One glance at the glitterati and you see happy faces of celebrities who are living life king-size. Beyonce is the exuberant queen of pop; Mark Zuckerberg is the social media linchpin, and Leonardo DiCaprio is churning out one blockbuster after another. They are where they want to be in life. But unfortunately, the rest of us are not in our happy place.In the humdrum of daily life, you often get caught up in petty issues and forget to focus on how to make your life better. You let go of your passions just because you dont have the time and are burdened with many responsibilities; distractions that take you far, far away from the things you love.But theres a simple solution to all your woes. In fact, 5 minutes of your time shall do the trick. Yes, the magic pill of transforming your life is a mere 5-minute habit: telling your time what to do, when to do.Simply put, creating a to-do list of your daily chores can make all the difference. Trust us; it only takes 5 minutes at the max. But it can give you the power to control your time and minimize its wastage; it can help you keep track of your goals, and above all, it can guarantee that you spend your time pursuing your passions. In short, it can transform your life for the better. Throw in a special activity or two in this list and youll see your life taking a positive turn. Heres how you can harness this lists true power:You may have a big goal coming up (like learning to play the piano or working on your dissertation), but you know its impossible to achieve that goal overnight. Heres where your list can help you in reaching that target. Each day mention an action step in your list so that you get closer and closer to the finish line. Taking baby steps will also help you learn the nitty-gritty of your aim while teaching you the immensely valuable life-lesson of patience.All through the day, you will notice that you perform certain chores that are similar to each other and can be clubbed together. So when making your timetable for the next day, keep in mind to do all those tasks simultaneously that take place at the same location. You can save plenty of time this way and the movement from one activity to the next will be much smoother. You will find yourself seamlessly transitioning from task to task if all similar activities are grouped under one category and given a single broad time slot.The stress of daily life can get to you even if youre a stoic. If youre a student, can bog you down or even the simple monotony of daily life can get to you. The solution to this is a simple 5-minute breathing exercise. Just choose a relaxing spot, sit in a yoga posture and slowly close your eyes. At first, breathe in normally; then start by inhaling and exhaling deeply and slowly. Doing this breathing exercise for just 5 minutes each day can alleviate all the stress from your body and help soothe your nerves.This is an essential part of planning your schedule. If you dont set aside time for an activity you enjoy, your whole day can seem dull, and you can suffer from lack of motivation and unnecessary stress. So when making a plan, keep a small amount of time handy for doing anything you love doing. You can start out by keeping just 5 minutes of your day reserved for this activity. Practicing this daily will have a positive impact not only your life but also on the people around you as theyll see a new and happier you.Yes, we know research shows that takes around 60 days to form a habit, but that doesnt mean its late to start. And were not even asking you to do something big like learn how to build a space rocket. Keeping it simple is the core of this list and here too, you can start small. Is your book-shelf a mess? Start by cleaning small portions of it each day till being organized becomes your habit. Do this for each and every aspect of your life and youll feel things getting much simpler.You spend most of your time trying to be interesting so that people would take notice of you. But stop a minute and ask yourself, what are you interested in? Instead of concentrating on improving your image in others eyes, try to improve yourself each day. You can do this by spending just 5 minutes of your time each day on reading up on something that caught your fancy. It can be a new term someone used in class, it can be the news or it can even be that weird looking lizard you saw in your garden the night before. Opening up yourself to your surroundings can be very enriching.This 5-minute list does not only help you plan out your day, but it also helps you to prioritize. During the creation of your schedule, ensure that youre spending adequate time on the crucial tasks. This way when you evaluate your productivity levels by analyzing your previous schedules, youll be able to see where all your time goes. If the maximum of your time is being wasted on tasks that are unimportant, take a step back and reschedule everything. Analyzing your timetable can even help you discover what your priorities are since youll be forced to dig deeper to know about the things that matter to you most each day of your life.As stressful and pressurizing as it may seem, deadlines have a significance and do not exist without a cause. A deadline is what pushes you to work extra hard to reach your target; it is what helps you discover your latent talents, and it is what makes you tackle and perform under pressure. For this reason, when you are writing down your timetable, put a time limit on each of the activities in your day. When you see youve finished your task in the specified amount of time, youll feel a certain sense of accomplishment. This will also save you from procrastination and make your more active and charged up all throughout the day.However, if you find it difficult to stay within the deadlines, you can always make use of the Pomodoro technique. The method is pretty simple, and its purpose is to help increase your focus so that you can finish your task even before the allotted deadlines.In this time management method, you set a timer for typically 25 minutes to complete the task at hand. If anything distracts you, you are supposed to write it down on a piece of paper but get have to get back to work immediately. Once youre done with one cycle of your work, you can take a look at the list of the things that distracted and take a short two-minute break before commencing your next Pomodoro cycle. After youve finished four such cycles, you can take a long 15-20 minute break to relax. This greatly helps you to concentrate and makes time management much easierWhen making your list, dont forget to add a new challenging task to it which you thought you just cant do. This can be as simple as making an omelet or as complicated as solving that math problem, youve been stuck at for days. Take small steps. Like everything else on this list, you dont have to devote more than 5 minutes of your time. In fact, on the first day, you can just practice cracking the egg right for those 5 minutes. Remember, every little step is progress.Waking up early in the morning is a dreaded task for most of us, especially for students as early morning lectures lure them into sweet trap of sleep. Show yourself some love and hit that snooze button. Sleep just five minutes extra as that can help you slowly and naturally transition from sleep mode to awake mode. Waking up with a start when the alarm rings can be disturbing for your body and can make you feel tired all day. Let your body adjust to waking up instead. This way, youll feel refreshed.Making this simple 5-minutes-to-jot-down-list a part of your daily routine can have a truly life-transforming effect in so many ways. When you have control over your time, you can see life in a new light, focusing on all about it thats genuinely important to you.Just like a list can give you control over time and help you decide what you want to do with it, too can save your time by taking the pressure of your assignments off your head. Over the years, weve helped countless students perform well in class with the help of our exceptional services.Each of the papers we produce is passed through Turnitin (reliable plagiarism software) before being delivered to you. This way you always get from us.All of are PhDs in their respective subjects, and you can be rest assured that the assignments they write for you will be of high quality.You only get the best prices in the market from us. Our rates our low but the quality of our services is high.You can call us during any hour of the day, and well be there to clear any doubts you have via phone calls, live chats or emails.We offer for all kinds of subjects. You can visit our site or call us on +66261003843 to know more
Transforming Your Life is Possible and Super-easy! All You Need Are 5 Minutes