the main influencers and stakeholders were in this policy
development and why. (LO 2)
Compare the approach adopted by your organisation with that of another
housing organisation, either in your locality or in a different locality. Evaluate
the impact that this has had on you, your organisation and your
Any topic (writer’s choice)
Paper instructions:
Week 5 Assignment: Develop a Problem Statement and Research Questions
Activity Description
Keeping in mind all you have learned about research design in previous courses, your Instructorr’s feedback on first assignment, and ethical and practical considerations about the kind of study needed to address the problem, write a problem statement and research questions based on the articles in your annotated bibliography. Follow these guidelines:
The Problem Statement should be 250-300 words that is in accord with the PPT Concept paper (located under the heading ‘Dissertation Conference Calls NEW CODES!). The problem should be related to an issue you have already identified.
Absolutely avoid one of the most common errors in problem statements (and literature reviews): reporting what previous researchers have done instead of using critically evaluated findings from previous research to demonstrate the existence of a gap in knowledge appropriate to a dissertation. Your problem statement must use sources to show what we know and don’t know, not what researchers have done and not done.
The Research Questions addresses the research problem identified in the problem statement and are in accord with the PPT Concept paper (located under the heading ‘Dissertation Conference Calls NEW CODES!).
At the bottom of your paper, paste the Problem Statement and Research Questions section from the PPT Concept paper (located under the heading ‘Dissertation Conference Calls NEW CODES!) and explain how your statement meets the criteria for these sections.
Your paper should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts that are presented in the course and provide new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your paper should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards. Review APA Form and Style.
Learning Outcomes
7.0 Develop a problem statement for a concept paper.
8.0 Compose research questions for a concept pape
Class Assignnients.
Strengths!-‘inder Assignment v
l‘his .1SSlgliltlt.‘l1l will enable you to get a better sense ofyour strengths, reflect on how your
strengths play out in your life, as well as consider how your strengths may be leveraged for
future career success.
1) Log onto the Sll‘oIlgll’1Sl“lllLlE?l‘ website using the code at the back ofyour book and take
the St’rengthsFinder assessment. A few important things to note:
‘.1. The code can only be used once so you must have a new book and you may
not retake the assessment. Do NOT buy a used book, as the unique code won’t
h. The assessment only gives you a short time to answer each question so it will
require your full concentration. Therefore, find a place where you will be
undisturbed for 30 minutes.
c. Once you answer a question, you cannot go back and change a response. lfthis
should happen don’t worry about it; the survey is designed with several items
that capture that same dimension so one item will not impact the results.
d. Once you have completed the survey, print out the page that displays your five
signature themes and include it at the end ofyour paper.
2)lRead the sections in the text that correspond to your five signature themes and select
5. ;- four that you feel best describe you. The structure ofyour paper should be as follows:
V it
H l. First, comment on how these strengths do or don’t begin to describe how you
tend to be strong in these areas. Note that while most ofthese may represent a
pretty good idea ofyour strengths, one or two might not be so accurate, due to
limitations in the survey or simply the way you happened to answer a few
questions. lfthere is a mismatch, describe how.
ll. Then write in more depth about three of your favorite strengths. Be specific-
Mention how they have been rewarding to you so far in your life and how YOU
‘-‘”loy the activities that exemplify them. Feel free to brag a bit about how you
have been recognized by friends, bosses, parents, or others for how you are
strong in these areas. For example, “Coaches have praised me for my
competitive, spirit” (Competitive) or “Teachers have said I was good at putting
concepts together” (ldeation) or “My friends have pointed out that I’m usually’
the one to mediate a conflict between them” (Harmony).
