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Topic: Critically analyse the constructivism learning theory and relate it to values, beliefs and contexts.

Order Description
Assessment overview

An understanding of learning theories is essential for teachers as it will ensure teaching practice is always underpinned by sound theoretical principles.

In this assessment, you will place yourself in the position of a teacher presenting information on a key learning theory to your professional colleagues (i.e. fellow teachers) by way of a video presentation. This presentation will allow you to demonstrate your understanding of the features, strengths and limitations of this theory, as well as how it relates to your own values and beliefs. It will also allow you to develop the presentation skills that are required for a classroom teacher.

This task is assessing your ability to demonstrate that you meet the criteria for the following unit learning outcomes:

Critically analyse key learning theories and relate them to values, beliefs and contexts.

Assessment details

Begin by selecting one of the three learning theories covered in Module 1 of this unit:

Constructivism.> I have selected this learning theory.
Your presentation must include:

an introduction which provides an overview of the material within the presentation
a critical analysis of the theory, incorporating:
an outline of the major features of the theory
an explanation of the strengths and limitations of the theory – supported by evidence from relevant literature.
a description of how this theory relates to your personal values and beliefs regarding effective teaching. Provide examples from your own experience of schooling to help explain how well you believe the theory describes the process of learning. You may also like to bring in an alternate theory that you feel is more appropriate
A conclusion which sums up the content of the presentation.

Any resources referred to in your presentation must be included in a separate reference list document, appropriately formatted in APA style.

In addition to the content of our presentation, you will also be assessed on the quality of your presentation. Remember you are playing the role of a professional educator addressing an audience of peers. All information must be presented in a way that demonstrates a level of professionalism and addresses the needs of your audience. Your speaking voice, use of support resources and visual presentation (including your physical posture, non-verbal communication and clothing choices) are all important considerations.
Preparing your presentation

The learning materials in Module 1 (Weeks 2-5) have been specifically designed to provide the information you need to complete your presentation:

Week 2: Thinking about learning – introduces some of the key concepts related to learning, as well as a number of useful tools (taxonomies of learning) that can be used to analyse different types of learning
Week 3: Behaviourism, Week 4: Cognitivism and Week 5: Constructivism – describe the three key learning theories that will provide the basis for your presentation.

Within each of these weeks, you will also find a range of resources that will help you develop the key skills required to complete this assessment, including how to find and reference supporting resources and how to prepare and deliver an oral presentation.

You are strongly advised to engage with all resources provided in these weeks and, especially, to participate in the collaborative activities as these will help you to build your understanding of the key concepts and theories related to the presentation and to practice and develop your presentation skills.

Your work will be assessed using the following marking guide:
Grade Descriptor
Pass [P 50-59%]

All aspects of the task have been completed, and the requirements of all criteria have been met at a satisfactory level. All work is original, except where the works of others have been integrated and referenced according to APA conventions.
The presentation follows an intelligible structure incorporating an introduction, body and conclusion.
The presentation includes a critical analysis which outlines the primary features and major benefits and limitations of the chosen theory.
There is some explanation of the relationship between the chosen theory and the speaker’s personal beliefs and values regarding effective teaching.
There is evidence of the use of scholarly material to support arguments. Works cited are consistent with APA conventions.
Conventions and features of spoken English are adhered to. The presentation is clearly enunciated and appropriately paced. Emphasis and intonation are used effectively and word choice, pace, and inflection do not detract substantially from the communication of ideas.
Visual and non-verbal communication (e.g. eye contact, body language) are features of the presentation and generally work to add value and depth.
The presenter demonstrates a professional attitude in the way they are dressed.
A reference list is included, formatted in APA style.

Credit [C 60-69%]

To be awarded a Credit, the work must fulfil all of the requirements of the Pass level, but with more sophistication.
The critical analysis demonstrates a well-developed understanding of the chosen theory, its key elements, strengths and weaknesses.
The explanation of the relationship between the chosen theory and the speaker’s personal beliefs and values regarding effective teaching is clearly articulated and makes meaningful use of examples.
A range of relevant scholarly material is cited in APA format.
The presentation is lively and engaging, the language and detail appropriate to the audience, and it fulfils its purpose as a presentation. Meaning is effectively communicated without the need for superfluous words, phrases and/or sentences.
The use of a hook to open the presentation and a take-home message to conclude it.
The visual and non-verbal communication elements (e.g. eye contact, body language, use of visuals as appropriate) are integrated effectively into the presentation and add value, depth and clarity.

