What is a hero?write a 500-word definition essayYour essay will be graded on its ability to adhere to the definition essay form. Does your essay attempt to define a problematic concept? Does it add to the discussion of how people might understand the topic? What is at stake in your discussion? In other words, is there a group of people who might be vindicated by your definition? Remember that while you are writing a definition essay, you want to avoid using the dictionary itself. This is meant to be a definition that you create, not one that you copy from a source. In addition, the dictionary is never considered a strong academic source because information that comes from the dictionary and encyclopedias is considered common knowledge. Therefore, inserting a dictionary definition into your paper makes it seem as though you are not a strong researcher.You will be graded using the following categories: content, organization, grammar and style conventions, resources, references, and APA formatting. Your essay will also be graded on its development. See the flow chart on page 77 in Strategies for Writing Successful Research Papers for guidance. Be sure that you revise, proofread, and format your essay according to APA standards. See The CSU Citation Guide. If you use outside sources, you need to use quotation marks for lifted language, as well as in-text and reference list citations. The APA organization/formatting should adhere to specifications for research papers, including the following: A title page that includes the title of the paper, the name of the student, and the name of the institution (Columbia Southern University); A proper running head according to APA 6th edition guidelines found in The CSU Citation Guide on pp. 13-14; One (1) academically valid source (see p. 18 of The CSU Citation Guide for assistance with finding sources through the CSU Online Library) A reference page with a centered header of References properly reflecting all sources used within the text (see The CSU Citation Guide, p. 16 for overall formatting guidelines and pp. 7-12 for formatting guidelines for specific source types).
What is a hero?

What is a hero? Is the true meaning of the word being diluted in today’s media? Is someone who saves a jogger from a dog a hero? Is someone who enlists in the military and goes to combat for or her country a hero? Or is a hero someone who can score the ga
” What is a hero? Is the true meaning of the word being diluted in today’s media”?