his is the only/last shot I have in keeping my job with Thumbtack.com, where Im a Life-Coach (which includes the titles of Therapist, Counselor, and Spiritual Counselor all of which I have extensive experience and a strong, natural talent for). However, whenever I quote a client who posts on Thumbtack, I am always passed over. My quotes have grown stronger, but I lack the ability to write concisely and effortlessly as all of my competition, and all of whom have dozens of reviews, pictures, and full summaries to supplement their quotes. However, I will make a profound stride forward if I can truly impress with this essay not only with its footnotes, research, professionalism, and so much more, but because I myself suffered excruciatingly w/ social phobia, serious depression, weight problems, extreme anxiety, and emotioanl trauma during all 4 years of high school. Yet, during college, I was able to adopt the best/most successful habits, and eventually shed all of my diagnoses something many of my doctors are still scratching their heads over. Because I directly experienced all of these diagnoses/symptoms and eventually conquered them (I knew that I had no choice feeling suicidal ideation, so I literally put forth ALL of my determination and put into practice the most successful habits). Sooner than I thought, they slowly dissipated permanently. I dont know if I should put this in this essay (unless you can do so convincingly, since this part is definitely true). Anyway, the whole key to this essay is to not only look ultra-professional and tip-topped researched, BUT TO CONVINCE.
Why the best/most successful habits are the primary/indisputable reason and predictor of our success success in every area of our lives, and how such habits can prevent/treat addictions, weight issues, anxiety, stress, mental illness, and everything else under the sun.