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Tow Reflective Journals (x2) about the Northern Territory Intervention and all the links above

Tow Reflective Journals (x2) about the Northern Territory Intervention and all the links above

How to do the reflection:   (I will upload Gibbs template)
Using Gibbs cycle style you should go beyond the descriptive and emotional response to the issue to gain more in depth understanding why and what I know about this, do
Is there any evidence based supporting my position and if there is one, does it will help me as a health professional and how?

*Critical Reflective Journals:

•    For each Reflective Journal (tied to Gibbs Reflective cycle in parenthesis) :

o    Briefly demonstrate to your reader that you have engaged  and understood the content of both texts. Link the text with the noted issues in the reflective journal assessments (Description).
o    The word-count for each reflective journal is only 300 words, and, therefore, it doesn’t allow you to critically reflect on the entire content.  There will be something in the readings and related issues that you will respond/react more strongly to than other information – focus only the issue you reacted to most strongly (Feelings).
o    Ask yourself –  Why did you respond so strongly to this issue? (Evaluate)
o    As yourself questions, such as: Did I learn something new/ What was helpful about the readings/what evidence is there to allow me to gain deeper understanding of the issues?  (Analysis)
o    Did you arrive at a different conclusion after your analysis of the issues (and yourself)? (Conclusion)
o    In gaining further understanding of the issues, how will this inform your professional practice? (Action)
o    Remember to reference your texts correctly – please refer to your APA 6th Ed. Referencing Guidelines.

Critical reflective practice enables you to view topics in a wider, more holistic manner and asks you to question the power relationships broadly that exist within society and specifically between groups which may be reflected in disparities of health outcomes. •

Northern Territory Intervention information

The tow Reflective Journals Entry refers to the Northern Territory Intervention (NTI) and asks you to analyse its impact (positive and/or negative) on the Aboriginal communities.
Listed below are links which are relevant to this topic and should assist you when writing your reflections.
The Northern Territory Intervention (also referred to as the Northern Territory Emergency Response)
The Report which initiated the NTI by the Federal Government:

Ampe Akelyernemane Meke Mekarle “Little Children are Sacred” – Report of the Northern Territory Board of Inquiry into the Protection of Aboriginal Children from Sexual Abuse (2007 – dated April 30, 2007) Note the 97 recommendations pp22-33:

The Federal Government Response:
Download the Commonwealth Government’s Northern Territory National Emergency Response Act 2007 document from:

The many voices that responded to the NTI proposal and action:
(you have to check all the links below to give you clear view)

1.    Australian Human Rights Commission – Social Justice Report 2007 – Chapter 3: The Northern Territory ‘Emergency Response’ intervention:
a.    https://www.humanrights.gov.au/publications/social-justice-report-2007-chapter-3-northern-territory-emergency-response-intervention
2.    Australians Together “The Intervention”:
a.    http://www.australianstogether.org.au/stories/detail/the-intervention
3.    Professor Marcia Langton opinion piece (2007) in response to the Commonwealth Government’s NTI + Marcia Langton & Clare Martin (2008) debate the NT Intervention (published 2013 – YouTube):
a.    http://www.smh.com.au/news/opinion/its-time-to-stop-playing-politics-with-vulnerable-lives/2007/11/29/1196037070452.html?page=fullpage#contentSwap1
b.    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UU_qU9siRNA
4.    The Australian Indigenous Doctors’ Association (2007) “Indigenous doctors demand real and long term results in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander kids’ health”
a.    http://aboriginalhealth.flinders.edu.au/Newsletters/2007/Downloads/NT_Measures.pdf
5.    Larissa Behrendt (2009) “Stop this Intervention”
a.    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c1Vw4Qo47Oo
6.    Professor Marcia Langton comments (2012) on NT Intervention Senate Enquiry findings:
a.    http://newsroom.melbourne.edu/studio/ep-142
7.    Professor Fiona Stanley (2008)  Transcript of Interview with ABC
a.    http://www.abc.net.au/lateline/content/2008/s2412724.htm
Community members talk about the NTI experiences
8.    June Mills explains the impact of the NTI on her community and people (2008)
a.    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lK8pweQN6Ls
9.    Bess Price, Chair of the Northern Territory’s Indigenous Affairs Advisory Council interview with the ABC (2011)
a.    http://www.abc.net.au/7.30/content/2011/s3201843.htm
10.    Link to Stop the NT Intervention (2011) – Elders’ Statement:
1.    http://www.respectandlisten.org/uploads/downloads/NT_Intervention/Stronger-Futures/Yolngu-Nations-Assembly-Statement.pdf
2.    http://nationalcongress.com.au/wp01-content/uploads/2011/10/CongressStatementNTER.pdf

Referencing – specific elements

To cite and reference multiple chapters of a single book by the same author/s, no differentiation is required.
For example (in the case of your Part B reflective journal submission):

Eckermann et al., (2010) should be used for any in text citation, regardless of the chapter you are referencing.

