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Unit number and title Unit 6: Creative and Innovative Management

Unit number and title    Unit 6: Creative and Innovative Management

The purpose of this assignment is to understand how creative and innovative management systems are built and run in organizations.
You are assigned to a CIO (Chief Innovation Officer) position of a big scale company. You have an experience of 22 months in this company. In this period of time, you built a system to uplift creative and innovation management processes. In the end of your second year, you are supposed to write a report about your executions as CIO from the date you assigned to this position. In your report include the following:
Give brief information (sector, location(s), number of employees, main processes, structure, your position) about the company you work for. (max. 1 page)
(* If the learner is not working actively in a company, s/he should choose a company and take the approval of the lecturer before the course ends.)
Before beginning to Tasks below, please give a brief information about the institution/company/ organization you work for. The information should cover only: Name of the company, Employee number, Locations, Main departments, Any specific success for the last 5 years. (not more than 150 words, no figures or charts)
1.1. Evaluate current creative and innovative management processes in your organization for all dimensions of “Innovation Assessment Check-list” given to you by Tutor. Describe the procedures and make evaluations and comparisons with other departments/organizations. (A.C. 1-1)
1.2. Explain how to lead others to positively embrace innovation and change in your organization. Fill out the “Leadership Style Inventory” and evaluate your leadership style with pros and cons. (A.C. 1-2)

2.1. Give details of your organization’s «mission» and «vision» statements. Assess the influence of vision and mission on generation of creative and innovative management processes in your organization. Explain your thoughts and compare with benchmark organizations’ mission and vision statements (A.C. 2-1)
2.2. Choose an improvement idea of your own related with your job. Assess your idea’s risks/benefits and feasibility using analytical tools.(A.C.2-2, A.C.2-3)
2.3. Explain the change process you experienced in near past by using one of the change models shared in class. (A.C.2-4)

3.1.Choose an improvement idea of your own that is implemented at work in near past and make your evaluations for below questions:
3.1.1. Who were the stakeholders and how were they affected by this implementation?
3.1.2. How did you motivate them to change their way of working with your new idea?
3.1.3. How did you produce an appropriate rationale to persuade stakeholders about the benefits of your creative and innovative management idea? (A.C. 3-1)
3.1.4. How did you communicate your idea with stakeholders? (A.C. 3-2)
– What were the key goals and targets of your plan, How did you establish your key goals and priorities for implementation? (A.C.3-3)
3.1.5.    How did you get feedback from stakeholders? (A.C.3-3)
Submit your study in minimum 1200 words.

4.1.    Choose one of your experiences related with change in which you took part directly or leaded.
4.1.1. Assess the barriers to the implementation of a creative and innovative management idea in your organization (A.C.4-1)
4.1.2. How did you plan your strategy to overcome identified barriers to the implementation of a creative and innovative management idea in your organization? (A.C.4-2)
4.1.3. Explain your strategic plan for overcoming barriers. How did you ensure relevant stakeholders in your organization? (A.C.4-3)


