Over the course of the module you will be reading and taking notes on a nonfiction/biography book. The book must be on a topic from U.S. History up to the year 1865. Lists of possible choices, which are accessible through the Post University library as e-books, are listed below. You are not limited to these choices, but you must have your chosen book approved by your professor by the end of week 1. Reference list for final project reading list: · Jacobs, H. A., & Child, L. (2008). Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl: Seven Years Concealed. [Auckland, N.Z.]: Floating Press. You will be expected to complete a presentation that outlines the novel’s relation to history, addresses a variety of discussion questions, and postulates the effectiveness of the book in our study of U.S. History. Your presentation must include images to support your answers and time period being represented. The platform you use to develop your presentation is up to you. Examples include but are not limited to: PowerPoint, Prezi, a brochure, or video. Students: Be sure to read the criteria, by which your paper/project will be evaluated, before you write, and again after you write. Evaluation Rubric for Book Project Assignment Levels of Achievement Criteria 1 2 3 4 5 0 Preparation of Project 1 Points Unclear or incomplete check-ins or communication of project prior to submission of final project. Does not show continued progress of reading throughout module. 2 Points Unclear or incomplete check-ins and communications prior to submission of final project. May not demonstrate continued progress of reading throughout module. 3 Points Demonstrates minimal understanding of book and project through check-ins and communications prior to submission of final project. May show continued progress of reading throughout module. 4 Points Demonstrates understanding of book and project through check-ins and communications prior to submission of final project. Shows continued progress of reading throughout module. 5 Points Demonstrates complete understanding of book and project through check-ins and communications prior to submission of final project. Shows continued progress of reading throughout module. 0 Points No check-ins or communication of project prior to submission of final project. Part I 1 Points Questions in part 1 are minimally supported with specific, credible, and relevant evidence. 2 Points 1-2 questions in part 1 are adequately supported OR 3-4 questions are minimally supported with specific, credible, and relevant evidence. 3 Points 3-4 questions in part 1 are adequately supported OR 5 questions are minimally supported with specific, credible, and relevant evidence. 4 Points All 5 questions in part 1 are adequately supported with a limited spectrum of specific, credible, and relevant evidence. 5 Points All 5 questions in part one are well-supported with a broad spectrum of specific, credible, and relevant evidence. 0 Points Part 1 is not complete. Part II and III 1 Points Questions in part 1 are minimally supported with specific, credible, and relevant evidence. 2 Points 1-2 questions in part 1 are adequately supported OR 3-4 questions are minimally supported with specific, credible, and relevant evidence. 3 Points 3-4 questions in part 1 are adequately supported OR 5 questions are minimally supported with specific, credible, and relevant evidence. 4 Points All 5 questions in part 1 are adequately supported with a limited spectrum of specific, credible, and relevant evidence. 5 Points All 5 questions in part one are well-supported with a broad spectrum of specific, credible, and relevant evidence. 0 Points Part 1 is not complete. Analysis 1 Points Minimal analysis and critical thought shown throughout all questions. 2 Points Analysis and critical thinking is minimally shown throughout the presentation with a few questions showing a deeper level of development and thought. 0 Points Analysis and critical thinking is shown in the majority questions; answers are developed and thoughtful. 4 Points Analysis and critical thinking is shown in most questions; answers are well-developed, very thoughtful, and persuasive. 5 Points Analysis and critical thinking is shown in all questions; answers are well-developed, very thoughtful, and persuasive. 0 Points No analysis offered. Spelling & Grammar 1 Points Lacks polish and does not demonstrate proficiency in grammar and spelling. Sources are listed at end of presentation but not in proper APA format. 2 Points Minimally polished and inconsistently demonstrates proficiency in grammar and spelling. Sources are listed at end of proper and minimally referenced throughout paper but not in proper APA format. 3 Points Polished and inconsistently demonstrates proficiency in grammar and spelling. Sources are cited throughout presentation and listed as a reference, APA format is attempted with errors or missing parts. 4 Points Generally polished and demonstrates proficiency in grammar and spelling. Sources are cited throughout presentation and listed as a reference, APA format is attempted with few errors. 5 Points Polished and demonstrates a high level of proficiency in grammar and spelling. Sources are cited throughout presentation and listed as a reference, APA format is present throughout presentation.0 Points Grammar and spelling are deficient. Sources are not provided or listed. Presentation 1 Points Presentation is not organized or clear; May include visuals that are weak or do not relate to topics; Has the feel of an unstructured presentation. 2 Points Presentation lacks organization, logic, and clarity; Minimally uses visuals or uses them ineffectively; Has the feeling of a weak presentation. 3 Points Presentation is somewhat organized, logical, and clearly articulated; Uses visuals that relate to topics; Feels like a presentation. 4 Points Presentation is generally organized, logical, and clearly articulated. Uses visuals effectively; Feels like a presentation.
US History

A. Explain (suggested length of 1–2 paragraphs) the reasons for the rise of partisan politics in the Early Republic (i.e., major conflicts and concerns, development of the First Party System).
B. Discuss the development of the Second Party System (suggested length of 1–2 pages) by doing the following:
1. Compare the platforms of the Whig and Democratic parties.
Note: You may include both similarities and differences of the two parties.
2. Describe the leaders and constituents that defined each party.
3. Explain how the Second Party System contributed to increased democratization of American politics.
C. Discuss the major movements and events that led to the Civil War (suggested length of 2 pages) by doing the following:
1. Explain the pro-slavery and abolitionist arguments of the antebellum period.
2. Describe the role of westward expansion in increasing sectional tensions.
3. Evaluate how three major events (e.g., significant legislation, territorial conflicts, court cases, political debates) contributed to the outbreak of the Civil War.
D. Provide acknowledgement of source information, using in-text citations and references, for quoted, paraphrased, or summarized content.
1. Include the following information when providing source references:
• author
• date
• title
• location of information (e.g., publisher, journal, or website URL)