You need to address the brief below – creating a creative campaign plan to address the requirements laid out in the brief.
In your team: You need to produce an industry standard presentation co-developed by you all which will be presented to industry professionals and tutors.
(Please refer to an example of a previous submission made by students, in response to a Werther’s Original (Sweets / Candy) brief – deposited in the Guided Learning section of your Breo site.
The format will be a PowerPoint slide (or Prezi / Apple etc.) presentation.
You will need content for a 30 minute presentation. ALL group members need to present, and be prepared to answer questions posed by the ‘clients’ for 10-15 minutes following your presentation.
Weighting – personal contribution (10%)
Individually: 1. An individual report on proposed improvements to the presentation, based on feedback given to you by the unit teaching team (this will of course, incorporate comments feedback from industry colleagues attending your presentation) Word Guide: 1000 words. Weighting – (30%)
2.An individual reflection on the process up to and including the presentation. Word Guide: 500 words. Weighting – (10%)
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Posted on May 12, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions
Topical marketing practice Academic Essay