ENG140 Introduction to WritingAssignmentEssay 1 Academic Essay (Draft 1)DescriptionAn academic essay consists of three main sections: introduction, body, and conclusion. Many of us have heard of the 5-paragraph essay: an introduction catches the readers attention, introduces the topic, and gives the thesis statement; the body consists of three paragraphs that develop or explain the argument expressed in the thesis statement through topic sentences, supporting examples/evidence, and good reasons; the conclusion closure to the argument by explaining why the argument is important, or by discussing the implications of the argument.As you draft this assignment, draw on what you learned in ENG100 or other previous coursework: develop paragraphs that are organized around a topic sentence that states one main idea, and are supported by sufficient, descriptive examples that illustrate your point. As you develop the discussion posts into an essay, focus on the connections between paragraphs. Also, for this first essay assignment, work to develop a strong introduction, an effective and well organized body, and an interesting conclusion.Assignment
Write an essay that discusses the concept you defined in the Week 2 discussion assignments. In order to expand your definition into a longer essay, you might want to consider one of the following strategies:Discuss why this new concept is important and should be used in 21st century American society.
Explain and evaluate the implications of the concept that you have defined.
Explore the causes and/or effects of the concept that you have defined for our society.
DeliverablesDraft 1 is due by the end of Week 2.
Peer Review Workshop is due by Tuesday of Week 3.
Draft 2 is due by the end of Week 3.
Assessment and GradingWriting Requirements (APA format)2-3 pages (approx. 300 words per page)
1-inch margins
Double spaced
12-point Times New Roman font
No cover page, references, or abstract needed
The grading for this assignment is credit/no credit based on completion of a full draft.
Draft 2 (due Week 3) will be graded using the Written Argument Grading Rubric.
Click the following link to see this rubric: ENG140 Rubrics.Learning Outcome(s): 2, 4, 5
2. Compose coherent, well-organized paragraphs that include effective topic sentences, sufficient and appropriate evidence, conclusions, and transitional devices.
4. Compose well-organized essays that include an introductory section, a thesis, a body comprised of coherent paragraphs, and a conclusion.
5. Develop flexible strategies for generating, revising, and editing college-level texts.