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Write a journal article (case study) for ‘Tourism Management’ following the journal’s guidelines for authors. The paper should address Strategic Tourism Planning issues in Kavos, Corfu. Make sure you identify stakeholders, conflicting interests and

Write a journal article (case study) for ‘Tourism Management’ following the journal’s guidelines for authors. The paper should address Strategic Tourism Planning issues in Kavos, Corfu. Make sure you identify stakeholders, conflicting interests and

Learning Outcomes: Knowledge and Understanding tested in this assignment:
– The importance of Strategic Tourism Planning
– Approaches to planning
– Stakeholders involved in and affected by the tourism planning process, and related issues of partnership working and participation in the planning process.

Learning Outcomes: Skills and Attributes tested in this assignment:
– Evaluate tourism planning solutions to tourism development challenges.
Feedback /Marking criteria for this Assignment
Grading criteria is in Appendix 2 (Report).
Late work and plagiarism will receive standard penalties.
Feedback will be given during the revision session in week 12.
Your report will submitted to Turnitin (plagiarism software) so please make sure you fully reference all your sources correctly – ask for help is you are unsure and follow HBS style of Harvard referencing on the CASE website.

Detailed Brief for Individual Assessment
The title of the assignment… Write a journal article (case study) for ‘Tourism Management’ following the journal’s guidelines for authors. The paper should address Strategic Tourism Planning issues in Kavos, Corfu. Make sure you identify stakeholders, conflicting interests and power issues and propose viable solutions. You should approach this assignment as a researcher working for Tourism Concern.

Purpose of the assessment task
To demonstrate your ability to thoroughly apply STP theory to practical case studies and evaluate those theories and techniques, as well as to consider solutions to STP issues. You should also consider how proposed solutions impact on different stakeholders and how viable the proposed solutions are.

Specific Instructions:
Produce a report (a journal paper IS a report).
You do NOT need:
– an abstract or executive summary
– table of contents
– terms of reference
– methodology
You can vary the section headings, (e.g. break sections 3 into more focussed sections) and use relevant sub-headings.

Before starting with your paper, consider the following:
1. You are invited to write a journal article (case study) for ‘Tourism Management’ following the journal’s guidelines for authors.
– Find the ‘Tourism Management’ journal guidelines for authors (the relevant part is the one under the title ‘Preparation’ where guidelines are given regarding fonts, references etc (please ignore the Vitae information requested as well as the Essential Title Page Information).
– Identify relevant papers in this journal and see if you find them useful in terms of style and structure.
– Make sure the paper follows the writing style and the presentation style for ‘Tourism Management’.

2. The paper should address Strategic Tourism Planning issues
– Consider where you will find information for Kavos and its planning issues
– Consider the Strategic Tourism Planning level of the destination and apply the relevant theories.
– Look into whether the destination has a Tourism Masterplan or any other kind of plan that even peripherally refers to tourism.
– Address Strategic Tourism Planning issues- identify their causes and propose solutions and/ or critically evaluate measures that have been implemented. You might need to choose to discuss in detail some of the issues you identify.
– Consider the destination stakeholders and how the proposed solutions impact on their interests. Critically assess how realistic your proposals are in relation to political influences of the level you are examining.
– It is better to identify the main issues and discuss them in depth than to identify lots of issues and not investigate them in detail.

It is essential:
• You MUST use a minimum of 10 references from academic books and journals and will receive a lower mark if you rely on web-based material (this does not include electronic books and journals).
• Make sure you fully reference all of your research material. You will be penalised if you miss references in-text or from the reference list / bibliography.
• You must use Harvard referencing. If you are unsure about this please ask a member of the teaching team or seek help from CASE
• You must fully meet the report brief
• Good written English should be used throughout

• Use your initiative when researching. Do not simply repeat case material and theories that you have been introduced to in class – extra marks will be gained by finding additional theories and cases.
• Use other case studies to illustrate good practice that could be applied to your case study.

