Workshop Six 6.6 Clinical JournalClinical Journal
Introduction and Alignment
The clinical journal is a means for you to reflect on some of your clinical experiences and discuss them with the faculty; to interact about specific patients and situations. This course is very intensive; a certain amount of self-reflection and stepping back to recognize progress is necessary to grow and thrive. Like journaling in your spiritual life, doing the clinical journal is a discipline that helps you to put your clinical experiences into perspective.
Upon successful completion of this assignment you will be able to:
Manage clients presenting with pulmonary disorders using evidenced-based standards of practice.
Develop strategies to provide holistic healthcare with clients related to education, prevention and treatment of pulmonary disorders.
Critique and develop the use of advanced technical skills in care of the sick client.
Apply evidenced-based health promotion practices for patients across the lifespan.
Collaborate within the inter-professional healthcare team in caring for the sick client.
Integrate Christian perspectives regarding the role of the family nurse practitioner in providing primary health care to clients.
Address ethical-legal issues relevant to client and provider systems related to caring for clients.
Clinical experienced, self-evaluation
1. A journal entry is to be posted in the dropbox by day seven of the workshop.
2. Copy and paste the following required elements in to your document and address each one specifically, in a question and answer format:
a. Student name, date range of the clinical experiences being described, and the practicum site.
b. Presentation of two cases that have impacted your practice as an NP. Was a case encountered that brought home a new principle or realize something of importance in NP practice? Please have one of these cases be related to pulmonary issues
c. Prevention: What is the role of the nurse practitioner as an educator? Discuss how you have incorporated education into patient encounters. Discuss two instances over the last two weeks where you have seen education as a major part of your plan of care for the patient.
d. Two specific measurable goals for the coming week. These should be short-term goals, different from your self-evaluation.
e. Copy and paste the Assessment Criteria to the last page of the paper. Post the completed assignment in the the dropbox. Please note that the assessment criteria is different for each clinical journal, because the topics are different.
Assessment Criteria
Assessed Item Points
Journal covers clinical experiences 5
Reflections on education 10
Two stated goals for coming week 3
Writing style/Punctuation/grammar 2
Total Points 20
Workshop Six 6.6 Clinical Journal