U1. Reflect on the three Strengths T g
T g 61- How may these translate into genuine assets in your career and your life?
l’- 0“ the Other hand, what could be the “dark side” of these strengths if tht‘-’Y led T
W“ *0 Pl‘oduce negative results, rather than positive? For example, a
Command strength could lead to being pushy or abusive with others, or
Harmony could prevent someone from ever taking a stand personally.
c. How would you like to improve two or three of your strengths in the next
year or so? What specifically do you want to undertake to make it happen?
d. What concrete steps can you take in the course of this semester to improve
these strengths? This might entail making use of your activities with your
project team or others in the class or your mentor or close friends or
The best papers will relate the concepts embodied in the StrengthsFinder results to specific
situations, such as “One time my roommate and I were fighting over. . or “My boss likes it
that she can count on me to do . . Finally, use good writing techniques, such as an
introductory paragraph stating what you will cover and a concluding Péfragraph
summarizing what the paper says. Be sure there are no grammatical mlstakes 0*”
typographical errors. Make use of the writing tutors if necessary.
For those who have taken BUSI 2160, there will be an alternate assignment detailed later in
the syllabus
Civil Liberties, Habeas Corpus, and the War on Terror
Summarize legislative crime control efforts pertaining to gun control and assessing the concepts strengths and weaknesses, and to ultimately perform a value judgment.
Please read order details and paper instructions carefully.
Paper instructions:
In this paper, you are being asked to summarize legislative crime control efforts pertaining to gun control. You are being asked to assess the concepts strengths
and weaknesses, and to ultimately perform a value judgment. Your paper should be at least 2 pages, and at most 4 pages, in length. The page requirement is for actual
content, meaning your own writing. A cover page and/or bibliography should not be counted towards your page requirement. Your paper is expected to be typed in 12 point
– Times New Roman font. Further, your paper should have 1-inch margins, be double spaced, and submitted as a Microsoft Word document. Any assignment that is found to
be plagiarized will automatically receive a zero. PLEASE refrain from using Wikipedia as a scholarly reference in this class.
Civil Liberties, Habeas Corpus, and the War on Terror
Please read order details and paper instructions carefully.
Paper instructions:
Write an essay about the right of habeas corpus in the context of the war on terror. Your essay should address the following subtopics:
Explain the historical evolution of habeas corpus, including its English and American traditions. The explanation of its evolution within the American tradition
should include the general meaning of the right of habeas corpus in the U.S. Constitution and its relationship to the protection of other civil liberties.
Provide examples from U.S. history of the suspension of habeas corpus and their applicability to the present.
Analyze the relevance of habeas corpus to the contemporary U.S. situation during the war on terror, especially with respect to persons characterized by as enemy
combatants or illegal combatants.
Explain the U.S. Supreme Court’s interpretation of the right of habeas corpus with respect to enemy combatants or illegal combatants (i.e., the views of the five
justices making up the majority in Boumediene v. Bush as well as the views of the four dissenting justices).
Evaluate a minimum of four perspectives on this topic expressed by justices of the Supreme Court, leaders in other branches of government, and commentators in both
the academic and popular media. Your evaluation should consider perspectives on the following topics as they relate to habeas corpus:
The role of the President as Commander-in-Chief.
The role of Congress in determining when habeas corpus can be suspended.
The role of the Supreme Court in protecting civil liberties, including the judicial philosophy which should guide the Court in this role, and
In your evaluation, you should also include your personal philosophy, values, or ideology about the balance between civil liberties and national security in the
context of an unending war on terror.
The St. Bernard Dog Problem: Effects of Consuming Ethanol on Body Temperature
Project description
Many of you may know the story about how the large St. Bernard dogs rescue people stranded in
snow drifts in the mountains carrying a container of strong alcoholic beverage in casks around
their necks, used so that the rescued person can drink from it and get warm. Research and report
on the short and longer term effects of drinking alcohol (ethanol) on body temperature,
particularly in cold weather. In your answers include what happens to blood flow and
metabolism and heat loss. Also include an energy balance at the skin surface and any other
energy balances that may be appropriate for the particular method being discussed.
Guidelines for the report are Times New Roman 12-point font, double-spaced, 1 cover page
(with course and paper title, student info etc.), 2 pages of text (standard margins, no titles) plus a
third page of references using the referencing method given in L. Finkelstein’s Pocket Book of
Technical Writing, 3rd
Ed. with at least 3 references in addition to what our textbook may have.