Learning Outcomes: Knowledge and Understanding tested in this assignment:
–    The importance of Strategic Tourism Planning
–    Approaches to planning
–    Stakeholders involved in and affected by the tourism planning process, and related issues of partnership working and participation in the planning process.-
Learning Outcomes: Skills and Attributes tested in this assignment:
– Evaluate tourism planning solutions to tourism development challenges.
Feedback /Marking criteria for this Assignment
Grading criteria is in Appendix 2 (Report).
Late work and plagiarism will receive standard penalties.
Feedback will be given during the revision session in week 12.
Your report will submitted to Turnitin (plagiarism software) so please make sure you fully reference all your sources correctly – ask for help is you are unsure and follow HBS style of Harvard referencing on  the CASE website.Detailed Brief for Individual Assessment
The title of the assignment… Write a journal article (case study) for ‘Tourism Management’ following the journal’s guidelines for authors. The paper should address Strategic Tourism Planning issues in Kavos, Corfu. Make sure you identify stakeholders, conflicting interests and power issues and propose viable solutions. You should approach this assignment as a researcher working for Tourism Concern.

Purpose of the assessment task
To demonstrate your ability to thoroughly apply STP theory to practical case studies and evaluate those theories and techniques, as well as to consider solutions to STP issues. You should also consider how proposed solutions impact on different stakeholders and how viable the proposed solutions are.

Specific Instructions:
Produce a report (a journal paper IS a report).
You do NOT need:
– an abstract or executive summary
– table of contents
– terms of reference
– methodology
You can vary the section headings, (e.g. break sections 3 into more focussed sections) and use relevant sub-headings.

Before starting with your paper, consider the following:
1.    You are invited to write a journal article (case study) for ‘Tourism Management’ following the journal’s guidelines for authors.
–    Find the ‘Tourism Management’ journal guidelines for authors (the relevant part is the one under the title ‘Preparation’ where guidelines are given regarding fonts, references etc (please ignore the Vitae information requested as well as the Essential Title Page Information).
–    Identify relevant papers in this journal and see if you find them useful in terms of style and structure.
–    Make sure the paper follows the writing style and the presentation style for ‘Tourism Management’.

2.    The paper should address Strategic Tourism Planning issues
–    Consider where you will find information for Kavos and its planning issues
–    Consider the Strategic Tourism Planning level of the destination and apply the relevant theories.
–    Look into whether the destination has a Tourism Masterplan or any other kind of plan that even peripherally refers to tourism.
–    Address Strategic Tourism Planning issues- identify their causes and propose solutions and/ or critically evaluate measures that have been implemented. You might need to choose to discuss in detail some of the issues you identify.
–    Consider the destination stakeholders and how the proposed solutions impact on their interests. Critically assess how realistic your proposals are in relation to political influences of the level you are examining.
–    It is better to identify the main issues and discuss them in depth than to identify lots of issues and not investigate them in detail.

It is essential:
•    You MUST use a minimum of 10 references from academic books and journals and will receive a lower mark if you rely on web-based material (this does not include electronic books and journals).
•    Make sure you fully reference all of your research material.  You will be penalised if you miss references in-text or from the reference list / bibliography.
•    You must use Harvard referencing.  If you are unsure about this please ask a member of the teaching team or seek help from CASE
•    You must fully meet the report brief
•    Good written English should be used throughout

•    Use your initiative when researching.  Do not simply repeat case material and theories that you have been introduced to in class – extra marks will be gained by finding additional theories and cases.
•    Use other case studies to illustrate good practice that could be applied to your case study.

12 October

Tourism Planning theory and concepts;
Strategic planning and the planning process    –    Examine how the planning process influences tourism
–    Explore the nature of the planning process
–    Recognise the stages within the planning process

Why is tourism planning a complex, confusing and often a contentious subject ?

Is planning a philosophy or a policy issue ?

