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Trace the cultures we have studied from the Prehistoric era through the Protestant Reformation

Paper details

Sentence structure, neatness, correct grammar, spelling and subject accuracy count. Your paper needs to be written using MLA style, double space, typed, stapled with cover sheet which includes your name, Course plus section number.

Structure: please follow this outline chronologically

1) opening sentence of each paragraph: describe the historical setting.

2) if known, choose ONE artist or writer, composer, philosopher, architect, etc.

from this time period

3) describe how one particular work by this artist represents this style/era.

You can use the suggestions I’ve made in parentheses or you can choose your own from each era.

1) Prehistoric : Venus of Willendorf, Stonehenge, creation myths, Olmec heads

2) Mesopotamian: Code of Hammurabi, 10 Commandments, Epic of Gilgamesh

3) Egyptian: Tomb paintings, Pyramids, Book of Going forth by Day, Rosetta Stone

4) Greek : The Iliad/Odyssey, Acropolis, any of the philosophers, drama (Sophocles)

5) Roman: Aeneid, Cicero, Seneca, Colloseum, any of the Emperors

6) Chinese: Daoism (Dao de jing), Confucianism (Analects) , any of the Dynasties

7) Hinduism: Bhagavad Gita; Vedas/Upanishads; Brahman, Vishnu and Shiva;

8) Buddhism: Dhammapada; Buddhist art/architecture

9) Christianity: Christian art, Augustine’s writings, Jesus’s teachings in the Bible, Nicene Creed

10) Islam: Muhammad, the Qur’an, Islamic art, Rumi’s poetry, 1001 Nights

11) Middle Ages: Beowulf, Song of Roland, Crusades, Lancelot, Pope Innocent III, Bayeux Tapestry

12) African Culture: Sundiata

13) Renaissance Literature: Dante’s Divine Comedy, Boccaccio’s Decameron, Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales,

14) Renaissance Art: Choose from the

a) Italian Renaissance: Botticelli, Michelangelo, Leonardo, Raphael, women artists

of the Renaissance or

b) Northern Renaissance: Durer, Bosch, Gruenewald, Van Eyck,

15) Protestant Reformation: Martin Luther’s 95 Theses, Gutenberg Printing Press, any of the Reformers

End with a conclusion and explain how some of the ideas we have studied this semester have helped you understand humanity as a whole. In other words, what insights have you gained, either through class discussions, lectures, quotes or reading, which have helped you understand other cultures and perhaps even yourself?

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