Order Description These short papers offer the opportunity for students to demonstrate their understanding of the arguments made and points raised by the articles being reviewed. Please be aware, I do not want a summary, but a critical analysis of the authors arguments and contentions. Students will elaborate as to why they agree or disagree with what is stated in the essays, and explain why. These exercises allow students to showcase their writing and analytical skills. The critique should consist of a clear and concise analysis. To encourage them to analyze the readings I emphasized critical thinking by stating that as college students they must evaluate the arguments and assumptions (and point out the flaws) made by others instead of taking what is written at face value. As stated above, the grades for the 6 critiques will be averaged and will account for 45% of the final grade.Paper will be evaluated on demonstrated understanding of the topic, clarity of argument, and effectiveness of writing. You are expected to cite your sources properly in accordance with university policy. It is the students responsibility to be in accordance with university policy regarding academic integrity & to not violate these policies.All papers shall be MLA format, double spaced, using New Times Roman 12 point font, and with one inch margins. In addition to the 3 page critique, a works cited page using MLA style shall be included.
World Affairs* Academic Essay