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Word 2013 Resume

Open the resume doc then save as Wl1-C5-Vb2-Resume.TEXT (Copy this text from figure 5.11)Resume WritingTo produce the best fitting resume, you need toknow about yourself and you need to know about the job you are applying for. Before you do anything else, ask yourself why you are preparing a resume. The answer to this question is going to vary from one person to the next, and here are our top ten reasons for writing a resume.1. You have seen a job that appeaks to you advertised in the paper.2. You want to market yourself to win a contract or a proposal, or be elected to a committee or organization.3.You have seen a job that appeals to you on an internet job site.4.Your friends or family told you of a job opening at a local company.5.You want to work for the local company and thought that sending a resume to them might get their attention.6. You have seen a job advertised internally at work.7. You are going for a pormotion.8.You are feeling fed up, and writing down adll your achievements will cheer you up and might motivate you to look for a better job.9. You are thinkin Oh, so thats a resume! I suppose I out tot try to remember what Ive been doing with my life.10. You are about to be downsized and want to update your resume to be ready for any good opportunities.(Column 2)All of these certaintly are good reasons to write a resume but the resume serves many different purposes.One way of seeing the different purposes is to ak yourself who is going to read the resume in each case.Resumes 1 through 5 will be read by potential employers who probably do not know you. Resumes 6 and 7 are likely to be ready by your boss or other people who do know you. Resumes 8 through 10 are really for your own benefit and should not be considered as suitable for sending out to employers.The Right MixThinka about the list of reasons again. How else can you divide up these reasons? An important difference is that, in some cases, you will have a good idea of what the employer is looking for because you have a job advertisement in front of you and can tailor your resume accordingly.For others, you have no idea what the reader might want to see. Updating your resume from time to time is a good idea so you do not forget important details, but remember that the result of such a process will not be a winning resume. It will be a suseful list of tasks and achievements.Writing a reume is like baking a cake. You need all the right ingredients: flour, butter, eggs,and so on. I is what you do with the ingredients that make the difference between a great resume ( cor cake) and failure. Keeping uyour reume up to date is like keeping a stock of ingredients in the pantry- its potentially very useful, but do not imagine that is the end of it!Infromation abou the jobYou should tailor the information in your resume to the main points in the job advertisement. Get as much infromation about the job and the company as you can. THe main sources of iformation about a job are normally the following:(USE BULLETS HERE)A job advertisementA job descriptionA friend in the companySomeone already doing the job or something similiarThe mediaGossip and rumorThere is no substitute for experience. Talking to someone who does a job similiar to the one you wish to apply for in the same comapny may provide you with a good picture of what the job is really like. Bear in mind, of course, that this source of infomraiton is not always reliable. You may react differently that the person does, and therefore his or her experience with a company may be different from yours. However, someonw with reliable information can provide a golden opportunity. Make sure you do not waste the change to get some information.2.(DIRECTIONS CONTINUED) Insert the WordArt text Resume Writing with the following specifications: Use the fill black , ext 1, outline-background 1, hard shadow background option (1st col,3rd row)Type the text Resume Writing and insert the symbol for the line over the e using the insert symbol dialog box.Change the postion to position in top center with square text wrapping. Change the width of the wordart to 5.5 inches. Apply the can up transform text effect.Format the report into two columns beginning with the first paragraph of text below the title and balnace the coloumns on the second page.Insert the pull quote with the following: Use the Motion quote built in text box.Copy the text I typed above. Select the text and change to 11 font. Change the width of the text box to 2.3 inches.Position the pull quote.Insert the cake clip art image. Search cake, desserts,food etc in insert pics windwo. Change the image color to black and white 50%. Change the width to 0.9. Change the text wrapping to tight. Position the cake as if it is a ident in text on bottom right corner. Insert page number at the bottom corner of each page with the thich line option.Spell check.Save as WL1-C5-VB2-ResumesTo produce the best fitting rsum, you need to know about yourself and you need to know about the job you are applying for. Before you do anything else, ask yourself why you are preparing a rsum. The answer to this question is going to vary from one person to the next, and here are our top ten reasons for writing a rsum:All of these certainly are good reasons to write a rsum, but the rsum serves many different purposes. One way of seeing the different purposes is to ask yourself who is going to read the rsum in each case.Rsums 1 through 5 will be read by potential employers who probably do not know you. Rsums 6 and 7 are likely to be read by your boss or other people who know you. Rsums 8 through 10 are really for your own benefit and should not be considered as suitable for sending out to employers.Think about the list of reasons again. How else can you divide up these reasons? An important difference is that, in some cases, you will have a good idea of what the employer is looking for because you have a job advertisement in front of you and can tailor your rsum accordingly. For others, you have no idea what the reader might want to see. Updating your rsum from time to time is a good idea so you do not forget important details, but remember that the result of such a process will not be a winning rsum. It will be a useful list of tasks and achievements.Writing a rsum is like baking a cake. You need all the right ingredients: flour, butter, eggs, and so on. It is what you do with the ingredients that makes the difference between a great rsum (or cake) and failure. Keeping your rsum up-to-date is like keeping a stock of ingredients in the pantryits potentially very useful, but do not imagine that is the end of it!You should tailor the information in your rsum to the main points in the job advertisement. Get as much information about the job and the company as you can. The main sources of information about a job are normally the following:There is no substitute for experience. Talking to someone who does a job similar to the one you wish to apply for in the same company may well provide you with a good picture of what the job is really like. Bear in mind, of course, that this source of information is not always reliable. You may react differently than that person does, and therefore his or her experience with a company may be very different from yours. However, someone with reliable information can provide a golden opportunity. Make sure you do not waste the chance to get some information.

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