Distinction [D 70-79%]

To be awarded a Distinction, the work must meet all the requirements of the Credit level, but with more insightful analysis, critical evaluation, capacity to engage an audience, and competence in written communication.
The critical analysis demonstrates depth of thought through the clarity, precision and accuracy of the description and critique of the chosen learning theory.
The explanation of the relationship between the chosen theory and the speaker’s personal beliefs and values regarding effective teaching demonstrates insight and confidence.
Effective and appropriate non-verbal communication which does not distract from the presentation. The listener feels both included in the presentation and part of an audience, but does not feel talked down to or nervous/anxious for the presenter. Sophisticated use of visuals to illustrate key concepts for the audience.
Highly developed competence with spoken language to express meaning and communicate ideas.
Effective use of an engaging and appropriate hook which attracts the listener’s attention as well as a succinct and logical take-home message to encourage reflection and thought in the listener. The presenter grabs the audience with his/her introduction to ensure there are no “down periods” in the overall presentation.

High Distinction [HD 80-100%]

To be awarded a High Distinction, the work must meet all the requirements of the Distinction standard, outlined above, and then must go beyond that.
A high degree of insight and critical understanding of the chosen theory and its relationship to the speaker’s values regarding effective teaching, incorporating the following characteristics of critical thinking: depth, breadth, accuracy, precision, fair-mindedness and consideration of assumptions.
A highly sophisticated and unwavering understanding of the purpose and content of the presentation’s focus and topic.
The consistent use of precise, accurate and engaging language.
A highly polished presentation that takes the listener’s likely reactions or thoughts into account. A clever hook and take-home message are employed to great effect.
The reference list shows evidence of extensive reading and is accurately put together.



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Topic: Critically analyse the constructivism learning theory and relate it to values, beliefs and contexts.

Order Description
Assessment overview

An understanding of learning theories is essential for teachers as it will ensure teaching practice is always underpinned by sound theoretical principles.

In this assessment, you will place yourself in the position of a teacher presenting information on a key learning theory to your professional colleagues (i.e. fellow teachers) by way of a video presentation. This presentation will allow you to demonstrate your understanding of the features, strengths and limitations of this theory, as well as how it relates to your own values and beliefs. It will also allow you to develop the presentation skills that are required for a classroom teacher.

This task is assessing your ability to demonstrate that you meet the criteria for the following unit learning outcomes:

Critically analyse key learning theories and relate them to values, beliefs and contexts.

Assessment details

Begin by selecting one of the three learning theories covered in Module 1 of this unit:

Constructivism.> I have selected this learning theory.
Your presentation must include:

an introduction which provides an overview of the material within the presentation
a critical analysis of the theory, incorporating:
an outline of the major features of the theory
an explanation of the strengths and limitations of the theory – supported by evidence from relevant literature.
a description of how this theory relates to your personal values and beliefs regarding effective teaching. Provide examples from your own experience of schooling to help explain how well you believe the theory describes the process of learning. You may also like to bring in an alternate theory that you feel is more appropriate
A conclusion which sums up the content of the presentation.

Any resources referred to in your presentation must be included in a separate reference list document, appropriately formatted in APA style.

In addition to the content of our presentation, you will also be assessed on the quality of your presentation. Remember you are playing the role of a professional educator addressing an audience of peers. All information must be presented in a way that demonstrates a level of professionalism and addresses the needs of your audience. Your speaking voice, use of support resources and visual presentation (including your physical posture, non-verbal communication and clothing choices) are all important considerations.
Preparing your presentation

The learning materials in Module 1 (Weeks 2-5) have been specifically designed to provide the information you need to complete your presentation:

Week 2: Thinking about learning – introduces some of the key concepts related to learning, as well as a number of useful tools (taxonomies of learning) that can be used to analyse different types of learning
Week 3: Behaviourism, Week 4: Cognitivism and Week 5: Constructivism – describe the three key learning theories that will provide the basis for your presentation.

Within each of these weeks, you will also find a range of resources that will help you develop the key skills required to complete this assessment, including how to find and reference supporting resources and how to prepare and deliver an oral presentation.

You are strongly advised to engage with all resources provided in these weeks and, especially, to participate in the collaborative activities as these will help you to build your understanding of the key concepts and theories related to the presentation and to practice and develop your presentation skills.