References can be other books, including other textbooks. No url’s or class lecture citations.
Wikipedia can only be used to find some of the other references, but don’t quote Wikipedia
directly, but search out the references at the end of the Wikipedia article. I prefer that you use
Google Scholar to find references and then look these up in the WSU online library
Choose ONE of the following items to answer. For each, please write a well-organized 900 – 1500 word essay with a persuasive thesis statement and clear argument supported with specific examples from course readings, especially primary source material (i.e. documents or quotations from the original time period rather than a modern historian’s description of events). Essay should be double-spaced and include citations from the reading [e.g. (Voices, p. 21), (China Empire, p. 57)]
1. What do we know about the Shang and Zhou dynasties’ politics, technology, social structure, and religious beliefs? What sorts of questions did the Shang elite ask with the oracle bones?
2. According to Confucius, how was the ideal person to behave? How are people supposed to treat one another in their families and communities? What are governments supposed to do and how are they supposed to do it? What was the Daoist philosophy of life? How did their beliefs contrast with the Confucians’?
3. What are the main ideas of Legalist philosophy? How did the Qin Dynasty use Legalism to establish order? How did the Han alter Qin institutions to create a lasting empire?
Key questions when thinking about your argument:
1) THESIS: Is the thesis a statement that someone could refute? Test by writing a counter-argument. A statement of an accepted fact is not a good thesis because no one would argue with you. A better strategy is to argue that among various causes of an event, one stands out as the most important. For example, “the Qin Emperor owed his success to superior military technology and tactics.” This is a good thesis because it is easy to imagine someone else arguing that Legalist philosophy and stronger government organizations were more important than the military alone in his victories.
2) STRUCTURE: Does each paragraph begin with a topic sentence that clearly supports the thesis statement? Do the paragraphs follow a logical order with clear transitions informing the reader of how each part fits into the whole essay?
3) SUPPORTING EVIDENCE: Remember that you are trying to convince a hostile critic your explanation of an event’s cause or significance is logical and well supported by the available evidence so be aggressive with a persuasive argument and concrete supporting examples. Don’t just TELL readers that the Qin used Legalism. SHOW them with well chosen quotations from a document that illustrates your point.
social class or hierarchy connection in the book “faust”.
discuss the role of social class/hierarchy in Faust. choose a scene or character from the play as the focus of your analysis. state thesis at beginning of paper
Topic: service marketing and relationship marketing
Order Description
In teams of 4-5, students are required to choose 1 of the team’s service organisation from Assessment 1 and write a report that addresses the following:
Present this service organisation as a blueprint.
What is the service organisation’s front stage and back stage functions?
What are the “moments of truth” for this service organisation?
Show the determinants of satisfaction/dissatisfaction for this service organisation. Use relevant theories to also discuss service quality measurement (and quality gaps) in this organisation.
Devise a service-recovery strategy plan for the service organisation to deal with various critical incidents.
What is the nature of the self
– What is the relationship between the author and his work?
– What is the value of poetic language?
– What is the function of art and poetry?
– What is the relationship between things and words?
– What remains ineffable in the poet’s work?
Purchasing Ethics
The report is evaluated based on the following criteria:
?Providing an adequate summary, problem definition and hypothesis leading to substantive analysis and alternative recommendations. (10 points)
?APA Style Citations and References
?Identifying why the recommendations are important to the field (40 points)
?Including findings, lessons learned, or best practices that can be applied to improve the management of the analysis
Urgent-Design History-Answer Questions
Project instructions:
Please answer the questions as short as possible totally in one page.,
The History of Design 1850-2000
The Industrial Revolution
? Who were some of the early designers who used industry to better their
The Great Exhibition of 1851
? How did the idea of ?Empire? manifest itself at the exhibition?
? What was displayed there? Did everyone approve of it?
American Design
? What are some of the styles that inspired American designers in the
19th century? Would you say that this was a homogenous style or one
that relied on many influences?
Design Reform
? What were some of the ways that design reformers demonstrated their
opposition to the machine produced goods on display?
