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Write a 1500-word essay in response to one of the following quotes. pls see the attachment

Write a 1500-word essay in response to one of the following quotes. pls see the attachment
Write a 1500-word essay in response to one of the following quotes. Reflect upon what behaviour
is and utilise one of the theories of behaviour that you were introduced to in weeks 1 and 2.

EDU20004 Understanding and Supporting Behaviour 1
Teaching Period 3, 2015
EDU20004 Understanding and Supporting Behaviour
Assessment 1: Essay Word limit: 1500 (+/- 10%) Weighting: 30% Due date: 9am AEDT Monday 23 November 2015 (Week 4)
Assessment overview
This essay allows you to deepen your understanding of learning behaviour theory and to analyse and evaluate how it might be applied to behaviour in the classroom.
The knowledge you build through completing this essay will assist you as you move on to more applied assessments later in this unit.
Assessment details
Write a 1500-word essay in response to one of the following quotes. Reflect upon what behaviour is and utilise one of the theories of behaviour that you were introduced to in weeks 1 and 2.
1. “Aggression that begins in the earliest years of life is clearly linked to delinquent and criminal behaviour in later life.” (New South Wales Government, 2004)
2. “Children’s capacity to choose appropriate behaviour is influenced by their developmental ability, temperament, interactions, life experiences and environmental factors.” (Government of South Australia, 2004)
3. “The evidence is unequivocal: children who have difficulty regulating their emotions, paying attention, initiating peer interactions, and sustaining engagement in learning tasks are at risk for school difficulties.” (Bulotsky-Shearer, Dominguez et al., 2012)
4. “…children’s experience within school is crucial in determining their likelihood of experiencing MHD (Mental Health Disorders), but this experience is clearly individual in nature and individual differences in competencies such as self-regulation and social skills help to explain why children in similar environments may experience different levels of well-being.” (Humphrey & Wigelsworth 2012)
Your essay will include:
• identification and discussion of what you understand behaviour to be
• consideration that behaviour is a socio-cultural construct
• identification and evaluation about behaviour displayed by children in learning
EDU20004 Understanding and Supporting Behaviour 2
environments and the conceptual framework involved in supporting children’s behavior
• analysis of one of the quotes above in relation to one of the following learning behaviour theories:
o behavioural theory
o humanist theory
o cognitive theory
o ecological theory
o sociocultural theory
• a developing knowledge of why children’s behaviour may occur
• use of the readings from the unit to support your thinking throughout.
Submission details
Please submit your assignment through Turnitin. More detailed information is available in the Assessment 1 folder in Blackboard.
Assessment criteria
To receive maximum marks for the essay you must demonstrate clarity and understanding of the topic and offer interpretation of the issues and implications together with a very high level of scholarship. Presentation, format and structure must be of a professional standard.
Your essay will be assessed according to the following criteria (see pp.3-4 for detailed marking rubric):
1. Knowledge and understanding of the subject:
• Identification and discussion of what you understand behaviour to be
• Consideration of the idea that behaviour is a socio-cultural construct
• Demonstration of a developing knowledge of why children’s behaviour may occur.
2. Identification and evaluation of behaviour displayed by children in learning environments and the conceptual framework involved in supporting children’s behaviour.
3. Analysis of one of the quotes in relation to one learning behaviour theory.
4. Format and structure:
• Spelling, grammar and expression
• Professional presentation of summary and reflection
• Format of essay with introduction, main body, conclusion and paragraphs.
5. Depth and relevance of research, rigour of supporting references and adherence to APA guidelines:
• Reference list provided NOT a bibliography (minimum of six references).
EDU20004 Understanding and Supporting Behaviour 3
Your work will be assessed using the following marking guide:
No pass
High distinction
Knowledge and understanding of subject
Did not meet criterion.
Significant issues are identified with reasonable understanding. The development of discussion demonstrates appropriate knowledge of what behaviour is. Central issues about children’s behaviour are identified and discussed.
Coverage of the topic is in comprehensive depth and detail is accurate throughout. The student demonstrates independence of thought and is not just relaying the readings. There is clear identification and understanding of key issues about why children’s behaviour occurs.
Comprehensive and thorough coverage of the topic and accurate in detail offering some sophisticated, even original, insights about how behaviour is a socio-cultural construct. Excellent use made of examples to demonstrate understanding of what behaviour is and why it is occurring. Clear understanding of the key theoretical framework.
