- Does Walmart use the stakeholder approach to social responsibility? How can you tell?
- There are four main types of social responsibility: economic, legal, ethical, and discretionary. Which responsibilities does the Walmart case deal with? How could Walmart’s position be changed for the better?


Topic: Walmart
Paper details:
Short Research paper
Write and type a two to three paged (text) research paper that will recommend a viable change to solve a problem in or address a challenge facing a company in the U.S problems may focus on such things as seeking more efficient ways to market a product or identifying a better alternative to a current practice or policy. In your research, you will encounter a variety of problems from which you will choose one.
(Find the company and the problem) I choose walmart to talk about.
Find a publicly traded company of interest to you. Then through using the SWOT analysis of that company in the databases business source complete or details from Hoovers, read and gather information about the company.
Define the problem you will write about. Use the following criteria to help you.
Is it real versus fictious
Is it significant enough to solve
Is it narrow (specific enough) but challenging to write about
Determine the audience
Identify the audience or the report
Giving support- find two articles from database source that provide details to support the severity of the problem and adequately back up your recommendation. Quoted and paraphrased information from your source must be credited with in-text citations. Refer to
Elements included in my research paper.
APA formatted title page
Introduction that gives a description of the problem and leads into a thesis statement identifying the problem and a solution.
Body to develop your paper with details

Topic: Walmart
Paper details:
Short Research paper
Write and type a two to three paged (text) research paper that will recommend a viable change to solve a problem in or address a challenge facing a company in the U.S problems may focus on such things as seeking more efficient ways to market a product or identifying a better alternative to a current practice or policy. In your research, you will encounter a variety of problems from which you will choose one.
(Find the company and the problem) I choose walmart to talk about.
Find a publicly traded company of interest to you. Then through using the SWOT analysis of that company in the databases business source complete or details from Hoovers, read and gather information about the company.
Define the problem you will write about. Use the following criteria to help you.
Is it real versus fictious
Is it significant enough to solve
Is it narrow (specific enough) but challenging to write about
Determine the audience
Identify the audience or the report
Giving support- find two articles from database source that provide details to support the severity of the problem and adequately back up your recommendation. Quoted and paraphrased information from your source must be credited with in-text citations. Refer to
Elements included in my research paper.
APA formatted title page
Introduction that gives a description of the problem and leads into a thesis statement identifying the problem and a solution.
Body to develop your paper with details