1st Draft
I. Read articles related to human resource management from the workforce website by visiting www.workforce.com or www.hotelnewsnow.com
Select at least three articles on ONE topic that you believe is important to managers (Make sure the articles are related to Human Resources topics).
The articles change every week. You will need to visit the website more than once to find enough suitable articles.
II. Create a title for the paper
III. Give a brief summary of each of three articles (about a half to one page for each article). Summaries should be directed toward imagined managers who have NOT read the article being summarized. The purpose of these summaries is to give these persons a clear overview of the article’s main points.
IV. Next, reflect on the topic you have selected (not each article, but the topic that connects the articles). State what impact or importance this topic has on managers in hospitality, (e.g., Why should the reader continue reading? What opportunity will be missed? What crisis averted? What actions should a manager take? etc.). How do the articles support the topic?
V. The majority of points will be assigned to the “synthesize reflection” portion of your review.
VI. Structure of the paper
1. Cover page including the title of the paper and student name
2. Summaries
• Each summary should have a heading including
o Article title, author’s name and link
3. Synthesized Reflection
• Must have a heading, Synthesized Reflection.
• Main argument: why the topic is important for managers in terms of managing employees
• Use of the articles summarized to support the main argument and cite the articles.
• Must include citations of the articles.
• Use APA style for the citation format.
o For more information about APA style: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/01/
• Most common mistakes student make
o Do not cite the articles to support the main argument.
o Forget to put the citation information.
o Argue importance of each article instead of the topic of choice
o Abused use of “you,” “it,” “they,” “that,” “this,” etc.
• Must written in Business Writing
o The paper must be written in business writing style.
o To develop an effective business writing style (adopted from http://pages.uoregon.edu/ddusseau/101/199/style.html)
♣ Use shorter sentences.
♣ Use simpler sentence structures.
♣ Use active voice.
♣ Write from the point of view of the company/manager.
♣ Avoid nominalizing verbs. (changing verbs into nouns, i.e. “decide” into “decision.”)
♣ Recommend action rather than refer to individual mental states (i.e. I think, I feel like, etc).
♣ Avoid personalizing pronouns such as “they,” “it,” “those,” “you,” and “these.”
• For example, change “You need to….” to “Managers need to…” “They need to …..” to “Employees need to….”
Everyone will receive 1 point on the first draft when the first drafts are being distributed to peers. This has to be done in order to attach a file (peer’s paper) in your first draft tab. The grade for the first draft will be revised after the peer review submission.