What have you studied / experienced before that is related to this module?

Looking at a tourism masterplan and its application to a tourism planning process model.

Minimum reading to be completed before the taught sessions      Reading: Hall.CM (2008) Ch 3, Inskeep,part 3, Cunn .C Ch2
Lavery P Ch ¾, Hall C.M Ch 4, Inskeep, Part 1.3

19  October

Tourism Planning, power and politics. Public policy.
Are we all equal in the planning process? Is effective tourism planning for the benefit of the destination and the host community possible in a free market economy?
Minimum reading to be completed before the taught sessions

Reading: Hall, CM (1998), Ch 8
26 October

Tourism Planning, power and politics. Public policy II- Catch up on theory
Assessment Workshop 1
Minimum reading to be completed before the taught sessions      Reading: Reading: Urry, J., Ch. 6

2 November
Tourism Planning Levels
TP at Local, Regional, National, International and Supranational scale.
Minimum reading to be completed before the taught sessions      Reading: Lavery P, Ch 2, Pearce D Ch 7
Reading: Hall C.M. (2008) Ch 5 and 6, Inskeep, part 1 and 2

9 November

Tourism Planning in Protected areas
St David’s Peninsula, Pembrokeshire Coast National Park case study    Minimum reading to be completed before the taught sessions

16 November    Assessment workshop and surgery
23 November

ASSESSMENT DEADLINE 09:00    Strategic Tourism Planning and Mega Events
Further exploration of the notion of bread and circuses. Case studies.
Assessment Submission

Minimum reading to be completed before the taught sessions      Reading: Hiller H. (2000)

30 November

Crisis  Planning in Tourism
–    Assess crisis planning for tourism and the impacts on destinations
–    Evaluate the influence of crisis planning
–    Recognise the need to plan for crisis in tourism
–    Crisis Plans and Recovery
–    Evaluate the influence of crisis planning in recovery of destinations
–    Recognise the need to plan for crisis future  in tourism
Can Tourism effectively plan for crisis- lessons learnt?
Minimum reading to be completed before the taught sessions

Reading: Crisis management articles provided via seminar
Lynch, M,Weathering The Storm,. Crisis management in The Tourism Industry,  Ch 1 & 2
7 December
Future Destination Planning    –    Destination plans for tourism reviewed
–    Evaluate the changes within the planning system that impacts on tourism    Minimum reading to be completed before the taught sessions

ReadingLavery P,Ch 6&7, Gunn,C Ch 8, Hall Ch 7 Reading: Lavery CH 10, Hall,C.M Ch 9, Pearce, D Ch 9
Inskeep, part 2, 36, Gunn, C Ch 11.

REPORT    Presentation & structure     Use & presentation of Harvard Referencing    Content/ Terms/ Findings/ Definitions/ Calculations    Business Application & Integration of Data/Literature    Discussion /Analysis /Critical evaluation &/or Reflection
Task details

Follows report structure & keeps to word limit  of …    Follows Harvard style for in-text citation & Reference List
Use a minimum of …  sources      Content included – specify task requirements as in module guide & coursework guidance     Integration & application of information – from coursework guidance /module guide    Line of argument, development of discussion add instructional verbs to suit the task & level


Outstanding    Outstanding…  Presentation & report structure, with numbered paragraphs, list of contents/figures &appendices.
Articulate & fluent academic writing style with ideas cross referenced. No grammatical / spelling errors.    Outstanding… Standard of referencing within text & consistent use of Harvard referencing system.
Accuracy of in-text references & full details shown in Reference list.
Outstanding… Exploration of topic showing excellent knowledge & understanding through thorough & appropriate research.
Impressive choice and range of appropriate content.
Outstanding… Business insight & application.
Breadth, depth & integration of literature/data into work.
Outstanding…  Level of discussion/analysis/ critical evaluation &/or reflection.
Highly developed/ focused work.

Responses are currently closed, but you can trackback from your own site.

