Trauma and Violence Reflection Paper
This paper consists of three sections, three pages for each section. For the first section, write a synopsis of your understanding of the potential impact that abuse, violence, and trauma can have on human beings. For the second section, reflect upon and explain how abuse, violence, and trauma have affected either your own life, the life of someone you know, or the life of someone that you have read about in the course readings. In the third section, reflect on the societal factors that you feel impact a culture of violence.
Be sure to use the APA format with the use of both course texts and outside texts as references.
Use FULL APA Style. CORRECT FORMATTING. First page must have the Running Head in the header but nowhere else, INCLUDE ABSTRACT and do NOT put any references in the abstract. Use proper and scientific language and correct grammar and syntax. Do not use casual expressions or first person in the text and make sure to use politically correct and non-offensive terminology. This is supposed to be platinum quality. DO NOT USE FIRST PERSON. Always refer to the author in third person. Use sources to relate to everything that you say. Use sources that are from the year 2000 and on. The more recent the better. Make sure all references are cited in the text.
Trauma and Violence Reflection Paper