Respond each of the following question with a 200 WORD COUNT EACH. The initial post should 1) draw on key concepts from the book, 2) respond to each component of the question (most questions have multiple prompts), 3) demonstrate critical thinking and evaluation of the topic, and 4) incorporate an outside resource that relates to the question/response. Your initial discussion is due Wednesday 19/AUG/2015 by 11:55p ET BOOK:Chambliss, W. J., & Eglitis, D. S. (2016). Discover sociology (2nd ed.). Los Angeles, CA: Sage Publications, Inc.2. What did Stanley Milgram seek to test in his experiments at Yale University? What were the results? Do you think that the findings would be similar today? Why or why not? What are the ethical concerns of the study?3. What is meant by the term global elite? Who are the members of the global elite, and how do they differ from the upper-class elites described in Chapter 7? Why are the global elite not limited by borders? In your response provide examples of members of the global elite as well as evidence to support your response.5. Discuss how race is more a sociological classification than a biological one. Provide situations in which an individuals race may be mistaken or taken for granted. In the United States the key stratifying variable is race; in Europe it is SES (socioeconomic status). Why do you think there is this difference?6. What is a credential society? Is there too much of an emphasis on credentials in the United States? If so, how might this be harmful? To whom? Discuss education in the U.S. from the point of view of a functionalist or conflict theorist. Also use examples from the text in your answer.7. Chambliss discusses several theories of state power in the reading this week. Identify and describe at least two of those theories. Would you say that the U.S. governance today is characterized more by pluralism or by the concentration of power in the hands of an elite? Provide examples or evidence to support your answer.8. Chambliss discusses the efforts to revitalize the economically distressed urban core in several major cities. What are the potential effects of urban renewal and gentrification on the economy and current residents of the neighborhood? How can urban renewal be balanced with the needs of the residents who may be displaced? For those who have lived in a city, do you have examples that support or contradict the description of urban renewal from the reading?
What did Stanley Milgram seek to test in his experiments at Yale University?