Order Description
Length: Approximately 500-750 words per case in long-answer form (not point form). Word count does not include footnotes. Note that answers that do not fall within the range will be penalized.
File: .doc(x) formatting only (please no open source documents – if this is a problem contact me beforehand).
Citations: Use in text citations with the author(s) names and page number(s) from our texts( I have highlighted the author names and page numbers in the course notes. See the orange part in the course notes!!!!!). It is not necessary to include a reference page. If you choose to use outside sources please cite them in Chicago/Turabian style: http://www.press.uchicago.edu/books/turabian/turabian_citationguide.html
Topic: case study

Topic: case study

Order Description
Length: Approximately 500-750 words per case in long-answer form (not point form). Word count does not include footnotes. Note that answers that do not fall within the range will be penalized.
File: .doc(x) formatting only (please no open source documents – if this is a problem contact me beforehand).
Citations: Use in text citations with the author(s) names and page number(s) from our texts( I have highlighted the author names and page numbers in the course notes. See the orange part in the course notes!!!!!). It is not necessary to include a reference page. If you choose to use outside sources please cite them in Chicago/Turabian style: http://www.press.uchicago.edu/books/turabian/turabian_citationguide.html