Order Description
Instructions: The evaluation of the final paper will be based on the extent to which you critically synthesize readings and concepts from the course into a paper that is thoughtful, clearly written, and logically organized. You need to demonstrate knowledge of your selected topic (organizational culture and change), and demonstrate a capacity for theoretical analysis, synthesis, and judgement appropriate to graduate academic work.
Use this to format the paper:
Evaluation criteria based on graduate level standards includes:
1)an organized academic paper
2)a clear statement of purpose
3)a rationale for choosing the topic
4)a logical argument that develops at least 3 meaningful points 5)cohesive development of ideas that have depth and that are supported with sources
6)critical reflection on, and connections between, research, theory, and practice
7)evidence of analysis and synthesis of key concepts
The topic is organizational culture and change
I will attach 7 articles that where from the course readings
2 are from the topic organizational culture and change
the rest are on leadership and organizational change sustainable change and response to change. you can use them to help tie into organizational culture and change. you will only need to find 3 more reference. A total of 10 is required but i am attaching 7. Please follow the structure and proper referencing along with backing each point. Sorry for the long instructions