Order Description
Writing expectations include competency in the following:
Sentence Structure
Verb Tense and Agreement
Pronoun Use
Possessive Use
Focus and Organization
Thesis Statement & Conclusion
The Case Assignment for this course will be a 2-3 page essay (excluding cover page and references). You should use a minimum of 3-4 sources in your Case Assignment.
Review the vocabulary we have built through Module
4. Write an analysis using that vocabulary to describe the culture in the video below. Examine the religious traditions and effects on the cultures of the region. Answer the question, “how did these peoples make use of the sacred space?” Do you see any connection between the use of sacred space in the video and how we define it today? Choose an Etic or Emic point of view.
BBC Pagans 4 Sacred Landscape
. Retrieved from https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x1lg4o7_bbc-pagans-4-sacredlandscape_tech (48:21)
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Must be double-spaced with 1-inch margins and typed in 12-point Times New Roman. Your Essay should have a Cover Page and Works Cited Page. Essays should be proofread for spelling and grammar mistakes. You must cite all texts used, including page numbers to avoid plagiarism. Your essay must have a thesis statement and a conclusion based upon the sources that you read. Make sure that you find evidence to back it up.