Your work will be assessed using the following marking guide:
Grade Descriptor
Pass [P 50-59%]

All aspects of the task have been completed, and the requirements of all criteria have been met at a satisfactory level. All work is original, except where the works of others have been integrated and referenced according to APA conventions.
The presentation follows an intelligible structure incorporating an introduction, body and conclusion.
The presentation includes a critical analysis which outlines the primary features and major benefits and limitations of the chosen theory.
There is some explanation of the relationship between the chosen theory and the speaker’s personal beliefs and values regarding effective teaching.
There is evidence of the use of scholarly material to support arguments. Works cited are consistent with APA conventions.
Conventions and features of spoken English are adhered to. The presentation is clearly enunciated and appropriately paced. Emphasis and intonation are used effectively and word choice, pace, and inflection do not detract substantially from the communication of ideas.
Visual and non-verbal communication (e.g. eye contact, body language) are features of the presentation and generally work to add value and depth.
The presenter demonstrates a professional attitude in the way they are dressed.
A reference list is included, formatted in APA style.

Credit [C 60-69%]

To be awarded a Credit, the work must fulfil all of the requirements of the Pass level, but with more sophistication.
The critical analysis demonstrates a well-developed understanding of the chosen theory, its key elements, strengths and weaknesses.
The explanation of the relationship between the chosen theory and the speaker’s personal beliefs and values regarding effective teaching is clearly articulated and makes meaningful use of examples.
A range of relevant scholarly material is cited in APA format.
The presentation is lively and engaging, the language and detail appropriate to the audience, and it fulfils its purpose as a presentation. Meaning is effectively communicated without the need for superfluous words, phrases and/or sentences.
The use of a hook to open the presentation and a take-home message to conclude it.
The visual and non-verbal communication elements (e.g. eye contact, body language, use of visuals as appropriate) are integrated effectively into the presentation and add value, depth and clarity.

Distinction [D 70-79%]

To be awarded a Distinction, the work must meet all the requirements of the Credit level, but with more insightful analysis, critical evaluation, capacity to engage an audience, and competence in written communication.
The critical analysis demonstrates depth of thought through the clarity, precision and accuracy of the description and critique of the chosen learning theory.
The explanation of the relationship between the chosen theory and the speaker’s personal beliefs and values regarding effective teaching demonstrates insight and confidence.
Effective and appropriate non-verbal communication which does not distract from the presentation. The listener feels both included in the presentation and part of an audience, but does not feel talked down to or nervous/anxious for the presenter. Sophisticated use of visuals to illustrate key concepts for the audience.
Highly developed competence with spoken language to express meaning and communicate ideas.
Effective use of an engaging and appropriate hook which attracts the listener’s attention as well as a succinct and logical take-home message to encourage reflection and thought in the listener. The presenter grabs the audience with his/her introduction to ensure there are no “down periods” in the overall presentation.

High Distinction [HD 80-100%]

To be awarded a High Distinction, the work must meet all the requirements of the Distinction standard, outlined above, and then must go beyond that.
A high degree of insight and critical understanding of the chosen theory and its relationship to the speaker’s values regarding effective teaching, incorporating the following characteristics of critical thinking: depth, breadth, accuracy, precision, fair-mindedness and consideration of assumptions.
A highly sophisticated and unwavering understanding of the purpose and content of the presentation’s focus and topic.
The consistent use of precise, accurate and engaging language.
A highly polished presentation that takes the listener’s likely reactions or thoughts into account. A clever hook and take-home message are employed to great effect.
The reference list shows evidence of extensive reading and is accurately put together.

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Topic: Critically analyse the constructivism learning theory and relate it to values, beliefs and contexts.

Order Description
Assessment overview

An understanding of learning theories is essential for teachers as it will ensure teaching practice is always underpinned by sound theoretical principles.

In this assessment, you will place yourself in the position of a teacher presenting information on a key learning theory to your professional colleagues (i.e. fellow teachers) by way of a video presentation. This presentation will allow you to demonstrate your understanding of the features, strengths and limitations of this theory, as well as how it relates to your own values and beliefs. It will also allow you to develop the presentation skills that are required for a classroom teacher.

This task is assessing your ability to demonstrate that you meet the criteria for the following unit learning outcomes:

Critically analyse key learning theories and relate them to values, beliefs and contexts.

Assessment details

Begin by selecting one of the three learning theories covered in Module 1 of this unit:

Constructivism.> I have selected this learning theory.
Your presentation must include:

an introduction which provides an overview of the material within the presentation
a critical analysis of the theory, incorporating:
an outline of the major features of the theory
an explanation of the strengths and limitations of the theory – supported by evidence from relevant literature.
a description of how this theory relates to your personal values and beliefs regarding effective teaching. Provide examples from your own experience of schooling to help explain how well you believe the theory describes the process of learning. You may also like to bring in an alternate theory that you feel is more appropriate
A conclusion which sums up the content of the presentation.

Any resources referred to in your presentation must be included in a separate reference list document, appropriately formatted in APA style.