In terms of end-of-text reference lists, be sure that your reference list includes (but is not necessarily limited to) the following required sources:

Coffin, J. (2007). Rising to the challenge in Aboriginal health by creating cultural security. Aboriginal and Islander Health Worker Journal, 31(3), 22.
Durey, A. (2010). Reducing racism in Aboriginal health care in Australia: where does cultural education fit?. Australian and New Zealand journal of public health, 34(s1), S87-S92.
Eckermann, A., Dowd, T., Chong, E., Nixon, L., Gray, R., & Johnson, S. (2010). Binan Goonj. Bridging cultures in Aboriginal health.
Nelly, R. (Presenter) (2012) Health Story: An Interprofessional Case Study, Indigenous Cultures and Health Unit, Curtin University. ”

Part 2

You have to write 1000 word summary

Summary/Case Study: about Russell’s Nelly story

(this story will be uploaded to you)

Sources you must search and read them to do the summary:

2) Binan Goonj : Bridging Cultures in Aboriginal Health (3rd Edition)  (chapter 4 and 7)

Tips to help:

don’t forget you are still being asked to critically reflect in your Summary:

•    You are asked to listen and observe Russell Nelly – the reading which supports this is (chapter7) the last chapter of the book on the topic of Empowerment and this information will assist you in recognising what empowers you as much as empowerment for Aboriginal people.
•    Try to ‘wear 2 hats’ while you listen to Russell –  listen as a member of your general community and also as a future health professional.
While you listen to him, can you pick up on key issues you have covered throughout the last 10 weeks?  For example, the concept of *identity and Russell’s experiences – as a baby, as a little boy, as a youth and as an adult? Identity changes over time; in the obvious such as from baby to maturation to the not so obvious, i.e. in response to the external environment (remember the Chapter 4 on Cultural Vitality?) The external environment may include, but is not limited to: laws, social capital, cultural-gender, history
*Identity is something that all of you can relate to!

•    Russell’s experiences are the lived experience of the Stolen Generations – how has this impacted his health? (understand the holistic term)
•    With your personal hat on, have any of the experiences that Russell shares with you have any link to your own experiences – yes/no?  why?
•    What is important to him? What is important to you?
•    Can you use this knowledge to help you as a health practitioner (remember to let your reader know what you are studying) and how?
You have been asked to use references – this is critical so that your observations & considerations are supported by evidence which links those issues in Russell’s story to how these have had a direct impact on his health and well-being.
The files and links available, should be sufficient for you to gain this deeper knowledge.

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Tow Reflective Journals (x2) about the Northern Territory Intervention and all the links above

Tow Reflective Journals (x2) about the Northern Territory Intervention and all the links above

How to do the reflection:   (I will upload Gibbs template)
Using Gibbs cycle style you should go beyond the descriptive and emotional response to the issue to gain more in depth understanding why and what I know about this, do
Is there any evidence based supporting my position and if there is one, does it will help me as a health professional and how?

*Critical Reflective Journals:

•    For each Reflective Journal (tied to Gibbs Reflective cycle in parenthesis) :

o    Briefly demonstrate to your reader that you have engaged  and understood the content of both texts. Link the text with the noted issues in the reflective journal assessments (Description).
o    The word-count for each reflective journal is only 300 words, and, therefore, it doesn’t allow you to critically reflect on the entire content.  There will be something in the readings and related issues that you will respond/react more strongly to than other information – focus only the issue you reacted to most strongly (Feelings).
o    Ask yourself –  Why did you respond so strongly to this issue? (Evaluate)
o    As yourself questions, such as: Did I learn something new/ What was helpful about the readings/what evidence is there to allow me to gain deeper understanding of the issues?  (Analysis)
o    Did you arrive at a different conclusion after your analysis of the issues (and yourself)? (Conclusion)
o    In gaining further understanding of the issues, how will this inform your professional practice? (Action)
o    Remember to reference your texts correctly – please refer to your APA 6th Ed. Referencing Guidelines.

Critical reflective practice enables you to view topics in a wider, more holistic manner and asks you to question the power relationships broadly that exist within society and specifically between groups which may be reflected in disparities of health outcomes. •

Northern Territory Intervention information

The tow Reflective Journals Entry refers to the Northern Territory Intervention (NTI) and asks you to analyse its impact (positive and/or negative) on the Aboriginal communities.
Listed below are links which are relevant to this topic and should assist you when writing your reflections.
The Northern Territory Intervention (also referred to as the Northern Territory Emergency Response)
The Report which initiated the NTI by the Federal Government:

Ampe Akelyernemane Meke Mekarle “Little Children are Sacred” – Report of the Northern Territory Board of Inquiry into the Protection of Aboriginal Children from Sexual Abuse (2007 – dated April 30, 2007) Note the 97 recommendations pp22-33:

The Federal Government Response:
Download the Commonwealth Government’s Northern Territory National Emergency Response Act 2007 document from:

