Order Description
It is an EDA coursework.
1500 – /+ 75 words not including reference list while the reference list should be at the end.
I need it as a report that compares the immunity of breast feeded and non-breast feeded children which has study proposal structure and literature review that contains background of previous studies with logical flow leading to my study question, introduction leads to the report hypothesis and what I want to study, method brief outline how can I measure and what I use to answer the question, predicted outcome and result
So it should contain 2 groups to make the compression which has between subject designs. It is critical to define dependent and independent variables. It has to be something knew in the design that is answered by previous studies. For example, measuring babies` immunity (be specific what has been measured in terms of immunity e.g. which kind of antibodies and give rational why it is the best measure to represent and measure the immunity) is the dependent variables to represent. It is treated as my future research that has not been done yet but I am designing the experiments depending on some previous statistics.
Topic: Comparing the immunity of breast feeded and non-breast feeded children

Topic: Comparing the immunity of breast feeded and non-breast feeded children

Order Description
It is an EDA coursework.
1500 – /+ 75 words not including reference list while the reference list should be at the end.
I need it as a report that compares the immunity of breast feeded and non-breast feeded children which has study proposal structure and literature review that contains background of previous studies with logical flow leading to my study question, introduction leads to the report hypothesis and what I want to study, method brief outline how can I measure and what I use to answer the question, predicted outcome and result
So it should contain 2 groups to make the compression which has between subject designs. It is critical to define dependent and independent variables. It has to be something knew in the design that is answered by previous studies. For example, measuring babies` immunity (be specific what has been measured in terms of immunity e.g. which kind of antibodies and give rational why it is the best measure to represent and measure the immunity) is the dependent variables to represent. It is treated as my future research that has not been done yet but I am designing the experiments depending on some previous statistics.
Topic: Comparing the immunity of breast feeded and non-breast feeded children

Order Description
It is an EDA coursework.
1500 – /+ 75 words not including reference list while the reference list should be at the end.
I need it as a report that compares the immunity of breast feeded and non-breast feeded children which has study proposal structure and literature review that contains background of previous studies with logical flow leading to my study question, introduction leads to the report hypothesis and what I want to study, method brief outline how can I measure and what I use to answer the question, predicted outcome and result
So it should contain 2 groups to make the compression which has between subject designs. It is critical to define dependent and independent variables. It has to be something knew in the design that is answered by previous studies. For example, measuring babies` immunity (be specific what has been measured in terms of immunity e.g. which kind of antibodies and give rational why it is the best measure to represent and measure the immunity) is the dependent variables to represent. It is treated as my future research that has not been done yet but I am designing the experiments depending on some previous statistics.