Topic: Unit 4 Biology Discussion Board
Description: [?]
Preferred language style: English (U.S.)
According to the Theory of Evolution, Natural Selection is the mechanism by which evolution occurs. Remember: evolution occurs at the level of the population. Individuals do not evolve, populations evolve.
The process of Natural selection is based on the following four postulates:
Postulate 1 – Individual members of a population differ from one another in many respects.
Postulate 2 – At least some of the differences among members of a population are due to characteristics that may be passed from parent to offspring. That is, they are heritable or genetic.
Postulate 3 – In each generation, some individuals in a population survive and reproduce successfully but others do not.
Postulate 4 – The fate of individuals is not determined by luck. Instead, an individual’s likelihood of survival and reproduction depends on its characteristics. Individuals with advantageous traits survive longest and leave the most offspring, a process known as Natural Selection.
but the evolutionary change in a trait that you describe can be