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I will be away in a refugee camp for 3 weeks for a field research and to help me through my dissertation. I will also have interviews from the families/children. More details on my topic is below.
(its very important for the writer to contact me directly if he/she has a question about the topic or if anything is unclear)
Global social change research essay. An introduction preparatory to methodology/pre-methodology thesis.
Refugees identity/the feeling of belonging topic, why is ethnography the best method to use when writing about this specific topic.
– how will you use ethnography to talk about refugees identity and belonging, what does home mean to people?
– Research question, specific
– Why using the method of research for the topic above (ethnography in this case)
– critical discussion
– What I did so far (bulk of what I did so far, problems, limitations, ethics ( I researched for questions, refugee camps worldwide, how children could be vulnerable, tight schedule, adapting with the environment over there, having a strong relationship with the families/children in a very short period of time, keeping track of time and having everything done in a short period of time, trying to gather all possible information that will help me when I come back to the UK, and more possible problems that you can think of )
– Discussion part will include general research problem
– Anonymize the research question
– write about the method critically
– strengths and weaknesses
– using examples of ethnography to support the essay (what other scholars did but of course no plagiarism only paraphrasing 2 to three examples)
– this is a preparatory introduction to methodology and not a research proposal, an essay, or a theory essay
– the logic behind binary
– why ethnography would be suitable for this kind of a research
– no conclusion, call it discussion instead
– what kind of reading is embedded for this kind of a thesis (getting prepared for the dissertation)
– talk about the method
– general question for the dissertation