Understanding Marketing ResearchOrder DescriptionWork Description:In this assignment, you need to demonstrate an in-depth understanding of different research methodologies including qualitative research methods, quantitative research methods, and a mixture of both.In Discussion, analysis and evaluation of different research methodological approaches, Findings. You are required to write an academic essay to critically analyse and evaluate different research methodological approaches applied in academic journal articles (ABS ranking 3* and above).You are expected to use relevant materials from academic journal articles (ABS ranking 3* above) in your subject area (MARKETING) to support your analysis and arguments when formulating your assignment. Your analysis, discussion and evaluation should be backed with appropriate examples where necessary.
**** Please use 3 or 4 star marketing journal from ABS 2015 list, which I typed below, as much as you can. ****4* Marketing Journals:1. Journal of Consumer Psychology
2. Journal of Consumer Research
3. Journal of Marketing
4. Journal of Marketing Research
5. Marketing Science
6. International Journal of Research in Marketing (official Journal of the European Marketing Academy)
7. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science3* Marketing Journals:1. European Journal of Marketing
2. Industrial Marketing Management
3. International Marketing Review
4. Journal of Advertising (official journal of the American Academy of Advertising)
5. Journal of Advertising Research
6. Journal of Interactive Marketing (formerly JDM)
7. Journal of International Marketing
8. Journal of Public Policy and Marketing
9. Marketing Letters
10.Marketing Theory
11.Psychology and Marketing
12.Quantitative Marketing and Economics
13.Journal of Interactive Marketing
14.Marketing Theory
15.Journal of RetailingThis assignment should be presented with 12 pt. Times New Roman Text with line spacing of 1.5.
The word limit of this part is no more than 600 words (excluding references).
Proper referencing of all ideas, concepts, theories and quotes used in your work is essential.
Understanding Marketing Research