Art Deco
? How does the idea of the exotic influence art deco design?
The Bauhaus
? What was the difference between the school in Weimar and the school in
Dessau? Were these differences always clear in the designs?
Art Deco
? How does the idea of the exotic influence art deco design?
? Was this an exclusive style?
Discussion Questions
Project instructions:
The discussion problems are designed to be an open learning community experience. You should read the discussion problem, the postings of fellow candidates and my comments and questions. Your answers and postings to the discussion questions can and should contain proper spelling and grammar as well as proper citation. The grade on the discussion aspect of the course will go towards the class participation aspect of your grade. Spelling, grammar and ability to directly answer and otherwise discuss legal points will be considered.
There is NO specific guideline as to how long each answer should be. I would prefer at least 2 paragraphs per question minimum.
Choose 2 from the following:
1. Read the article – Trial by Fire. Which piece of evidence should the prosecution have been able to convince the jury was not contaminated?
2. Sonia Cacy. Read and offer comments.
3. Innocence Project Review. Read and offer your comments.
4. There have several well publicized bombing over the years globally. A few are listed below. Either choose from these to discuss or start additional threads.
WTC – first bombing
Pan Am 103
Olympic Park
Chicago Marathon
5. Have you learned anything this week that surprised you about explosives?
Does ethics in professional accounting can prevent corporate failure?
Paper instructions:
Give the definition of corporate failure
Definition of ethics in professional accounting
The relationship between ethics and corporate failure
Identify the criteria of ethics in professional accounting

• The assignment should contain the following items:
• Title of the report
• Abstract (150 words)
• Introduction
o The objective(s) of the report
o Background of the topic
o The importance of the topic
• Main body of the report
o Provide an overview of the past literature, including the main theories and findings from major journal articles these at least 10 should be scholarly articles).
o Discussions and analysis of the research problem.
• Conclusion and implications.
• References

Topic: Riots – Crime and Deviance
Order Description
Discuss how the perceptions and treatment of foreign construction workers as both criminals and
victims in Singapore shed light on how we understand ‘crime’ and ‘deviance’.
Foreign construction workers have been in the limelight for various reasons over the last few
years. Last year, for instance, they were the main actors in the Little India Riot. While some have
depicted this group of workers as offenders/deviants, others have depicted them as victims.
• Examining definitions of crime and deviance: What sorts of crime and/or deviance have been
associated with foreign construction workers? Are they at risk of becoming criminals or are
they more vulnerable to becoming victims of crime? What laws do they tend to breach? What
laws are in place to protect them from becoming victims? (Do not focus only on the Little
India Riot.)
• Social norms and values: Who are the stakeholders? Who are the offenders? Are the workers
the only offenders? How does Singapore society view this group of individuals and the laws
addressing crimes committed by them or the laws that protect them? Have attitudes towards
them changed over the decades? Should their behaviour be deemed as criminal or deviant?
(Again, do not focus only on the Little India Riot.) Why? To what extent do the laws
reflect societal norms and values?
• Cultural relativism: How does Singapore society explain or view their deviant/criminal
behaviour as compared with other countries? Compare and analyse Singapore’s norms, laws
and punishment with other countries.
• Analyse the role of the media and appraise the statistics: How has the media depicted the
foreign construction workers over the decades? Are there any stereotypes created, affirmed,
or debunked? Which type(s) of deviancy or crime and/or offenders has/have the state or the
media been focusing on? Are foreign construction workers the only deviants, criminals or
victims? Are there any other types of crimes or groups of individuals that ought to have been
given greater coverage but were not? Why not? What are the numbers (or estimates) of the
people involved? Are the figures an accurate reflection of reality? Should we care? Why, or
why not?
• Consideration and appraisal of theories (this section should form the bulk of your paper):
Consider all the theories covered in the course. Which theory or theories do you think
applies/apply to the various acts committed by or suffered by workers? Also consider
theories of punishment and crime prevention in your report.
