For this reading check, I would like you to define, explain, and apply instructional design. So, here is how you should write this reading check:
1. First, define what instructional design is using the course readings. Cite people’s idea appropriately.
2. Second, explain how it is different learning theory and why instructional design is needed.
3. Finally, apply in your context (Math Teacher)- how will you design instruction for a specific topic of your choice? What components or factors do you need to consider? Be brief as this is just an exercise.
So, I would need you to write a 2-3 page, double spaced paper (excluding reference). Of course, I would expect to see APA style citations and reference list to prove that you read your readings and you’re not just using someone’s ideas without acknowledging them. If you absolutely need more than 3 pages, you can go ahead, but it should definitely be worth reading.