Early The collapse of the Bronze Age in the Near East 1200-1000 B.C. The failure of Persia to conquer the Greek city states 495-475 B.C. The Hellenistic Age 334-130 B.C. The unification of China by Qin Shihuangdi 221 B.C. Middle Constantine legalizes Christianity 321 A.D. The Fall of Rome 476 A.D. The Islamic conquests 631 A.D. The battle of the Talas River 751 A.D. Late Al Mamuns minha and the mutazilah 833 A.D. The fall of Constantinople 1453 A.D. The Discovery of the New World 1492 A.D. The publication of Luthers 95 theses 1517 A.D.
Three major turning points before 1500