• Recommendations: Appraise and critique the current measures with regards to crimes or
issues you have identified. Are they sufficient? Do they reflect societal norms and values?
You are also free to suggest any alternative or complementary measures.
While your paper should cover the above pointers, you should not write in a step-by-step manner
in accordance to the suggested pointers raised. Rather, your paper should take the form of a
coherent, continuous essay.
Marks Allocation (general guide to the weight of each criterion only):
• Relevant discussion of issues; application and appraisal of theories (70 marks)
• Appraisal and recommendations of measures (10 marks)
• Quality of research (15 marks) (NB: Do not cite from Wikipedia.)
• Language and adherence to the word limit (5 marks)
Remember to include in-text citations and a reference list in the APA style format (6th ed.)
(2010), available at http://www.apastyle.org
Quiz 3;Read Articles; South Carolina Ordinance of Nullification, November 24, 1832, President Jacksons Proclamation Regarding Nullification, December
10, 1832.
Project description
Instructions: Please, answer the questions. Students must number their answers to
correspond to the questions. Each answer should be at least one paragraph.You should paraphrase and interpret the documents rather than
putting in long quotes.
Read Articles: 1.South Carolina Ordinance of Nullification, November 24, 1832
2.President Jacksons Proclamation Regarding Nullification, December 10, 1832.
Answer the following questions as precisely as possible:
1. What is the problem from South Carolinas view?
2. What is the problem from Andrew Jacksons view?
3. Who, in your opinion is right? Why?
4. What is the overall problem? (Think of the problem from each point of view to understand the
overall problem) Explain.
5.How would the constitution weigh in here? Article 1 and 4 may supply
your answer. Be specific and clear
Topic: Case Study Evaluation for Katy
Order Description
Please complete a case study evaluation on the topic as outlined below. You should use additional information provided as a starting point.
Please read the following case description:
You are an Educational Psychologist. You have received a letter from a SENCO in the local
area, asking for your help in evaluating a 6 year old girl, Katy.
Katy goes to her local state primary school. Recently, she returned home from school very
upset. Her mother asked her what was wrong and she said that she is “rubbish at letters and
reading” and that she “forgets things” the teacher tells her. She is being teased by the other
children and she thinks the teacher is angry with her when she forgets what to do.
Katy’s mother went in to talk to the SENCO, who then held a meeting with Katy’s parents
and teacher. Katy’s teacher reported noticing that she has been quieter recently and that
she is usually a very “sociable and bubbly little girl”. Upon reflection and after a review of
Katy’s recent work her teacher did conclude that Katy’s writing is untidy and that she does
misspell some words that a six-year-old would normally be expected to spell correctly.
Katy’s mother is concerned that her daughter is becoming disillusioned with school, is
sometimes withdrawn and is losing her confidence. Katy is usually a very “bright girl” who
loves stories, storytelling and learning, but she now avoids books at all cost – even when
others offer to read to her at bedtime.
Katy’s mother reports that her husband was diagnosed as dyslexic at university and she is
concerned that Katy may have the same problem. She feels that the normal school process
of screening and 6-monthly monitoring will cost valuable time, and wants an urgent review.
The SENCO is therefore writing to you to ask for your help to assess Katy and recommend
interventions if appropriate.
As an educational psychologist you are being asked to assess Katy’s abilities and needs.
You need to write a case study report about this case, making sure that you include the
following in your assignment:
• Title
• Introduction/Context
• Background
• Brief Description of the Presenting Problem
• Working hypothesis
• Rationale for this hypothesis (models, explanatory mechanisms etc)
• Indication of next steps
• What do you expect to find?
• Likely Interventions required (and the impact on Katy, her teacher and her peers)
• References
This should be written in the form of a case study report. Please note that you gain marks for proper evaluation of the methods, theory and interpretation, not for making an accurate diagnosis. However, your response should refer closely back to the case in hand. Ensure that you use a range of appropriate research materials to support your account.
Word Length or Timing (presentations): 2500 words
Marking guidelines used1: General (1) and Case Study (2.1d)
Topic: NPD Process
Order Description
What is meant by the NPD process and how a structured process can be of benefit to an organisation? Give examples to support statements.
