What is the importance of the project to the company; provide projections and benefits for the company based on your recommendation. Why should the company implement your recommendations?Proposal should cover these information.
1) What is your research topic or the title of your project? (You might want to focus on issue/ problem aspects of marketing, information system, finance, or human resource of a company that you did your internship). The title of your paper should be based on your problem statement or recommendations.
2) What is the overall purpose, objective, goal of your project? These sections cover the problem statement or statements (most important part of your paper). This should be one complete sentence with 3 problems that you want to focus on your entire project.
3) An overview of the company. (Keep this section short, no more than 5 sentences)
4) What are your recommendations: You should have at least 3 recommendations to your problem statement (Most of your paper will cover the three recommendations)
5) What are the 3 step by step implementation plans for your recommendation? (Make sure each of your recommendation has 3 step by step implementations).
6) What is the importance of the project to the company; provide projections and benefits for the company based on your recommendation. Why should the company implement your recommendations?
What is the importance of the project to the company; provide projections and benefits for the company based on your recommendation. Why should the company implement your recommendations?