? How did you decide what position to take on the issue of whether digital natives is a useful or harmful term?
? How did you decide what source(s) to use in addition to Martinez and Prensky?
? How did you change your paper after your individual conference?
? How did you change your paper after the complete draft peer review?
? Did you visit the Writing Center for Project 3? If so, who was your tutor, and what did you work on?
? What was difficult or challenging for you as you worked on Project 3?
? What was the most helpful strategy or activity during Project 3 for you as a writer?
? How did you apply something that you learned from writing Project 1 or Project 2 to your writing process for Project 3?
? What do you think you have done well in this project?
? What do you think you still need to work on for the portfolio version?
write an essay answering these questions

write an essay answering these questions

? How did you decide what position to take on the issue of whether digital natives is a useful or harmful term?
? How did you decide what source(s) to use in addition to Martinez and Prensky?
? How did you change your paper after your individual conference?
? How did you change your paper after the complete draft peer review?
? Did you visit the Writing Center for Project 3? If so, who was your tutor, and what did you work on?
? What was difficult or challenging for you as you worked on Project 3?
? What was the most helpful strategy or activity during Project 3 for you as a writer?
? How did you apply something that you learned from writing Project 1 or Project 2 to your writing process for Project 3?
? What do you think you have done well in this project?
? What do you think you still need to work on for the portfolio version?
write an essay answering these questions

? How did you decide what position to take on the issue of whether digital natives is a useful or harmful term?
? How did you decide what source(s) to use in addition to Martinez and Prensky?
? How did you change your paper after your individual conference?
? How did you change your paper after the complete draft peer review?
? Did you visit the Writing Center for Project 3? If so, who was your tutor, and what did you work on?
? What was difficult or challenging for you as you worked on Project 3?
? What was the most helpful strategy or activity during Project 3 for you as a writer?
? How did you apply something that you learned from writing Project 1 or Project 2 to your writing process for Project 3?
? What do you think you have done well in this project?
? What do you think you still need to work on for the portfolio version?