Extensive subject knowledge with detailed insight into and understanding of the relevant theory chosen. Comprehensive research and coverage of topic integrating wide range of perspectives about behaviour as a socio-cultural construct and why it is occurring.
Identification and evaluation of behaviour displayed by children in learning environments and the conceptual framework involved in supporting children’s behavior
Did not meet criterion.
There is an attempt to reflect on and evaluate children’s behaviour. Some reference is made to personal and professional practice and linked to the conceptual framework.
The essay contains clear understanding of the conceptual framework. Reflection and evaluation of implications for personal and professional practice are identified.
Evidence of sophisticated reflection on personal and professional practice linked to the conceptual framework.
Rigorous evaluation of personal and professional practice linked to the conceptual framework. Extremely well expressed relationships between personal knowledge and understanding and practice.
Analysis of one of the quotes in relation to one learning behaviour theory
Did not meet criterion.
Development of ideas is consistent with appropriate balance between description and analysis. Material from different sources is drawn together to analyse
Development of ideas is consistent with a focused balance between description and analysis. Material from a variety of sources is drawn together in some
Includes high levels of perceptive and critical insight into theory. Use is made of a questioning approach when analysing the quote. There is skilled integration of theory
The essay demonstrates a creative, innovative synthesis of ideas. Comprehensive and innovative critical analysis is sustained throughout the essay. An
EDU20004 Understanding and Supporting Behaviour 4
the quote. The relationship between theory and the quote is explained.
interesting ways to analyse the quote. The use of theory and practice is both evident.
and practice and some original or perceptive interpretations are developed. Thorough and comprehensive use is made of synthesis of analysis together.
authoritative and persuasive argument is demonstrated when considering the theory and quote.
Format and structure
Did not meet criterion.
Links between introduction and conclusion are present; there is some evidence of argument and planning.
The mode of communication is generally coherent; expression is generally clear; no persistent errors in grammar, punctuation or spelling.
The work is very well structured, giving appropriate emphasis to all areas; structural devices (language and paragraphing) enhance the work.
The work is clearly expressed in an appropriate style; points are made with clarity; care has been taken to ensure accuracy of punctuation, spelling and grammatical structure.
Comprehensive and thorough organisation is evident; the work is cohesive from beginning to end; there is a systematic and cogent approach to the structure of the work.
The work is fluent and stylish and demonstrates confidence with the material; it is accurate throughout; the method and style of presentation is entirely appropriate, as are vocabulary and syntax.
Evidence of independence in extensive planning and preparation. Extremely well structured, with clear progression in the development of ideas and the use of supportive exemplars
Highly sophisticated, fluent and persuasive expression of ideas. Extremely well-written, with accuracy and style.
Great clarity and maturity of presentation. Little ambiguity in the expression of information and ideas.
Depth and relevance of research, rigour of supporting references and adherence to APA guidelines
Did not meet criterion.
This work draws upon an appropriate range of sources which are made explicit; quotations relate to the context in which they are used, references are generally cited appropriately using the APA style
A wide range of appropriate materials/literature forms the basis of this work; references are successfully incorporated into discussion using an appropriate blend of quotation and paraphrase; references are presented accurately using the APA style.
Very good command of relevant material is evident; all sources are acknowledged and are presented with meticulous care; references are integrated successfully making accurate use of APA style; the balance of quotation and paraphrase enables points to be made strongly.
Extensive use of literature to reinforce and develop arguments. Clear evidence of selective use of highly relevant sources. References embedded expertly into the flow of information and ideas with a well-managed balance of paraphrasing and quotation. Flawless use of APA style for all forms of referencing.
EDU20004 Understanding and Supporting Behaviour 5
Bulotsky-Shearer, R. J., et al. (2012). Preschool classroom behavioral context and school readiness outcomes for low-income children: A multilevel examination of child-and classroom-level influences. Journal of Educational Psychology 104(2): 421.
Government of South Australia (2004). Supporting and Managing Children’s Behaviour: An early childhood resource. Department of Education and Children’s Services. South Australia, DECS Publishing: 1-87.
Humphrey, N. and M. Wigelsworth (2012). Modeling the factors associated with children’s mental health difficulties in primary school: A multilevel study. School Psychology Review 41(3): 326-341.
New South Wales Government (2004). The development of aggressive behaviour in children and young people: Implications for social policy, service provision and future research. Department of Family and Children’s Services. Sydney, NSW: 1-17.