Ashkenas R, Ulrich D, Jick T and Kerr S – The Boundaryless Organization (Jossey-Bass, 2002) ISBN 078795943X
Birkinshaw J and Hagström P — The Flexible Firm (Oxford University Press, 2001) ISBN 0199248559
Cairncross F – The Death of Distance (Harvard Business School Press, 2001) ISBN 157851438X
Christensen C – Innovation and the General Manager (McGraw-Hill, 2002) ISBN 0071183809
Christiansen J A – Competitive Innovation Management: Techniques to Improve Innovation Performance (Palgrave USA, 2003) ISBN 0312230257
Clegg B – Creativity and Innovation for Managers (Butterworth-Heinemann, 1999) ISBN 0750642556
Drucker P F – Innovation and Entrepreneurship (Butterworth-Heinemann, 2007) ISBN 0750685085
Financial Times – Mastering Global Business (Financial Times/Prentice Hall, 1998) ISBN 0273637061
David Ford D,  Gadde L E,  Håkansson H and  Snehota I – Managing Business Relationships (John Wiley and Sons, 2003) ISBN 0470851252
Galbraith J R – Designing the Global Corporation (Jossey-Bass, 2000) ISBN 0787952753
Gupta A K and Westney E – Smart Globalization: Designing Global Strategies, Creating Global Networks (Jossey-Bass, 2003) ISBN 0787965324
Hammer M and Champy J – Reengineering the Corporation: A Manifesto for Business Revolution (Harper, 2004) ISBN 0060559535
Hofstede G and Hofstede G J – Cultures and Organizations: Software for the Mind
(McGraw-Hill Professional, 2004) ISBN 0071439595
Jones T – Innovating at the Edge (Butterworth-Heinemann, 2002) ISBN 0750655194
Konopaske R and  Ivancevich J M – Global Management and Organizational Behavior
(McGraw-Hill Education, 2003) ISBN 0071232516
Mead R and Andrews T G – International Management: Culture and Beyond, 4th Edition (Wiley-Blackwell, 2009) ISBN 1405173998
Mercado S, Welford R and Prescott K – European Business, 4th Edition (Financial Times/Prentice Hall, 2000) ISBN 0273646001
Mole J – Mind Your Manners, 3rd Edition  (Nicholas Brealey Publishing, 2003) ISBN 1857883144
Neuhauser P, Bender R and Stromberg K – Culture.Com: Building Corporate Culture in the Connected Workplace (John Wiley and Sons, 2000) ISBN 0471645397
Schneider S C and Barsoux J L – Managing Across Cultures (Financial Times/Prentice Hall, 2002) ISBN 027364663X
Thussu D K – International Communication: Continuity and Change, 2nd Edition
(Hodder Education, 2006) ISBN 034088892X
Tidd J and Bessant J – Managing Innovation (John Wiley and Sons, 2009) ISBN 0470998105


Academy of Management Journal (Academy of Management) British Journal of Management (John Wiley and Sons)
California Management Review (University of California, Berkeley) EuroMedia (Advanced Television Ltd)
European Management Journal (Elsevier)
Global Trade Review (Exporta Publishing and Events) Harvard Business Review (Harvard Business Publishing)
Journal of Management Studies (John Wiley and Sons)
Management Today (Haymarket Business Media)
MIT Sloan Management Review (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)


www.asa.org.uk    Advertising Standards Authority
www.bbc.co.uk    British Broadcasting Corporation
www.benchmarkingnetwork.com    The Benchmarking Network Inc
www.bized.co.uk    Learning materials and case studies
www.britishcouncil.org.uk    British Council
www.business.com    Business search engine on business background
www.cipd.co.uk    Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development
www.direct.gov.uk    Public service information
www.findarticles.com    BNET – for articles in more than 500 publications
www.ft.com    Financial Times archive
www.i-l-m.com    Institute of Leadership and Management
www.ico.gov.uk    Information Commissioner’s Office –data protection and freedom of information advice
www.iso9000.org    International Quality Systems Directory
www.managers.org.uk Chartered Management Institute
www.mintel.co.uk    Mintel International on consumer markets
www.newsint-archive.co.uk    The Times and Sunday Times archive
www.ons.gov.uk    Office for National Statistics

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Unit number and title Unit 6: Creative and Innovative Management

Unit number and title    Unit 6: Creative and Innovative Management

The purpose of this assignment is to understand how creative and innovative management systems are built and run in organizations.
You are assigned to a CIO (Chief Innovation Officer) position of a big scale company. You have an experience of 22 months in this company. In this period of time, you built a system to uplift creative and innovation management processes. In the end of your second year, you are supposed to write a report about your executions as CIO from the date you assigned to this position. In your report include the following:
Give brief information (sector, location(s), number of employees, main processes, structure, your position) about the company you work for. (max. 1 page)
(* If the learner is not working actively in a company, s/he should choose a company and take the approval of the lecturer before the course ends.)
Before beginning to Tasks below, please give a brief information about the institution/company/ organization you work for. The information should cover only: Name of the company, Employee number, Locations, Main departments, Any specific success for the last 5 years. (not more than 150 words, no figures or charts)
1.1. Evaluate current creative and innovative management processes in your organization for all dimensions of “Innovation Assessment Check-list” given to you by Tutor. Describe the procedures and make evaluations and comparisons with other departments/organizations. (A.C. 1-1)
1.2. Explain how to lead others to positively embrace innovation and change in your organization. Fill out the “Leadership Style Inventory” and evaluate your leadership style with pros and cons. (A.C. 1-2)

