Order Description
Book is Huckleberry Finn and the topic is Chapter 31 turning point. Must use at least 3 quotes from Huck Finn.Quotes correctly and with a work cited page. And use at least three or four of the following types of defining methods: description, example, compare/contrast, cause effect, synonym, narrative, negation.
Topic: The adventures of Huckleberry Finn

Topic: The adventures of Huckleberry Finn

Order Description
Book is Huckleberry Finn and the topic is Chapter 31 turning point. Must use at least 3 quotes from Huck Finn.Quotes correctly and with a work cited page. And use at least three or four of the following types of defining methods: description, example, compare/contrast, cause effect, synonym, narrative, negation.
Topic: The adventures of Huckleberry Finn

Order Description
Book is Huckleberry Finn and the topic is Chapter 31 turning point. Must use at least 3 quotes from Huck Finn.Quotes correctly and with a work cited page. And use at least three or four of the following types of defining methods: description, example, compare/contrast, cause effect, synonym, narrative, negation.