Urban Planning Scenario Collier County has bequeathed a section of land 5 miles north of Immokalee Fl. adjacent to Highway 29 to start a new community for the new airport expansion in Immokalee. The new community will have two mufti-family residences single family and low income units. All together 3000 families about 12000 people. The land is a 16 block units 40 acres a block. There will be 40 acres of roadway needing 137 and a half feet of mitigation per acre. There will be need for light manufacturing and a shopping area for 30 new stores. I need to provide commuter bus service for the new community and school bus service both will to added to the existing Immokalee service and parked and housed in Immokalee so no new transit buildings or storage or repair facilities need be developed. I have done research and an uploading the file for the writer. The paper should give the amount of service needed and the impact on the 29 corridor which studies are included in the files for this upgrade of existing infrastructure as the new community will use existing schools in Immokalee which are 5 miles to the north. There is also information on the environmental impact.
Urban Planning scenario