2.1. Give details of your organization’s «mission» and «vision» statements. Assess the influence of vision and mission on generation of creative and innovative management processes in your organization. Explain your thoughts and compare with benchmark organizations’ mission and vision statements (A.C. 2-1)
2.2. Choose an improvement idea of your own related with your job. Assess your idea’s risks/benefits and feasibility using analytical tools.(A.C.2-2, A.C.2-3)
2.3. Explain the change process you experienced in near past by using one of the change models shared in class. (A.C.2-4)

3.1.Choose an improvement idea of your own that is implemented at work in near past and make your evaluations for below questions:
3.1.1. Who were the stakeholders and how were they affected by this implementation?
3.1.2. How did you motivate them to change their way of working with your new idea?
3.1.3. How did you produce an appropriate rationale to persuade stakeholders about the benefits of your creative and innovative management idea? (A.C. 3-1)
3.1.4. How did you communicate your idea with stakeholders? (A.C. 3-2)
– What were the key goals and targets of your plan, How did you establish your key goals and priorities for implementation? (A.C.3-3)
3.1.5.    How did you get feedback from stakeholders? (A.C.3-3)
Submit your study in minimum 1200 words.

4.1.    Choose one of your experiences related with change in which you took part directly or leaded.
4.1.1. Assess the barriers to the implementation of a creative and innovative management idea in your organization (A.C.4-1)
4.1.2. How did you plan your strategy to overcome identified barriers to the implementation of a creative and innovative management idea in your organization? (A.C.4-2)
4.1.3. Explain your strategic plan for overcoming barriers. How did you ensure relevant stakeholders in your organization? (A.C.4-3)


Ashkenas R, Ulrich D, Jick T and Kerr S – The Boundaryless Organization (Jossey-Bass, 2002) ISBN 078795943X
Birkinshaw J and Hagström P — The Flexible Firm (Oxford University Press, 2001) ISBN 0199248559
Cairncross F – The Death of Distance (Harvard Business School Press, 2001) ISBN 157851438X
Christensen C – Innovation and the General Manager (McGraw-Hill, 2002) ISBN 0071183809
Christiansen J A – Competitive Innovation Management: Techniques to Improve Innovation Performance (Palgrave USA, 2003) ISBN 0312230257
Clegg B – Creativity and Innovation for Managers (Butterworth-Heinemann, 1999) ISBN 0750642556
Drucker P F – Innovation and Entrepreneurship (Butterworth-Heinemann, 2007) ISBN 0750685085
Financial Times – Mastering Global Business (Financial Times/Prentice Hall, 1998) ISBN 0273637061
David Ford D,  Gadde L E,  Håkansson H and  Snehota I – Managing Business Relationships (John Wiley and Sons, 2003) ISBN 0470851252
Galbraith J R – Designing the Global Corporation (Jossey-Bass, 2000) ISBN 0787952753
Gupta A K and Westney E – Smart Globalization: Designing Global Strategies, Creating Global Networks (Jossey-Bass, 2003) ISBN 0787965324
Hammer M and Champy J – Reengineering the Corporation: A Manifesto for Business Revolution (Harper, 2004) ISBN 0060559535
Hofstede G and Hofstede G J – Cultures and Organizations: Software for the Mind
(McGraw-Hill Professional, 2004) ISBN 0071439595
Jones T – Innovating at the Edge (Butterworth-Heinemann, 2002) ISBN 0750655194
Konopaske R and  Ivancevich J M – Global Management and Organizational Behavior
(McGraw-Hill Education, 2003) ISBN 0071232516
Mead R and Andrews T G – International Management: Culture and Beyond, 4th Edition (Wiley-Blackwell, 2009) ISBN 1405173998
Mercado S, Welford R and Prescott K – European Business, 4th Edition (Financial Times/Prentice Hall, 2000) ISBN 0273646001
Mole J – Mind Your Manners, 3rd Edition  (Nicholas Brealey Publishing, 2003) ISBN 1857883144
Neuhauser P, Bender R and Stromberg K – Culture.Com: Building Corporate Culture in the Connected Workplace (John Wiley and Sons, 2000) ISBN 0471645397
Schneider S C and Barsoux J L – Managing Across Cultures (Financial Times/Prentice Hall, 2002) ISBN 027364663X
Thussu D K – International Communication: Continuity and Change, 2nd Edition
(Hodder Education, 2006) ISBN 034088892X
Tidd J and Bessant J – Managing Innovation (John Wiley and Sons, 2009) ISBN 0470998105


