The word tragedy is commonly used today to describe many events. Clearly describe at least one key difference between the Greek concept of tragedy and the way we use the term today. Based on your reading of the textbook, which culture (ours or the ancient Greeks) would you say the richer and deeper concept of tragedy? Why?

Assignment: a four- to six-page paper (double-spaced, 12-point, Times Roman type) discussing one of the topics below in the context of Miller’s Death of a Salesman, Shakespeare’s Hamlet, and Boyle’s The Tortilla Curtain (please note: you must make reference to all three primary texts):The Outcomes for the Feminine. Tragedies tend to focus on male figures, their particular flaws, and their consequent downward spiral. However, their female counterparts are likewise affected. What outcomes do the women in these plays and novel experience? [Please identify the outcomes for women in these texts and use them as the organizing principle for your paper.]