The many voices that responded to the NTI proposal and action:
(you have to check all the links below to give you clear view)

1.    Australian Human Rights Commission – Social Justice Report 2007 – Chapter 3: The Northern Territory ‘Emergency Response’ intervention:
a.    https://www.humanrights.gov.au/publications/social-justice-report-2007-chapter-3-northern-territory-emergency-response-intervention
2.    Australians Together “The Intervention”:
a.    http://www.australianstogether.org.au/stories/detail/the-intervention
3.    Professor Marcia Langton opinion piece (2007) in response to the Commonwealth Government’s NTI + Marcia Langton & Clare Martin (2008) debate the NT Intervention (published 2013 – YouTube):
a.    http://www.smh.com.au/news/opinion/its-time-to-stop-playing-politics-with-vulnerable-lives/2007/11/29/1196037070452.html?page=fullpage#contentSwap1
b.    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UU_qU9siRNA
4.    The Australian Indigenous Doctors’ Association (2007) “Indigenous doctors demand real and long term results in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander kids’ health”
a.    http://aboriginalhealth.flinders.edu.au/Newsletters/2007/Downloads/NT_Measures.pdf
5.    Larissa Behrendt (2009) “Stop this Intervention”
a.    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c1Vw4Qo47Oo
6.    Professor Marcia Langton comments (2012) on NT Intervention Senate Enquiry findings:
a.    http://newsroom.melbourne.edu/studio/ep-142
7.    Professor Fiona Stanley (2008)  Transcript of Interview with ABC
a.    http://www.abc.net.au/lateline/content/2008/s2412724.htm
Community members talk about the NTI experiences
8.    June Mills explains the impact of the NTI on her community and people (2008)
a.    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lK8pweQN6Ls
9.    Bess Price, Chair of the Northern Territory’s Indigenous Affairs Advisory Council interview with the ABC (2011)
a.    http://www.abc.net.au/7.30/content/2011/s3201843.htm
10.    Link to Stop the NT Intervention (2011) – Elders’ Statement:
1.    http://www.respectandlisten.org/uploads/downloads/NT_Intervention/Stronger-Futures/Yolngu-Nations-Assembly-Statement.pdf
2.    http://nationalcongress.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/CongressStatementNTER.pdf

Referencing – specific elements

To cite and reference multiple chapters of a single book by the same author/s, no differentiation is required.
For example (in the case of your Part B reflective journal submission):

Eckermann et al., (2010) should be used for any in text citation, regardless of the chapter you are referencing.

In terms of end-of-text reference lists, be sure that your reference list includes (but is not necessarily limited to) the following required sources:

Coffin, J. (2007). Rising to the challenge in Aboriginal health by creating cultural security. Aboriginal and Islander Health Worker Journal, 31(3), 22.
Durey, A. (2010). Reducing racism in Aboriginal health care in Australia: where does cultural education fit?. Australian and New Zealand journal of public health, 34(s1), S87-S92.
Eckermann, A., Dowd, T., Chong, E., Nixon, L., Gray, R., & Johnson, S. (2010). Binan Goonj. Bridging cultures in Aboriginal health.
Nelly, R. (Presenter) (2012) Health Story: An Interprofessional Case Study, Indigenous Cultures and Health Unit, Curtin University. ”

Part 2

You have to write 1000 word summary

Summary/Case Study: about Russell’s Nelly story

(this story will be uploaded to you)

Sources you must search and read them to do the summary:

2) Binan Goonj : Bridging Cultures in Aboriginal Health (3rd Edition)  (chapter 4 and 7)

Tips to help:

don’t forget you are still being asked to critically reflect in your Summary:

•    You are asked to listen and observe Russell Nelly – the reading which supports this is (chapter7) the last chapter of the book on the topic of Empowerment and this information will assist you in recognising what empowers you as much as empowerment for Aboriginal people.
•    Try to ‘wear 2 hats’ while you listen to Russell –  listen as a member of your general community and also as a future health professional.
While you listen to him, can you pick up on key issues you have covered throughout the last 10 weeks?  For example, the concept of *identity and Russell’s experiences – as a baby, as a little boy, as a youth and as an adult? Identity changes over time; in the obvious such as from baby to maturation to the not so obvious, i.e. in response to the external environment (remember the Chapter 4 on Cultural Vitality?) The external environment may include, but is not limited to: laws, social capital, cultural-gender, history
*Identity is something that all of you can relate to!

•    Russell’s experiences are the lived experience of the Stolen Generations – how has this impacted his health? (understand the holistic term)
•    With your personal hat on, have any of the experiences that Russell shares with you have any link to your own experiences – yes/no?  why?
•    What is important to him? What is important to you?
•    Can you use this knowledge to help you as a health practitioner (remember to let your reader know what you are studying) and how?
You have been asked to use references – this is critical so that your observations & considerations are supported by evidence which links those issues in Russell’s story to how these have had a direct impact on his health and well-being.
The files and links available, should be sufficient for you to gain this deeper knowledge.

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