Academy of Management Journal (Academy of Management) British Journal of Management (John Wiley and Sons)
California Management Review (University of California, Berkeley) EuroMedia (Advanced Television Ltd)
European Management Journal (Elsevier)
Global Trade Review (Exporta Publishing and Events) Harvard Business Review (Harvard Business Publishing)
Journal of Management Studies (John Wiley and Sons)
Management Today (Haymarket Business Media)
MIT Sloan Management Review (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)


www.asa.org.uk    Advertising Standards Authority
www.bbc.co.uk    British Broadcasting Corporation
www.benchmarkingnetwork.com    The Benchmarking Network Inc
www.bized.co.uk    Learning materials and case studies
www.britishcouncil.org.uk    British Council
www.business.com    Business search engine on business background
www.cipd.co.uk    Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development
www.direct.gov.uk    Public service information
www.findarticles.com    BNET – for articles in more than 500 publications
www.ft.com    Financial Times archive
www.i-l-m.com    Institute of Leadership and Management
www.ico.gov.uk    Information Commissioner’s Office –data protection and freedom of information advice
www.iso9000.org    International Quality Systems Directory
www.managers.org.uk Chartered Management Institute
www.mintel.co.uk    Mintel International on consumer markets
www.newsint-archive.co.uk    The Times and Sunday Times archive
www.ons.gov.uk    Office for National Statistics

Responses are currently closed, but you can trackback from your own site.

Unit number and title Unit 6: Creative and Innovative Management

Unit number and title    Unit 6: Creative and Innovative Management

The purpose of this assignment is to understand how creative and innovative management systems are built and run in organizations.
You are assigned to a CIO (Chief Innovation Officer) position of a big scale company. You have an experience of 22 months in this company. In this period of time, you built a system to uplift creative and innovation management processes. In the end of your second year, you are supposed to write a report about your executions as CIO from the date you assigned to this position. In your report include the following:
Give brief information (sector, location(s), number of employees, main processes, structure, your position) about the company you work for. (max. 1 page)
(* If the learner is not working actively in a company, s/he should choose a company and take the approval of the lecturer before the course ends.)
Before beginning to Tasks below, please give a brief information about the institution/company/ organization you work for. The information should cover only: Name of the company, Employee number, Locations, Main departments, Any specific success for the last 5 years. (not more than 150 words, no figures or charts)
1.1. Evaluate current creative and innovative management processes in your organization for all dimensions of “Innovation Assessment Check-list” given to you by Tutor. Describe the procedures and make evaluations and comparisons with other departments/organizations. (A.C. 1-1)
1.2. Explain how to lead others to positively embrace innovation and change in your organization. Fill out the “Leadership Style Inventory” and evaluate your leadership style with pros and cons. (A.C. 1-2)

2.1. Give details of your organization’s «mission» and «vision» statements. Assess the influence of vision and mission on generation of creative and innovative management processes in your organization. Explain your thoughts and compare with benchmark organizations’ mission and vision statements (A.C. 2-1)
2.2. Choose an improvement idea of your own related with your job. Assess your idea’s risks/benefits and feasibility using analytical tools.(A.C.2-2, A.C.2-3)
2.3. Explain the change process you experienced in near past by using one of the change models shared in class. (A.C.2-4)

3.1.Choose an improvement idea of your own that is implemented at work in near past and make your evaluations for below questions:
3.1.1. Who were the stakeholders and how were they affected by this implementation?
3.1.2. How did you motivate them to change their way of working with your new idea?
3.1.3. How did you produce an appropriate rationale to persuade stakeholders about the benefits of your creative and innovative management idea? (A.C. 3-1)
3.1.4. How did you communicate your idea with stakeholders? (A.C. 3-2)
– What were the key goals and targets of your plan, How did you establish your key goals and priorities for implementation? (A.C.3-3)
3.1.5.    How did you get feedback from stakeholders? (A.C.3-3)
Submit your study in minimum 1200 words.