Please write an essay that is targeted at a non-marketing businessperson that explains why it is important for them to understand what is meant by the NPD process and
how it works. By using examples from the “real-world” you will demonstrate why the concepts are important, how they work and why it is important to understand them.
Impotant note: Please use academic resources. (ebsohost, jstor recommended) or academic books.
Topic: Effective Leadership Essay
Order Description
Effective Leadership Essay
Choose an individual who you consider to be an effective leader to study. This person may be someone you have worked for or with, or you may choose a prominent figure
you admire. Write an essay identifying their leadership style and approaches, and explain how the leader’s effectiveness is determined by the following:
• Communication competencies.
• Predispositions for leadership communication.
• Use of strategic communication objectives.
• Use of power bases.
• Contributing behavioral factors.
• Refer directly to the information in Figure 7.1,”The Blake and Mouton Managerial Grid” on page 224; the Hersey and Blanchard concept of situational leadership
starting on page 226; Figure 7.2, “Communication Tactics for Leadership” starting on page 241; and Figure 7.3, “Principled Leadership” starting on page 247 of the
course text.
Use this Worksheet please
u05a1 Worksheet
Name: _______________________
Answers should be provided in complete sentences. Be sure to include, in your answers, several of the key terms and concepts from your reading in this unit.
1. Identify the chosen individual’s leadership style approach. Support your answer using Figures 7.2, 7.3, and 7.6 in your textbook. (Your answer should fill about one
– two paragraphs.)
2. Explain the chosen individual’s communication competencies in regard to
predispositions for leadership communication. (Your answer should fill about one – two paragraphs.)
3. Explain the chosen individual’s communication competencies in regard to use of strategic communication objectives. (Your answer should fill about one – two
4. Explain the chosen individual’s communication competencies in regard to use of
power bases. Specifically identify the power bases as discussed in your textbook.
(Your answer should fill about one – two paragraphs.)
Parties and Pretrial Procedures
Detail the special responsibilities prosecutors have towards initiating a criminal case against a defendant. In other words, how does a prosecutor
make the decision to charge someone? Address the following questions in your paper:
a. What is a grand jury, and when is a grand jury used rather than the prosecutor simply issuing a criminal charge?
b. What is the purpose of a grand jury and when is it used?
c. Can a defense attorney address a grand jury?
d. Can the defendant attend a grand jury hearing?
e. How can a prosecutor and a defense attorney dispose of a case before it goes to a grand jury?
f. How can a prosecutor and a defense attorney conclude a case before it goes to trial?
In your analysis, include your personal opinion of the morality of a system where so much of the charging and plea bargaining process is in the hands
of lawyers, often out of view from the general public. What are the potentials for abuse? What effects on ?equal justice? can this system have?
“The real asset of any advanced nation is its people, especially the educated ones, and the prosperity and success of the people are measured by the standard of their
– Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan AlNahyan, the founding father of the United Arab Emirates
Visit the UAE Interact website if you would like to gain additional familiarity with the history and culture of the UAE.
Write a formal, academic essay in which you imagine that you are in a position of leadership in your country or your local community (note that while many leaders who
effect change are politicians, they can also be scholars, activists, scientists, artists, etc.). Choose an issue about which you, as this leader, feel passionately and
describe it in detail, giving your informed reader a sense of the arguments and counterarguments associated with the issue. Tell us where you stand and why, using
description and analysis of real-world evidence as well as your unique perspective as an influential member of your community. Hypothetically, how would you address
this issue and what would your community or country look like as a result of your actions? Please be as specific as possible and limit your response to 500-750 words.
there are no sources.
Primary Health Care and Health Promotion Describe and discuss the history, significance and goals of Primary Health Care and Hea.lth Promotion Relate these to contemporary health care contexts. Provide examples to illustrate your discussion. The definition of Health Promotion “The process of enabling people to increase control over their health and its determinants and thereby improve their health” WHO

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