In addition to the content of our presentation, you will also be assessed on the quality of your presentation. Remember you are playing the role of a professional educator addressing an audience of peers. All information must be presented in a way that demonstrates a level of professionalism and addresses the needs of your audience. Your speaking voice, use of support resources and visual presentation (including your physical posture, non-verbal communication and clothing choices) are all important considerations.
Preparing your presentation

The learning materials in Module 1 (Weeks 2-5) have been specifically designed to provide the information you need to complete your presentation:

Week 2: Thinking about learning – introduces some of the key concepts related to learning, as well as a number of useful tools (taxonomies of learning) that can be used to analyse different types of learning
Week 3: Behaviourism, Week 4: Cognitivism and Week 5: Constructivism – describe the three key learning theories that will provide the basis for your presentation.

Within each of these weeks, you will also find a range of resources that will help you develop the key skills required to complete this assessment, including how to find and reference supporting resources and how to prepare and deliver an oral presentation.

You are strongly advised to engage with all resources provided in these weeks and, especially, to participate in the collaborative activities as these will help you to build your understanding of the key concepts and theories related to the presentation and to practice and develop your presentation skills.

Your work will be assessed using the following marking guide:
Grade Descriptor
Pass [P 50-59%]

All aspects of the task have been completed, and the requirements of all criteria have been met at a satisfactory level. All work is original, except where the works of others have been integrated and referenced according to APA conventions.
The presentation follows an intelligible structure incorporating an introduction, body and conclusion.
The presentation includes a critical analysis which outlines the primary features and major benefits and limitations of the chosen theory.
There is some explanation of the relationship between the chosen theory and the speaker’s personal beliefs and values regarding effective teaching.
There is evidence of the use of scholarly material to support arguments. Works cited are consistent with APA conventions.
Conventions and features of spoken English are adhered to. The presentation is clearly enunciated and appropriately paced. Emphasis and intonation are used effectively and word choice, pace, and inflection do not detract substantially from the communication of ideas.
Visual and non-verbal communication (e.g. eye contact, body language) are features of the presentation and generally work to add value and depth.
The presenter demonstrates a professional attitude in the way they are dressed.
A reference list is included, formatted in APA style.

Credit [C 60-69%]

To be awarded a Credit, the work must fulfil all of the requirements of the Pass level, but with more sophistication.
The critical analysis demonstrates a well-developed understanding of the chosen theory, its key elements, strengths and weaknesses.
The explanation of the relationship between the chosen theory and the speaker’s personal beliefs and values regarding effective teaching is clearly articulated and makes meaningful use of examples.
A range of relevant scholarly material is cited in APA format.
The presentation is lively and engaging, the language and detail appropriate to the audience, and it fulfils its purpose as a presentation. Meaning is effectively communicated without the need for superfluous words, phrases and/or sentences.
The use of a hook to open the presentation and a take-home message to conclude it.
The visual and non-verbal communication elements (e.g. eye contact, body language, use of visuals as appropriate) are integrated effectively into the presentation and add value, depth and clarity.

Distinction [D 70-79%]

To be awarded a Distinction, the work must meet all the requirements of the Credit level, but with more insightful analysis, critical evaluation, capacity to engage an audience, and competence in written communication.
The critical analysis demonstrates depth of thought through the clarity, precision and accuracy of the description and critique of the chosen learning theory.
The explanation of the relationship between the chosen theory and the speaker’s personal beliefs and values regarding effective teaching demonstrates insight and confidence.
Effective and appropriate non-verbal communication which does not distract from the presentation. The listener feels both included in the presentation and part of an audience, but does not feel talked down to or nervous/anxious for the presenter. Sophisticated use of visuals to illustrate key concepts for the audience.
Highly developed competence with spoken language to express meaning and communicate ideas.
Effective use of an engaging and appropriate hook which attracts the listener’s attention as well as a succinct and logical take-home message to encourage reflection and thought in the listener. The presenter grabs the audience with his/her introduction to ensure there are no “down periods” in the overall presentation.

High Distinction [HD 80-100%]

To be awarded a High Distinction, the work must meet all the requirements of the Distinction standard, outlined above, and then must go beyond that.
A high degree of insight and critical understanding of the chosen theory and its relationship to the speaker’s values regarding effective teaching, incorporating the following characteristics of critical thinking: depth, breadth, accuracy, precision, fair-mindedness and consideration of assumptions.
A highly sophisticated and unwavering understanding of the purpose and content of the presentation’s focus and topic.
The consistent use of precise, accurate and engaging language.
A highly polished presentation that takes the listener’s likely reactions or thoughts into account. A clever hook and take-home message are employed to great effect.
The reference list shows evidence of extensive reading and is accurately put together.

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