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Topic: compare and contrast

Order Description
Choose scenes or speeches from two of the plays we have read that seem similar in some significant way and compare and contrast them. What are the important similarities, what are the salient differences and how are those differences relevant to themes of each play. Consider the language, themes and images and how each scene or speech functions in dramatic context. Some suggestions for pairs of scenes you might consider:

A. The scenes of the clown and his pigeons in Titus Andronius 4.3 and 4.4 and the scene of old Gobbo and his doves and Lancelet Gobbo in Merchant of Venice 2.2.1-167.

b. Portia’s speech on mercy (Merchant of Venice 4.1) and Isabella’s speech on mercy (Measure for Measure 2.2)

C. The scene in which Adriana and Luciana kneel and ask justice of the Duke of Ephesus (Comedy of Errors 5.1) and the scene in which Isabella kneels and asks justice of the Duke of Vienna (Measure for Measure 5.1)

D. Aaron repenting his one good deed (Titus Andronicus 5.3) and Juliet repenting her sin (Measure for Measure 2.3) to the Duke disguised as Friar.
-Book References

Comedy of Errors, Simon & Schuster, Folger ed.

Titus Andronicus, Simon & Schuster, Folger ed.

Merchant of Venice, Simon & Schuster, Folger ed.

Measure for Measure, Simon & Schuster, Folger ed.

-12pts, Double Space, 4~5pages

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Topic: Compare and contrast

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Module 4 Case Assignment
For this assignment, you will compare/contrast the two articles on academic integrity written by Belter & Pré (2009) and Chandler & Gregory (2010). You may either look at the similarities that the two articles hold to be true with respect to their subject matter, the differences, or both.
Belter, R. W., & Pré, A. (2009). A Strategy to Reduce Plagiarism in an Undergraduate Course. Teaching of Psychology, 36(4), 257-261. doi:10.1080/00986280903173165 Retrieved from EBSCO multi-search.
Chandler, C. J., & Gregory, A. S. (2010). Sleeping with the Enemy: Wikipedia in the College Classroom. History Teacher, 43(2), 247-257. Retrieved from EBSCO multi-search.
There are several components (1-3 listed below) to include with your final paper to demonstrate that all the stages of the writing process, which have been covered in this course, have been met at one of the following levels: Excellent, Good, Average, or Poor:
1. A graphic organizer that demonstrates your brainstorming activities,
2. An outline
3. An unedited copy of your first draft, which, when compared to your final draft, shows that you did conduct the writing stages of revision, editing, and proofreading.

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Topic: Compare and contrast

Order Description
Module 4 Case Assignment
For this assignment, you will compare/contrast the two articles on academic integrity written by Belter & Pré (2009) and Chandler & Gregory (2010). You may either look at the similarities that the two articles hold to be true with respect to their subject matter, the differences, or both.
Belter, R. W., & Pré, A. (2009). A Strategy to Reduce Plagiarism in an Undergraduate Course. Teaching of Psychology, 36(4), 257-261. doi:10.1080/00986280903173165 Retrieved from EBSCO multi-search.
Chandler, C. J., & Gregory, A. S. (2010). Sleeping with the Enemy: Wikipedia in the College Classroom. History Teacher, 43(2), 247-257. Retrieved from EBSCO multi-search.
There are several components (1-3 listed below) to include with your final paper to demonstrate that all the stages of the writing process, which have been covered in this course, have been met at one of the following levels: Excellent, Good, Average, or Poor:
1. A graphic organizer that demonstrates your brainstorming activities,
2. An outline
3. An unedited copy of your first draft, which, when compared to your final draft, shows that you did conduct the writing stages of revision, editing, and proofreading.

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