4.1.    Choose one of your experiences related with change in which you took part directly or leaded.
4.1.1. Assess the barriers to the implementation of a creative and innovative management idea in your organization (A.C.4-1)
4.1.2. How did you plan your strategy to overcome identified barriers to the implementation of a creative and innovative management idea in your organization? (A.C.4-2)
4.1.3. Explain your strategic plan for overcoming barriers. How did you ensure relevant stakeholders in your organization? (A.C.4-3)


Ashkenas R, Ulrich D, Jick T and Kerr S – The Boundaryless Organization (Jossey-Bass, 2002) ISBN 078795943X
Birkinshaw J and Hagström P — The Flexible Firm (Oxford University Press, 2001) ISBN 0199248559
Cairncross F – The Death of Distance (Harvard Business School Press, 2001) ISBN 157851438X
Christensen C – Innovation and the General Manager (McGraw-Hill, 2002) ISBN 0071183809
Christiansen J A – Competitive Innovation Management: Techniques to Improve Innovation Performance (Palgrave USA, 2003) ISBN 0312230257
Clegg B – Creativity and Innovation for Managers (Butterworth-Heinemann, 1999) ISBN 0750642556
Drucker P F – Innovation and Entrepreneurship (Butterworth-Heinemann, 2007) ISBN 0750685085
Financial Times – Mastering Global Business (Financial Times/Prentice Hall, 1998) ISBN 0273637061
David Ford D,  Gadde L E,  Håkansson H and  Snehota I – Managing Business Relationships (John Wiley and Sons, 2003) ISBN 0470851252
Galbraith J R – Designing the Global Corporation (Jossey-Bass, 2000) ISBN 0787952753
Gupta A K and Westney E – Smart Globalization: Designing Global Strategies, Creating Global Networks (Jossey-Bass, 2003) ISBN 0787965324
Hammer M and Champy J – Reengineering the Corporation: A Manifesto for Business Revolution (Harper, 2004) ISBN 0060559535
Hofstede G and Hofstede G J – Cultures and Organizations: Software for the Mind
(McGraw-Hill Professional, 2004) ISBN 0071439595
Jones T – Innovating at the Edge (Butterworth-Heinemann, 2002) ISBN 0750655194
Konopaske R and  Ivancevich J M – Global Management and Organizational Behavior
(McGraw-Hill Education, 2003) ISBN 0071232516
Mead R and Andrews T G – International Management: Culture and Beyond, 4th Edition (Wiley-Blackwell, 2009) ISBN 1405173998
Mercado S, Welford R and Prescott K – European Business, 4th Edition (Financial Times/Prentice Hall, 2000) ISBN 0273646001
Mole J – Mind Your Manners, 3rd Edition  (Nicholas Brealey Publishing, 2003) ISBN 1857883144
Neuhauser P, Bender R and Stromberg K – Culture.Com: Building Corporate Culture in the Connected Workplace (John Wiley and Sons, 2000) ISBN 0471645397
Schneider S C and Barsoux J L – Managing Across Cultures (Financial Times/Prentice Hall, 2002) ISBN 027364663X
Thussu D K – International Communication: Continuity and Change, 2nd Edition
(Hodder Education, 2006) ISBN 034088892X
Tidd J and Bessant J – Managing Innovation (John Wiley and Sons, 2009) ISBN 0470998105


Academy of Management Journal (Academy of Management) British Journal of Management (John Wiley and Sons)
California Management Review (University of California, Berkeley) EuroMedia (Advanced Television Ltd)
European Management Journal (Elsevier)
Global Trade Review (Exporta Publishing and Events) Harvard Business Review (Harvard Business Publishing)
Journal of Management Studies (John Wiley and Sons)
Management Today (Haymarket Business Media)
MIT Sloan Management Review (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)


www.asa.org.uk    Advertising Standards Authority
www.bbc.co.uk    British Broadcasting Corporation
www.benchmarkingnetwork.com    The Benchmarking Network Inc
www.bized.co.uk    Learning materials and case studies
www.britishcouncil.org.uk    British Council
www.business.com    Business search engine on business background
www.cipd.co.uk    Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development
www.direct.gov.uk    Public service information
www.findarticles.com    BNET – for articles in more than 500 publications
www.ft.com    Financial Times archive
www.i-l-m.com    Institute of Leadership and Management
www.ico.gov.uk    Information Commissioner’s Office –data protection and freedom of information advice
www.iso9000.org    International Quality Systems Directory
www.managers.org.uk Chartered Management Institute
www.mintel.co.uk    Mintel International on consumer markets
www.newsint-archive.co.uk    The Times and Sunday Times archive
www.ons.gov.uk    Office for National Statistics

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