Write a journal article (case study) for ‘Tourism Management’ following the journal’s guidelines for authors. The paper should address Strategic Tourism Planning issues in Kavos, Corfu. Make sure you identify stakeholders, conflicting interests and

Write a journal article (case study) for ‘Tourism Management’ following the journal’s guidelines for authors. The paper should address Strategic Tourism Planning issues in Kavos, Corfu. Make sure you identify stakeholders, conflicting interests and

Learning Outcomes: Knowledge and Understanding tested in this assignment:
– The importance of Strategic Tourism Planning
– Approaches to planning
– Stakeholders involved in and affected by the tourism planning process, and related issues of partnership working and participation in the planning process.

Learning Outcomes: Skills and Attributes tested in this assignment:
– Evaluate tourism planning solutions to tourism development challenges.
Feedback /Marking criteria for this Assignment
Grading criteria is in Appendix 2 (Report).
Late work and plagiarism will receive standard penalties.
Feedback will be given during the revision session in week 12.
Your report will submitted to Turnitin (plagiarism software) so please make sure you fully reference all your sources correctly – ask for help is you are unsure and follow HBS style of Harvard referencing on the CASE website.

Detailed Brief for Individual Assessment
The title of the assignment… Write a journal article (case study) for ‘Tourism Management’ following the journal’s guidelines for authors. The paper should address Strategic Tourism Planning issues in Kavos, Corfu. Make sure you identify stakeholders, conflicting interests and power issues and propose viable solutions. You should approach this assignment as a researcher working for Tourism Concern.

Purpose of the assessment task
To demonstrate your ability to thoroughly apply STP theory to practical case studies and evaluate those theories and techniques, as well as to consider solutions to STP issues. You should also consider how proposed solutions impact on different stakeholders and how viable the proposed solutions are.

Specific Instructions:
Produce a report (a journal paper IS a report).
You do NOT need:
– an abstract or executive summary
– table of contents
– terms of reference
– methodology
You can vary the section headings, (e.g. break sections 3 into more focussed sections) and use relevant sub-headings.

Before starting with your paper, consider the following:
1. You are invited to write a journal article (case study) for ‘Tourism Management’ following the journal’s guidelines for authors.
– Find the ‘Tourism Management’ journal guidelines for authors (the relevant part is the one under the title ‘Preparation’ where guidelines are given regarding fonts, references etc (please ignore the Vitae information requested as well as the Essential Title Page Information).
– Identify relevant papers in this journal and see if you find them useful in terms of style and structure.
– Make sure the paper follows the writing style and the presentation style for ‘Tourism Management’.

2. The paper should address Strategic Tourism Planning issues
– Consider where you will find information for Kavos and its planning issues
– Consider the Strategic Tourism Planning level of the destination and apply the relevant theories.
– Look into whether the destination has a Tourism Masterplan or any other kind of plan that even peripherally refers to tourism.
– Address Strategic Tourism Planning issues- identify their causes and propose solutions and/ or critically evaluate measures that have been implemented. You might need to choose to discuss in detail some of the issues you identify.
– Consider the destination stakeholders and how the proposed solutions impact on their interests. Critically assess how realistic your proposals are in relation to political influences of the level you are examining.
– It is better to identify the main issues and discuss them in depth than to identify lots of issues and not investigate them in detail.

It is essential:
• You MUST use a minimum of 10 references from academic books and journals and will receive a lower mark if you rely on web-based material (this does not include electronic books and journals).
• Make sure you fully reference all of your research material. You will be penalised if you miss references in-text or from the reference list / bibliography.
• You must use Harvard referencing. If you are unsure about this please ask a member of the teaching team or seek help from CASE
• You must fully meet the report brief
• Good written English should be used throughout

• Use your initiative when researching. Do not simply repeat case material and theories that you have been introduced to in class – extra marks will be gained by finding additional theories and cases.
• Use other case studies to illustrate good practice that could be applied to your case study.

