Order Description
This coursework is designed to assess learning outcome 2:
• Analyse the design, implementation and impact of high performance work organisations
With reference to the performance appraisal practical you undertook during the course, critically evaluate the appraisal as a performance management tool. Provide recommendations on how you would integrate it into a high performance work system for the Cavendish Hotel.
You must illustrate your answer with examples from your own appraisal interview and those you observed during the practical, using these observations to illustrate examples of good and poor practice.
Topic: Appraisal management report

Topic: Appraisal management report

Order Description
This coursework is designed to assess learning outcome 2:
• Analyse the design, implementation and impact of high performance work organisations
With reference to the performance appraisal practical you undertook during the course, critically evaluate the appraisal as a performance management tool. Provide recommendations on how you would integrate it into a high performance work system for the Cavendish Hotel.
You must illustrate your answer with examples from your own appraisal interview and those you observed during the practical, using these observations to illustrate examples of good and poor practice.