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Write a 1500-word essay in response to one of the following quotes. pls see the attachment

Write a 1500-word essay in response to one of the following quotes. pls see the attachment
Write a 1500-word essay in response to one of the following quotes. Reflect upon what behaviour
is and utilise one of the theories of behaviour that you were introduced to in weeks 1 and 2.

EDU20004 Understanding and Supporting Behaviour 1
Teaching Period 3, 2015
EDU20004 Understanding and Supporting Behaviour
Assessment 1: Essay Word limit: 1500 (+/- 10%) Weighting: 30% Due date: 9am AEDT Monday 23 November 2015 (Week 4)
Assessment overview
This essay allows you to deepen your understanding of learning behaviour theory and to analyse and evaluate how it might be applied to behaviour in the classroom.
The knowledge you build through completing this essay will assist you as you move on to more applied assessments later in this unit.
Assessment details
Write a 1500-word essay in response to one of the following quotes. Reflect upon what behaviour is and utilise one of the theories of behaviour that you were introduced to in weeks 1 and 2.
1. “Aggression that begins in the earliest years of life is clearly linked to delinquent and criminal behaviour in later life.” (New South Wales Government, 2004)
2. “Children’s capacity to choose appropriate behaviour is influenced by their developmental ability, temperament, interactions, life experiences and environmental factors.” (Government of South Australia, 2004)
3. “The evidence is unequivocal: children who have difficulty regulating their emotions, paying attention, initiating peer interactions, and sustaining engagement in learning tasks are at risk for school difficulties.” (Bulotsky-Shearer, Dominguez et al., 2012)
4. “…children’s experience within school is crucial in determining their likelihood of experiencing MHD (Mental Health Disorders), but this experience is clearly individual in nature and individual differences in competencies such as self-regulation and social skills help to explain why children in similar environments may experience different levels of well-being.” (Humphrey & Wigelsworth 2012)
Your essay will include:
• identification and discussion of what you understand behaviour to be
• consideration that behaviour is a socio-cultural construct
• identification and evaluation about behaviour displayed by children in learning
EDU20004 Understanding and Supporting Behaviour 2
environments and the conceptual framework involved in supporting children’s behavior
• analysis of one of the quotes above in relation to one of the following learning behaviour theories:
o behavioural theory
o humanist theory
o cognitive theory
o ecological theory
o sociocultural theory
• a developing knowledge of why children’s behaviour may occur
• use of the readings from the unit to support your thinking throughout.
Submission details
Please submit your assignment through Turnitin. More detailed information is available in the Assessment 1 folder in Blackboard.
Assessment criteria
To receive maximum marks for the essay you must demonstrate clarity and understanding of the topic and offer interpretation of the issues and implications together with a very high level of scholarship. Presentation, format and structure must be of a professional standard.
Your essay will be assessed according to the following criteria (see pp.3-4 for detailed marking rubric):
1. Knowledge and understanding of the subject:
• Identification and discussion of what you understand behaviour to be
• Consideration of the idea that behaviour is a socio-cultural construct
• Demonstration of a developing knowledge of why children’s behaviour may occur.
2. Identification and evaluation of behaviour displayed by children in learning environments and the conceptual framework involved in supporting children’s behaviour.
3. Analysis of one of the quotes in relation to one learning behaviour theory.
4. Format and structure:
• Spelling, grammar and expression
• Professional presentation of summary and reflection
• Format of essay with introduction, main body, conclusion and paragraphs.
5. Depth and relevance of research, rigour of supporting references and adherence to APA guidelines:
• Reference list provided NOT a bibliography (minimum of six references).
EDU20004 Understanding and Supporting Behaviour 3
Your work will be assessed using the following marking guide:
No pass
High distinction
Knowledge and understanding of subject
Did not meet criterion.
Significant issues are identified with reasonable understanding. The development of discussion demonstrates appropriate knowledge of what behaviour is. Central issues about children’s behaviour are identified and discussed.
Coverage of the topic is in comprehensive depth and detail is accurate throughout. The student demonstrates independence of thought and is not just relaying the readings. There is clear identification and understanding of key issues about why children’s behaviour occurs.
Comprehensive and thorough coverage of the topic and accurate in detail offering some sophisticated, even original, insights about how behaviour is a socio-cultural construct. Excellent use made of examples to demonstrate understanding of what behaviour is and why it is occurring. Clear understanding of the key theoretical framework.
