Order Description
Length: Approximately 500-750 words per case in long-answer form (not point form). Word count does not include footnotes. Note that answers that do not fall within the range will be penalized.
File: .doc(x) formatting only (please no open source documents – if this is a problem contact me beforehand).
Citations: Use in text citations with the author(s) names and page number(s) from our texts( I have highlighted the author names and page numbers in the course notes. See the orange part in the course notes!!!!!). It is not necessary to include a reference page. If you choose to use outside sources please cite them in Chicago/Turabian style: http://www.press.uchicago.edu/books/turabian/turabian_citationguide.html
Topic: case study

Topic: case study

Topic: case study
Order Description
(a) Describe the principle, (b) explain how it applies in the case study situation, and (c) offer your perspective on or resolution of the dilemma. You need to rationalise your perspective using the ethical principles and practices you have researched.
Topic: case study

Topic: case study
Order Description
(a) Describe the principle, (b) explain how it applies in the case study situation, and (c) offer your perspective on or resolution of the dilemma. You need to rationalise your perspective using the ethical principles and practices you have researched.