women study• Answer ONE of the following three questions.
• Indicate which question you have answered.
• Draw on course readings, class discussions and lectures/films.
• Write no more than 1,250 words, double spaced.
• Be sure to reference all direct quotes using any one standard bibliographical format (eg APA, MLA etc).
• Complete the Academic Integrity checklist and submit this with your essay.
• Submit your paper at 11am on Mar 16th in class.
• Keep a backup.
• Assignments handed in late will be penalized 5% of the grade per day, including weekends (with the exception of documented medical reasons). Please submit late via email at [email protected] and bring a copy to the next class.
1. Explain what Kang means when she writes that “everyday manicuring interactions both conceal and reproduce” a range of inequalities (p. 5). How do manicurists challenge these inequalities when they provide pampering, expressive and routinized service?
2. Kang argues that a manicure is the “buying and selling of deference and attentiveness” (p. 134). Discuss how this is similar or different for restaurant servers and manicurists in the three different types of salons, and in some of the restaurants discussed in Dish.
3. Discuss whether some interest alliances (worker-worker, worker-customer, worker-manager) have greater potential for the improvement of working conditions in nail salon work than others. Provide specific examples in making your argument.