Extensive subject knowledge with detailed insight into and understanding of the relevant theory chosen. Comprehensive research and coverage of topic integrating wide range of perspectives about behaviour as a socio-cultural construct and why it is occurring.
Identification and evaluation of behaviour displayed by children in learning environments and the conceptual framework involved in supporting children’s behavior
Did not meet criterion.
There is an attempt to reflect on and evaluate children’s behaviour. Some reference is made to personal and professional practice and linked to the conceptual framework.
The essay contains clear understanding of the conceptual framework. Reflection and evaluation of implications for personal and professional practice are identified.
Evidence of sophisticated reflection on personal and professional practice linked to the conceptual framework.
Rigorous evaluation of personal and professional practice linked to the conceptual framework. Extremely well expressed relationships between personal knowledge and understanding and practice.
Analysis of one of the quotes in relation to one learning behaviour theory
Did not meet criterion.
Development of ideas is consistent with appropriate balance between description and analysis. Material from different sources is drawn together to analyse
Development of ideas is consistent with a focused balance between description and analysis. Material from a variety of sources is drawn together in some
Includes high levels of perceptive and critical insight into theory. Use is made of a questioning approach when analysing the quote. There is skilled integration of theory
The essay demonstrates a creative, innovative synthesis of ideas. Comprehensive and innovative critical analysis is sustained throughout the essay. An
EDU20004 Understanding and Supporting Behaviour 4
the quote. The relationship between theory and the quote is explained.
interesting ways to analyse the quote. The use of theory and practice is both evident.
and practice and some original or perceptive interpretations are developed. Thorough and comprehensive use is made of synthesis of analysis together.
authoritative and persuasive argument is demonstrated when considering the theory and quote.
Format and structure
Did not meet criterion.
Links between introduction and conclusion are present; there is some evidence of argument and planning.
The mode of communication is generally coherent; expression is generally clear; no persistent errors in grammar, punctuation or spelling.
The work is very well structured, giving appropriate emphasis to all areas; structural devices (language and paragraphing) enhance the work.
The work is clearly expressed in an appropriate style; points are made with clarity; care has been taken to ensure accuracy of punctuation, spelling and grammatical structure.
Comprehensive and thorough organisation is evident; the work is cohesive from beginning to end; there is a systematic and cogent approach to the structure of the work.
The work is fluent and stylish and demonstrates confidence with the material; it is accurate throughout; the method and style of presentation is entirely appropriate, as are vocabulary and syntax.
Evidence of independence in extensive planning and preparation. Extremely well structured, with clear progression in the development of ideas and the use of supportive exemplars
Highly sophisticated, fluent and persuasive expression of ideas. Extremely well-written, with accuracy and style.
Great clarity and maturity of presentation. Little ambiguity in the expression of information and ideas.
Depth and relevance of research, rigour of supporting references and adherence to APA guidelines
Did not meet criterion.
This work draws upon an appropriate range of sources which are made explicit; quotations relate to the context in which they are used, references are generally cited appropriately using the APA style
A wide range of appropriate materials/literature forms the basis of this work; references are successfully incorporated into discussion using an appropriate blend of quotation and paraphrase; references are presented accurately using the APA style.
Very good command of relevant material is evident; all sources are acknowledged and are presented with meticulous care; references are integrated successfully making accurate use of APA style; the balance of quotation and paraphrase enables points to be made strongly.
Extensive use of literature to reinforce and develop arguments. Clear evidence of selective use of highly relevant sources. References embedded expertly into the flow of information and ideas with a well-managed balance of paraphrasing and quotation. Flawless use of APA style for all forms of referencing.
EDU20004 Understanding and Supporting Behaviour 5
Bulotsky-Shearer, R. J., et al. (2012). Preschool classroom behavioral context and school readiness outcomes for low-income children: A multilevel examination of child-and classroom-level influences. Journal of Educational Psychology 104(2): 421.
Government of South Australia (2004). Supporting and Managing Children’s Behaviour: An early childhood resource. Department of Education and Children’s Services. South Australia, DECS Publishing: 1-87.
Humphrey, N. and M. Wigelsworth (2012). Modeling the factors associated with children’s mental health difficulties in primary school: A multilevel study. School Psychology Review 41(3): 326-341.
New South Wales Government (2004). The development of aggressive behaviour in children and young people: Implications for social policy, service provision and future research. Department of Family and Children’s Services. Sydney, NSW: 1-17.

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