Time lineOrder DescriptionTime Line
Please make a time line using these dates and explain the importance of these dates. Each date should be at least 3-5 sentences detailing the importance in Colonialhistory.1492 marks a watershed in modern world history. Columbuss voyage of discovery inaugurated a series of developments that would have vast consequences for both the OldWorld and the New.
1584 Raleigh sends first expedition to America.
1607 April-First arrivals- The English first arrived at Jamestown, VA.
1620 Nov- Plymouth rock and the pilgrims.
1639- First constitution in America adopted by Connecticut.
1676- Bacons Rebellion in Virginia. King Philips War in New England.
1756 What led up to the French and Indian War and why it formally begun.
1763-French and Indian War, the ending and aftermath.
1775- American Revolution Colonists didnt want to pay higher taxes to the King. Revolted. The king wanted to raise taxes in the colonies to pay for the French andIndian war.
1778. French-American alliance. June 28. Battle of Monmouth. December 29. British take Savannah.
Time line