Write a four page essay about the importance of attachment relating to the discoveries of Bowlby’s theory, Mary answay study, and Margaret Mahler’s study during development.
Danny is a Vietnamese an unattached child. Who was adopted by an American couple.
He has murdered three family cats.
Vandalized a neighbors house that cost his parents 6,000 to fix.
Tried to drown a twelve year old girl.
Draws pictures of devils ,demons while sitting in church.
Stolen and terrified lied and bullied his parents.
Threatened to kill family by setting the house on fire
a.Little biography about john Bowlby. And his upbringing.
How is related to his studies
Explain Bowlby’s theory.
Importance to attachment.
How Danny’s un attached behavior is explained in Bowlby theories.
b. Little biography about Mary answay. And his upbringing.
How is related to his studies
Explain Mary Answay theory. The three perspectives.
Importance to attachment
How Danny’s un attached behavior is explained in Mary answay theories.
c.Little biography about Margaret Mahler. And his upbringing.
How is related to his studies
Explain Mary answay theory.
Importance to attachment.
How Danny’s un attached behavior is explained in Margaret mahler theories.
Write a four page essay about the importance of attachment relating to the discoveries of Bowlby’s theory, Mary answay study, and Margaret Mahler’s study during development.