Learning Outcomes: Knowledge and Understanding tested in this assignment:
–    The importance of Strategic Tourism Planning
–    Approaches to planning
–    Stakeholders involved in and affected by the tourism planning process, and related issues of partnership working and participation in the planning process.-
Learning Outcomes: Skills and Attributes tested in this assignment:
– Evaluate tourism planning solutions to tourism development challenges.
Feedback /Marking criteria for this Assignment
Grading criteria is in Appendix 2 (Report).
Late work and plagiarism will receive standard penalties.
Feedback will be given during the revision session in week 12.
Your report will submitted to Turnitin (plagiarism software) so please make sure you fully reference all your sources correctly – ask for help is you are unsure and follow HBS style of Harvard referencing on  the CASE website.Detailed Brief for Individual Assessment
The title of the assignment… Write a journal article (case study) for ‘Tourism Management’ following the journal’s guidelines for authors. The paper should address Strategic Tourism Planning issues in Kavos, Corfu. Make sure you identify stakeholders, conflicting interests and power issues and propose viable solutions. You should approach this assignment as a researcher working for Tourism Concern.

Purpose of the assessment task
To demonstrate your ability to thoroughly apply STP theory to practical case studies and evaluate those theories and techniques, as well as to consider solutions to STP issues. You should also consider how proposed solutions impact on different stakeholders and how viable the proposed solutions are.

Specific Instructions:
Produce a report (a journal paper IS a report).
You do NOT need:
– an abstract or executive summary
– table of contents
– terms of reference
– methodology
You can vary the section headings, (e.g. break sections 3 into more focussed sections) and use relevant sub-headings.

Before starting with your paper, consider the following:
1.    You are invited to write a journal article (case study) for ‘Tourism Management’ following the journal’s guidelines for authors.
–    Find the ‘Tourism Management’ journal guidelines for authors (the relevant part is the one under the title ‘Preparation’ where guidelines are given regarding fonts, references etc (please ignore the Vitae information requested as well as the Essential Title Page Information).
–    Identify relevant papers in this journal and see if you find them useful in terms of style and structure.
–    Make sure the paper follows the writing style and the presentation style for ‘Tourism Management’.

2.    The paper should address Strategic Tourism Planning issues
–    Consider where you will find information for Kavos and its planning issues
–    Consider the Strategic Tourism Planning level of the destination and apply the relevant theories.
–    Look into whether the destination has a Tourism Masterplan or any other kind of plan that even peripherally refers to tourism.
–    Address Strategic Tourism Planning issues- identify their causes and propose solutions and/ or critically evaluate measures that have been implemented. You might need to choose to discuss in detail some of the issues you identify.
–    Consider the destination stakeholders and how the proposed solutions impact on their interests. Critically assess how realistic your proposals are in relation to political influences of the level you are examining.
–    It is better to identify the main issues and discuss them in depth than to identify lots of issues and not investigate them in detail.

It is essential:
•    You MUST use a minimum of 10 references from academic books and journals and will receive a lower mark if you rely on web-based material (this does not include electronic books and journals).
•    Make sure you fully reference all of your research material.  You will be penalised if you miss references in-text or from the reference list / bibliography.
•    You must use Harvard referencing.  If you are unsure about this please ask a member of the teaching team or seek help from CASE
•    You must fully meet the report brief
•    Good written English should be used throughout

•    Use your initiative when researching.  Do not simply repeat case material and theories that you have been introduced to in class – extra marks will be gained by finding additional theories and cases.
•    Use other case studies to illustrate good practice that could be applied to your case study.

12 October

Tourism Planning theory and concepts;
Strategic planning and the planning process    –    Examine how the planning process influences tourism
–    Explore the nature of the planning process
–    Recognise the stages within the planning process

Why is tourism planning a complex, confusing and often a contentious subject ?

Is planning a philosophy or a policy issue ?

