Topic: Critically analyse the value of operational management for sport facility managersPaper details:
Hong Kong Sport facility and operational management Please under the following criteria: Content: Demonstation of overall knowledge of the operational management of sport facilities. Identifies and discusses key issues concerning the use of technology in relation to operational management of sport facilities. Discussion of the use of technology in at least two aspects of operational management. Critical Analysis: An appropriate level of analysis and evaluation, integrating two different aspects of operational management to the discussion and linking them back to the use of technology for monitoring and evaluation purposes. Integration of pertinent literature: Utilises relevant literature from a variety of sources. Application of theory to practice: Demonstrates and ability to relate theory and practice through the use of contemporary sport facility examples Paper Structure: Table of Contents -Introduction -Overview of operational management -Importance of measuring facility performance as part of operational management -use of technology at sports facilities -Critical evaluation of the use of technology to monitor and evaluate at least two aspects of operational management at sport facilities. Choose at least two from: 1) Contract management 2) Data management 3) Risk management 4) Customer Service ( Please choose Risk management and Customer service in the essay ) -Conclusion -List of references ( at least 12 reference should be listed from a range of sources ) -Appendix The material that I provided just a simple example of what I did in the previous assessment, and some of references in my text book.
Topic: Critically analyse the value of operational management for sport facility managers

Topic: Critically analyse the value of operational management for sport facility managers

Topic: Critically analyse the value of operational management for sport facility managers
Paper details:
Hong Kong Sport facility and operational management Please under the following criteria: Content: Demonstation of overall knowledge of the operational management of sport facilities. Identifies and discusses key issues concerning the use of technology in relation to operational management of sport facilities. Discussion of the use of technology in at least two aspects of operational management. Critical Analysis: An appropriate level of analysis and evaluation, integrating two different aspects of operational management to the discussion and linking them back to the use of technology for monitoring and evaluation purposes. Integration of pertinent literature: Utilises relevant literature from a variety of sources. Application of theory to practice: Demonstrates and ability to relate theory and practice through the use of contemporary sport facility examples Paper Structure: – Table of Contents -Introduction -Overview of operational management -Importance of measuring facility performance as part of operational management -use of technology at sports facilities -Critical evaluation of the use of technology to monitor and evaluate at least two aspects of operational management at sport facilities. Choose at least two from: 1) Contract management 2) Data management 3) Risk management 4) Customer Service ( Please choose Risk management and Customer service in the essay ) -Conclusion -List of references ( at least 12 reference should be listed from a range of sources ) -Appendix The material that I provided just a simple example of what I did in the previous assessment, and some of references in my text book.
Topic: Critically analyse the value of operational management for sport facility managers

Topic: Critically analyse the value of operational management for sport facility managers
Paper details:
Hong Kong Sport facility and operational management Please under the following criteria: Content: Demonstation of overall knowledge of the operational management of sport facilities. Identifies and discusses key issues concerning the use of technology in relation to operational management of sport facilities. Discussion of the use of technology in at least two aspects of operational management. Critical Analysis: An appropriate level of analysis and evaluation, integrating two different aspects of operational management to the discussion and linking them back to the use of technology for monitoring and evaluation purposes. Integration of pertinent literature: Utilises relevant literature from a variety of sources. Application of theory to practice: Demonstrates and ability to relate theory and practice through the use of contemporary sport facility examples Paper Structure: – Table of Contents -Introduction -Overview of operational management -Importance of measuring facility performance as part of operational management -use of technology at sports facilities -Critical evaluation of the use of technology to monitor and evaluate at least two aspects of operational management at sport facilities. Choose at least two from: 1) Contract management 2) Data management 3) Risk management 4) Customer Service ( Please choose Risk management and Customer service in the essay ) -Conclusion -List of references ( at least 12 reference should be listed from a range of sources ) -Appendix The material that I provided just a simple example of what I did in the previous assessment, and some of references in my text book.