Using the approach to alternative media as serving a community, compare and contrast between Berber videos and Los Angeles-based Iranian television discussed in the readings.SEE INSTRUCTIONS BELOW:Reading responses should demonstrate that you are making thoughtful connections between your own scholarly interests and experiences, and the ideas/issues raised by the readings. Your responses to the readings should not just be a chapter/article report or summary, you should also critique, question, comment on, elaborate on, or augment ideas and issues of the readings.Throughout the semester you will be required to submit three reading response papers. Each response will be no less than 1000 words (excluding references). Reading response question guides will be provided on canvas during weeks 5, 8 and 10. Refer to Section 3 of this syllabus for due dates and times. Your readings response papers should be uploaded to Canvas.Here is what you are expected to cover in each reading response paper:Section One: Introduce the readings and summarize in one paragraph the theme about the readings that impressed you the most. Stay focused on the readings. Do not revert to I did/did not like this reading. Be clear about the ideas that the readings bring to you.Section Two: Having made a clear statement about your position in section one, use section two to dissect, tear apart, evaluate, support, etc. the claim(s) you are making. Use references to the readings be sure to document the page number and give full credit to any materials you are using. Materials used should include previous texts and case studies. Ideas presented here should be your own.Section Three: Now that you have made your claim and cited the source of your interests, elaborate on what it all means to your understandings of alternative media. Link your ideas to other readings or experiences you have had. Develop your thoughts. Write with a sense of adventure, perspective, and contribution to intellectual thought.Section Four: Conclude your paper with a quick restatement and review of your idea. Write towards a conclusion but leave room for the next read and idea.Additional Hints:Write in a positive, active voice (do not use passive voice)Write as if your life depended on it (you have the best and most important idea that will save the world but people have to be able to hear/read you)Write with a focus on being able to share your ideas in the seminarWrite using good English avoid pronouns/avoid contractions/avoid poor work choices/use spellcheck/visit the Writing Center.extra details will be provided later: Essays
Using the approach to alternative media as serving a community, compare and contrast between Berber videos and Los Angeles-based Iranian television discussed in the readings. Academic Essay
August 8th, 2017 admin