What have you studied / experienced before that is related to this module?

Looking at a tourism masterplan and its application to a tourism planning process model.

Minimum reading to be completed before the taught sessions      Reading: Hall.CM (2008) Ch 3, Inskeep,part 3, Cunn .C Ch2
Lavery P Ch ¾, Hall C.M Ch 4, Inskeep, Part 1.3

19  October

Tourism Planning, power and politics. Public policy.
Are we all equal in the planning process? Is effective tourism planning for the benefit of the destination and the host community possible in a free market economy?
Minimum reading to be completed before the taught sessions

Reading: Hall, CM (1998), Ch 8
26 October

Tourism Planning, power and politics. Public policy II- Catch up on theory
Assessment Workshop 1
Minimum reading to be completed before the taught sessions      Reading: Reading: Urry, J., Ch. 6

2 November
Tourism Planning Levels
TP at Local, Regional, National, International and Supranational scale.
Minimum reading to be completed before the taught sessions      Reading: Lavery P, Ch 2, Pearce D Ch 7
Reading: Hall C.M. (2008) Ch 5 and 6, Inskeep, part 1 and 2

9 November

Tourism Planning in Protected areas
St David’s Peninsula, Pembrokeshire Coast National Park case study    Minimum reading to be completed before the taught sessions

16 November    Assessment workshop and surgery
23 November

ASSESSMENT DEADLINE 09:00    Strategic Tourism Planning and Mega Events
Further exploration of the notion of bread and circuses. Case studies.
Assessment Submission

Minimum reading to be completed before the taught sessions      Reading: Hiller H. (2000)

30 November

Crisis  Planning in Tourism
–    Assess crisis planning for tourism and the impacts on destinations
–    Evaluate the influence of crisis planning
–    Recognise the need to plan for crisis in tourism
–    Crisis Plans and Recovery
–    Evaluate the influence of crisis planning in recovery of destinations
–    Recognise the need to plan for crisis future  in tourism
Can Tourism effectively plan for crisis- lessons learnt?
Minimum reading to be completed before the taught sessions

Reading: Crisis management articles provided via seminar
Lynch, M,Weathering The Storm,. Crisis management in The Tourism Industry,  Ch 1 & 2
7 December
Future Destination Planning    –    Destination plans for tourism reviewed
–    Evaluate the changes within the planning system that impacts on tourism    Minimum reading to be completed before the taught sessions

ReadingLavery P,Ch 6&7, Gunn,C Ch 8, Hall Ch 7 Reading: Lavery CH 10, Hall,C.M Ch 9, Pearce, D Ch 9
Inskeep, part 2, 36, Gunn, C Ch 11.

REPORT    Presentation & structure     Use & presentation of Harvard Referencing    Content/ Terms/ Findings/ Definitions/ Calculations    Business Application & Integration of Data/Literature    Discussion /Analysis /Critical evaluation &/or Reflection
Task details

Follows report structure & keeps to word limit  of …    Follows Harvard style for in-text citation & Reference List
Use a minimum of …  sources      Content included – specify task requirements as in module guide & coursework guidance     Integration & application of information – from coursework guidance /module guide    Line of argument, development of discussion add instructional verbs to suit the task & level


Outstanding    Outstanding…  Presentation & report structure, with numbered paragraphs, list of contents/figures &appendices.
Articulate & fluent academic writing style with ideas cross referenced. No grammatical / spelling errors.    Outstanding… Standard of referencing within text & consistent use of Harvard referencing system.
Accuracy of in-text references & full details shown in Reference list.
Outstanding… Exploration of topic showing excellent knowledge & understanding through thorough & appropriate research.
Impressive choice and range of appropriate content.
Outstanding… Business insight & application.
Breadth, depth & integration of literature/data into work.
Outstanding…  Level of discussion/analysis/ critical evaluation &/or reflection.
Highly developed/ focused work.

Responses are currently closed, but you can trackback from your own site.
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