write a proposal for an original research project. The length of the research proposal should
be ~2,000 words (excluding references). In the proposal the objectives, the significance of the proposed project,
and the methods you would use to collect and analyze data must be explained. A marking rubric for the research
proposal is presented in Appendix B. The research proposal should include the following:
1) A cover page including the project title and the name of the researcher.
2) A background stating what the project is about, how the project is related to previous studies and how
this study extends this work, and its originality and importance.
3) The projects research questions, hypotheses and objectives.
4) A methods section discussing the projects methodology/study approach, participant recruitment, data
collection and data analysis.
5) How and where the projects finding will be disseminated.
6) An appropriate timeline for the project and budget.
7) A summary of the research team (this will be a hypothetical team with appropriate training and skills to
successfully complete the research project) including experience, training and qualifications that are
related to the research project.
8) Relevant peer-reviewed articles and reference list.
write a proposal for an original research project.