TORTS ESSAYGayle is 16-years-old and attends high school in School District. One day, Gayle skipped school and drove to the house of an adult friend, Frances. Frances had graduated the year before from School District and was packing up to move away for college. Gayle had promised Frances that, for $10, she would help her move some paintings.Arriving at Frances house, Gayle carelessly parked her car several feet from the curb and entered the house. She came out later, carrying paintings to her car. As Gayle was walking to her car, Frances saw the school principal, Paula, coming down the street in her black tesla. Frances caught sight of the principals car and told Gayle, ouick, move your car into the garage so Principal Paula doesnt see you.Gayle jumped into her car just as Paula was walking towards it. Suddenly thout looking Gayle swung her car toward the curb, hitting and severely injuring Paula.1. Under what theory /heories, if any, might Paula bring an action for damages against Gayle and how is she likely to fare? Discuss.
Posted on October 1, 2016Author slickwriterLeave a comment on TORTS ESSAY!
PostsPROCEED TO ORDERI need a writer who can read my short Discussion. Then respond to my professor post and 2 classmates.Prof post= 100 words
Student 1= 100 words
Student 2= 100 wordsTotal= 300 words and they should be seperate.
TORTS ESSAY Gayle is 16-years-old and attends high school in School District.