Based on the video, fast forward to current day and give your opinion on whether or not Apples product strategy should change given its current rate of success and potential competing companies (i.e. Samsung, etc.) operating within their market. Provide a rationale for your response.For reference, review the supplemental article titled,”Competitve Strategy”, which discusses Michael Porters Five Forces.
: Week 4

: Week 4
Order Description
Week Four
The week Four assignment is to complete and discuss the case study: “The Nokia-Microsoft Alliance in the Global Smartphone Industry” (page 239).
Write a 3-5 page paper in APA format on the major points in the case. What lessons can be gleaned from the experiences that occurred with respect to the alliance and lessons learned from a cultural perspective. What could have been done better? Use the text and any outside references, but cite all references used.
Submit your assignment as a Word document, 3-5 pages in length. The paper must have a cover sheet, a reference list and be written in APA style format (edition 6). There are samples of APA style written papers in the “Resources” section. As a reminder, plagiarism will not be accepted. if you have doubts about the paper’s content or originality go to:
: Week 4

: Week 4
Order Description
Week Four
The week Four assignment is to complete and discuss the case study: “The Nokia-Microsoft Alliance in the Global Smartphone Industry” (page 239).
Write a 3-5 page paper in APA format on the major points in the case. What lessons can be gleaned from the experiences that occurred with respect to the alliance and lessons learned from a cultural perspective. What could have been done better? Use the text and any outside references, but cite all references used.
Submit your assignment as a Word document, 3-5 pages in length. The paper must have a cover sheet, a reference list and be written in APA style format (edition 6). There are samples of APA style written papers in the “Resources” section. As a reminder, plagiarism will not be accepted. if you have doubts about the paper’s content or originality go to: