Order Description
Respond to the following topic in an argumentative, analytical essay of approximately five pages in length, typed, double-spaced, that also adheres to the other formal conventions of the college essay.
You work for a music catalogue company, and your company has been approached by a filmmaker who has made a film set in the Age of Romanticism, that deals with major themes of Romanticism, but she would like a contemporary song for a key moment in the film. Your task is to pick a song released in the last ten years (2006-2016), and comparing it to at least one of the Romantic poems you covered in your English 2850 course at Baruch, at one of the Friday division meetings you will present your case for why that contemporary song would be an excellent choice. Create a viable argument by presenting a rationale for your stance, and apply evidence from the song and poem (or poems) to support your argument.
Topic: . Your task is to pick a song released in the last ten years (2006-2016), and comparing it to at least one of the Romantic poems you covered in your English 2850 course at Baruch, at one of the Friday division meetings you will present the case why that

Topic: . Your task is to pick a song released in the last ten years (2006-2016), and comparing it to at least one of the Romantic poems you covered in your English 2850 course at Baruch, at one of the Friday division meetings you will present the case why that

Order Description
Respond to the following topic in an argumentative, analytical essay of approximately five pages in length, typed, double-spaced, that also adheres to the other formal conventions of the college essay.
You work for a music catalogue company, and your company has been approached by a filmmaker who has made a film set in the Age of Romanticism, that deals with major themes of Romanticism, but she would like a contemporary song for a key moment in the film. Your task is to pick a song released in the last ten years (2006-2016), and comparing it to at least one of the Romantic poems you covered in your English 2850 course at Baruch, at one of the Friday division meetings you will present your case for why that contemporary song would be an excellent choice. Create a viable argument by presenting a rationale for your stance, and apply evidence from the song and poem (or poems) to support your argument.
Topic: . Your task is to pick a song released in the last ten years (2006-2016), and comparing it to at least one of the Romantic poems you covered in your English 2850 course at Baruch, at one of the Friday division meetings you will present the case why that

Order Description
Respond to the following topic in an argumentative, analytical essay of approximately five pages in length, typed, double-spaced, that also adheres to the other formal conventions of the college essay.
You work for a music catalogue company, and your company has been approached by a filmmaker who has made a film set in the Age of Romanticism, that deals with major themes of Romanticism, but she would like a contemporary song for a key moment in the film. Your task is to pick a song released in the last ten years (2006-2016), and comparing it to at least one of the Romantic poems you covered in your English 2850 course at Baruch, at one of the Friday division meetings you will present your case for why that contemporary song would be an excellent choice. Create a viable argument by presenting a rationale for your stance, and apply evidence from the song and poem (or poems) to support your argument.