Utilizing reading strategies to improve math achievement in elementary studentsOrder Description Write a 3 to 5-page academic paper describing the philosophical underpinnings of research. To guide your understanding, think about a problem (utilizing reading strategies to improve math achievement in elementary students). Based on the research problem, provide the following information using evidence (i.e., information from your class readings or external sources) to support your argument. Please include at least three total citations in this assignment. Please ensure your paper is written in correct APA style.What paradigm will you follow to address the research problem? Why is this the most appropriate paradigm to address the research problem? What is the ontological position? Discuss the view of reality based on the chosen ontology. What is the epistemological belief? Discuss how knowledge is constructed through this epistemological lens. What methodology will you choose? Provide evidence to support the appropriateness of the chosen methodology. What potential data collection method(s) will you use to address the research problem? Provide a rationale for the selection. Discuss the limitations of the chosen ontology.
Utilizing reading strategies to improve math achievement in elementary students Academic Essay